
The Players






Terraform Rating

Martin Burgdorf
University of Mars
Kevin Wilson PIKES (Prevaricating Insidious, Kretinous, Egocentric Schub)
Andy York
TTT (Texas Terraform Technologies)
Point Luna
Chris Geggus GEGS (Grass Eaters Generally Suck)
Interplanetary Cinematics
Dave Hooton
Coloniae Neptunalia
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Martin Burgdorf
0 2
Kevin Wilson 8
Andy York
Chris Geggus 12
Dave Hooton

Colony Name

Colony 1

Colony 2

Colony 3

Resource Marker


Coloniae Neptunalia

Coloniae Neptunalia


5 (10M€)

(2 cards)
(2 cards) (2 cards) 2 (1 card)


(1 plant production)

(1 plant production)

(1 plant production)

2 (1 plant)


(3 floaters)

(3 floaters)

(3 floaters)

3 (1 floater)


Coloniae Neptunalia

University of Mars

(1 ocean)

4 (1 energy production)

Coloniae Neptunalia
(1 energy production) (1 energy production) 3 (3 energy)
(3 microbes)
(3 microbes) (3 microbes) 4 (3 microbes)

The numbers in the Resource Marker column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that space.  N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a card that can accept those resources is not in play.  Text in the colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit of establishing a colony there.

Generation 2

Action Phase

PIKES spends 9M€ to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 4M€.

TTT spends 10M€ for an Aquired Company, gaining 3M€ production and a card.

GEGS spends 18M€ for Titan Floating Launch-Pad, gaining 2 floaters on the card. Titan activates.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 15M€ for Atmo Collectors, gaining 2 floaters on the card.

University of Mars spends 8M€ to claim the Planner milestone, then spends 6M€ for a Media Group.

PIKES spends 23M€ on Solar Reflectors, gaining 5 heat production.

TTT spends 11M€ for a power plant, gaining 1 energy production, then spends 3 steel on a Fuel Factory, losing 1 energy production and gaining 1M€ production and 1 titanium production.

GEGS spends 1 floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Pluto, gaining 2 cards.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 1 floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 2 titanium.

University of Mars spends 1M€ for Hired Raiders, stealing 3M€ from Coloniae Neptunalia and gaining 3M€ from Media Group. He then spends 5M€ for a Mineral Deposit, gaining 5 steel and 3M€ from media Group.

PIKES passes.

TTT passes.

GEGS spends 4M€ for a Business Network, losing 1M€ production, then uses Business Network to draw a card, spending 3M€ to buy it.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 14M€ for the Asteroid standard project, raising the temperature to -26C and his TR to 22, then spends 6 titanium and 13M€ for Deimos Down, raising the temperature to -20C and his TR to 25, gaining 4 steel and 2 heat production, and removing 1 plant from University of Mars.

University of Mars spends 5 steel and 3M€ for an Immigrant City, losing 1 energy production and 2M€ production, placing the city at I8, gaining 1 titanium, 2M€ and 1M€ production, then spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 1M€.

GEGS spends 6 steel for Martian Zoo.

Coloniae Neptunalia passes.

University of Mars spends 3M€ for Hackers, reducing his energy production by 1 and Coloniae Neptunalia's M€ production by 2 and gaining 2M€ production.

GEGS passes.

University of Mars passes.

Production Phase

PIKES moves 2 energy to heat, gains 22M€, 4 steel, 2 energy, and 8 heat.

TTT gains 27M€, 3 steel, and 3 titanium.

GEGS gains 28M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia moves 1 energy to heat, gains 30M€, 1 titanium, 1 energy, and 2 heat.

University of Mars moves 1 energy to heat, gains 21M€, 1 plant, and 3 energy.

Solar Phase

All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Generation 3

Research Phase

TTT buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

GEGS buys 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

University of Mars buys 1 card, spending 3M€.

PIKES buys 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

TTT spends 1M€ for Market Manipulation, reducing Callisto's marker and increasing Luna's, then spend 3 titanium to trade with Luna, gaining 13M€. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 4M€ and PIKES gains 2M€.

GEGS spends 7M€ for Business Contacts, drawing 4 cards and keeping 2, gaining 2M€, and gaining a resource on Martian Zoo, then spends 3M€ for Heavy Taxation, gaining 4M€, 2M€ production, and another resource on Martian Zoo.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 2M€ for Psychrophiles, activating Enceladus, then spends 17M€ for a colony on Callisto, gaining 1 energy production and 1M€ production.

University of Mars spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 1M€.

PIKES spends 11M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 1 energy production and 2 titanium, then spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production and 3 heat.

TTT spends 10M€ for Refugee Camps, gaining 1 card, and then spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.

GEGS activates Business Network, drawing a card and buys it for 3M€, then spends 3M€ for an Investment Loan, losing 1M€ production but gaining 10M€, 1 resource on Martian Zoo, and 2M€ additional.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 1 floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 3 energy, then spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 6 energy.

University of Mars spends 7M€ for a Bribed Committee, increasing his TR to 22 and getting 3M€ from the Media Group.

PIKES spends 8M€ to fund the Thermalist award, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -18C and his TR to 21.

TTT spends 3 steel and 2M€ for Rover Construction.

GEGS spends 13M€ for a Lunar Beam, losing 2M€ production but gaining 2 energy and 2 heat production and gaining a resource on Martian Zoo.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 3 energy to trade with Titan, gaining 1 floater for Atmo Collectors.

University of Mars passes.

PIKES passes.

TTT spends 11M€ on a Subterranian Reservoir, placing an ocean at F2, gaining 2 cards and increasing his TR to 23.

GEGS spends 8 steel and 1M€ for an Electro Catapult, losing 1 energy production, then uses the Electro Catapult to convert 1 steel into 7M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia adds a microbe resource to Psychrophiles.

TTT spends 2 titanium and 4M€ for a Space Station.

GEGS spends 4 steel and 8M€ to play a Commercial District, losing 1 energy production, gaining 4M€ production, and placing the tile at A4 gaining 1 plant and 1 titanium.

Coloniae Neptunalia passes.

TTT passes.

GEGS activates Martian Zoo, gaining 4M€, then spends 11M€ for Nitrite Reducing Bacteria, gaining 3 resources on the card.

GEGS spends 3 resources from Nitrite Reducing Bacteria, increasing his TR to 22.

GEGS passes.

Production Phase

TTT gains 27M€, 3 steel, and 3 titanium.

GEGS gains 32M€ and 2 heat.

Coloniae Neptunalia moves 4 energy to heat, gains 31M€, 1 titanium, 2 energy, and 2 heat.

University of Mars gains 22M€, 1 plant, and 4 energy.

PIKES moves 2 energy to heat, gains 23M€, 4 steel, 2 energy, and 9 heat.

Solar Phase

All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Generation 4

Research Phase

GEGS buys 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

University of Mars buys 1 card, spending 3M€.

PIKES buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

TTT buys 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Action Phase

GEGS spends 1 floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 10M€. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 4M€ and PIKES gains 2M€. GEGS then spends 1 plant to gain 7M€ from Electro Catapult.

Coloniae Neptunalia spend 1 floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 3 energy, then spend 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 6 energy.

University of Mars spends 12M€ for Arctic Algae, gaining 1 plant, then spends 20M€ for a Mining Colony, gaining 1 titanium production and placing a colony on Europa, placing an ocean at B1, gaining 2 steel and 2 plants and increasing his TR to 23. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 1M€ production.

PIKES spends 5 steel and 1M€ for a Corporate Stronghold, reducing his energy production by 1 and increasing his M€ production by 3 and placing a city tile at A1, gaining 2 steel and 2M€. University of Mars gains 1M€ production and TTT gains 2M€.

TTT spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.

GEGS spends 23M€ for an Earth Catapult, gaining a resource on Martian Zoo and a card from Spin Off Department, then plays Virus, removing 5 plants from University of Mars and gaining 2M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 3 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 4 plants, then spends 2 titanium and 20M€ for Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid, gaining 1 plant production, 3 heat production, and 2 microbes on Psychrophiles.

University of Mars spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production and 1M€. Coloniae Neptunalia gains 1M€.

PIKES spends 5 steel and 1M€ for GHG Factories, losing 1 energy production and gaining 4 heat production.

TTT spends 3 steel and 4M€ for Noctic Farming, gaining 1M€ production and 2 plants.

GEGS spends 8M€ for Olympus Conference, gaining a resource on Olympus Conference and another one on Martian Zoo, then spends 1M€ on Search for Life, spending 1 resource on Olympus Conference to gain a card.

Coloniae Neptunalia adds a resource to Psychrophiles, then spends 4 microbes from Psychrophiles to play Nitrophilic Moss, losing 2 plants and gaining 2 plant production.

University of Mars passes.

PIKES spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 2 cards.

TTT spends 11M€ for a power plant, gaining 1 energy production.

GEGS spends 1M€ for a Search for Life, drawing a Mine (failure), then uses Business Network to draw a card and buys it for 3M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 4 steel and 3M€ for Ironworks, then spends 4 energy to use Ironworks, gaining 1 steel, increasing the oxygen level to 3% and his TR to 26.

PIKES spends 20M€ and 1 heat for a Comet, increasing the temperature to -16C and placing an ocean at H4, gaining 2 plants and increasing his TR to 23. University of Mars gains 2 plants from Arctic Algae and Coloniae Neptunalia loses 2 plants. PIKES then spends 4 steel and 16 heat for a Domed Crater, placing a city tile at G3, gaining 1 steel, 4M€, 3 plants, and 3M€ production and losing 1 energy production. University of Mars gains 1M€ production and TTT gains 2M€.

TTT spends 6M€ for Building Industries, gaining 2 steel production and losing 1 energy production.

GEGS adds a microbe resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.

Coloniae Neptunalia spends 11M€ for a power plant, gaining 1 energy production, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -14C and his TR to 27.

PIKES passes.

TTT spends 3 titanium and 1M€ for a Toll Station, gaining 6M€ production.

GEGS gains 6M€ from Martian Zoo.

Coloniae Neptunalia passes.

TTT passes.

GEGS spends 4 titanium and 1M€ for a Convoy from Europa, gaining a card, placing an ocean in I6, gaining 1 plant and increasing his TR to 23, and gaining 2M€ from the event. GEGS then spends 9M€ for a Restricted Area in H5, gaining 4M€, 2 plants, and a resource on Olympus Conference.

GEGS spends 2M€ to use the Restricted Area, gaining 1 card, then plays Insulation, losing 2 heat production and gaining 2M€ production.

GEGS passes.

Production Phase

GEGS gains 35M€.

Coloniae Neptunalia moves 1 energy to heat, gains 34M€, 1 titanium, 3 plants, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

University of Mars moves 1 energy to heat and gains 26M€, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 5 energy.

PIKES gains 31M€, 4 steel, and 13 heat.

TTT gains 33M€, 5 steel, and 3 titanium.

Solar Phase

All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.


<Trade Fleets LunaPlutoGanymedeTitanEuropaCallistoEnceladus

University of Mars




Coloniae Neptunalia

Puli Issue 248

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