Round 1
Bill spends 1 VP to select the Bivouacking Pixies, gaining 16 tokens, places 3 in M5, 3 in H4 (Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 in H2, 3 in M4, 3 in Fo5 (Lost Tribe token eliminated), and 2 in Fo4. Gains 6VP and places Encampments in =M5, H4, H2, M4, and Fo5.
Christopher selects the Barricade Skeletons, gaining 1VP and 10 tokens, places 2 in Sw1, 2 in Fa1, 3 in H1 (Lost Tribe token eliminated), and 3 in Fa3 (Lost Tribe token eliminated). Gains 7VP and a Skeleton token in Sw1.
Kevin selects the Mercenary Priestesses, gaining 8 tokens, places 1 in M6 and spends 1VP, 1 in M7 and spends 1VP, 1 in Fo3 and spends 1VP (Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 in H5, 2 in Fa4, and 1 in Sw3 (reinforcement die roll = 0, fails). Gains 5VP and redeploys so that there is 1 token each in M7 and M6, and 2 each in H5, Fo3, and Fa4.Round 2
Bill's Bivouacking Pixies place 3 tokens in Fa5 (Lost Tribe token eliminated), 3 in Sw4 (Lost Tribe token eliminated), 2 in H3, and 2 in Sw2. Gains 10VP and redeploys so that Encampments are in H3, M4, H2, Fo4, and Sw2.
Christopher's Barricade Skeletons collect all excess tokens, place 2 in H1 and 3 in Fa2 (Lost Tribe token eliminated). Gains 7VP and redeploys so that there are 2 in Fa1 and 3 each in H1, Sw2, and Fa2.
Kevin's Mercenary Priestesses collect all excess tokens, and place all 3 in M3. Gains 6VP.
Round 3
Bill's Bivouacking Pixies place 3 tokens in Fo2 (Lost Tribe token eliminated) and 2 in Fa2. Gains 12VP and redeploys Encampments from Sw2 to Fo2 and H2 to Fa3.
Christopher's Barricade Skeletons collect all excess tokens, place 3 tokens in Sw3 (Lost Tribe token eliminated) and 4 tokens in Fa4 (Priestess token eliminated). Gains 6VP and a Skeleton token in Sw3.
Kevin's Mercenary Priestesses go into decline, forming an ivory tower stack of 5 token in M3 and gaining 5VP.
Round 4
Bill's Bivouacking Pixies collect a token from H3 and place 3 tokens in M2 and 2 in Sw1. Gains 13VP and redeploys the Encampments to M2, Sw1, Sw4, Fa5, and H4.
Christopher's Barricade Skeletons collect all excess tokens and 1 token from Fa2, place 4 in Sw1 (Pixie token eliminated, Encampment returned to reserve) and 3 tokens in Fa3 (Pixie token eliminated). Gains 7VP and 1 token, and redeploys to place 3 tokens each in Sw1 and Fa3, 2 each in Fa1 and H1, and 1 each in Sw2, Sw3, and Fa4.
Kevin selects
the Behemoth Tritons, gaining 10 tokens, places 1 in Fa2, 1 in Fa4, 3
in Sw2 (Skeleton token eliminated, 2 1-strength Behemoth stacks
gained), 1 token and 1 Behemoth stack in Sw3 (Skeleton token
eliminated, Behemoth stacks become 2-strength), 1 token and 1 Behemoth
stack in Fa4 (Skeleton token eliminated), 1 token Fo3, 1 token H3, and
1 token H5 (reinforcement dr = 0; fails). Gains 12VP and
redeploys so that there is 1 token and a Behemoth stack each in Sw2 and
Sw3, 3 tokens in H3, 2 tokens in Fo1, and 1 token each in Fa2, Fa4, and
Round 5
Bill's Bivouacking Pixies go into decline, gaining 10VP.
Christopher's Barricade Skeletons go into decline, gaining 4VP.
Behemoth Tritons collect all excess tokens and both Behemoth stacks,
place a token and a Behemoth stack in Sw4 (Pixie token eliminated,
Behemoth stacks become 3-strength), 1 token and a Behemoth stack in H1
(Skeleton token eliminated), and 1 token to H5 (reinforcement dr = 1;
success). Gains 15VP.
Round 6
Bill selects the Underworld Pygmies, gaining 11 tokens, places 3 each in Sw1 (Skeleton token eliminated), Fa1 (Skeleton token eliminated), and M1, and 2 into M2 (reinforcement die roll = 0; fails). Gains 12VP and redeploys so that there are 4 tokens each in Sw1 and M1 and 3 in Fa1.
Christopher spends 2VP to take the Wealthy Giants, gaining 7VP and 10 tokens, places 3 tokens in M6, 2 in Fo3 (Triton token eliminated), 2 in H5 (Triton token eliminated), and 3 in H3 (Triton token eliminated). Gains 5VP.
Behemoth Titans collect 1 token each from Sw4 and Fa4 and a Behemoth
from Sw4 (Behemoth stacks become 2-strength) and places them all in Fo3
(1 Giant token eliminated, 1 returned to reserve). Redeploys so
that there are 3 tokens in Fo3, 2 in Fa2, and 1 token and a Behemoth
stack each in Sw2 and Sw3. Gains 9VP.
Round 7
Bill's Underworld Pygmies collect all excess tokens, place 3 in Fa3 (Skeleton token eliminated; Skeletons eliminated overall), 3 in H1, and 2 in Fo1. Moves a token from Fa3 to H1 and gains 16VP.
Christopher's Wealthy Giants collect all excess tokens, place 1 in Fo3, and 5 in Fa4 (1 Triton token eliminated, 2 returned to reserve). Gains 5VP.
Kevin's Behemoth Tritons go into decline. The Priestesses are eliminated. Gains 3VP.
Round 8
Bill's Underworld Pygmies collect all excess tokens, place 3 in M3 via the Underground and 2 in Fa2 (reinforcement die roll = 3; success; Triton token eliminated). Moves a token each from Fa2 and M3 to Sw1 and gains 17VP.
Christopher's Wealthy Giants go into decline, gaining 5VP.
Kevin spends
1VP to take the Berserk Igors, gaining 1VP and 8 tokens, attack Fo4
(reinforcement dr = 0) with 3 tokens (Pixie token collected), Fo5
(reinforcement dr = 2) with 1 token (1 Pixie token collected), H4
(reinforcement dr = 0) with 3 tokens (1 Pixie token collected), and Fa5
(reinforcement dr = 0) with 1 token, failing. Places a token in
Fo5 and gains 5VP.
Round 9
Bill's Underworld Pygmies collect all excess tokens, place 3 in Sw3 (Triton token collected by the Igors). Moves 2 tokens from Sw3 to M3 and gains 15VP.
Christopher takes the Stout Gypsies, gaining 2VP and 10 tokens, places 4 in M5 (Pixie token collected by the Igors), 3 in H2 (Pixie token collected by the Igors), and 3 tokens in H5 (reinforcement dr = 0; fails). Places 5 tokens each in M5 and H2, and gains 7VP.
Berserk Igors gain 2 tokens, collect all excess tokens, and attack H3
(reinforcement dr = 0) with 3 tokens (Giant token collected), Fa5
(reinforcement dr = 3) with 1 token (Pixie token collected), Sw4
(reinforcement dr = 0) with 2 tokens, Fo3 (reinforcement dr = 2) with 2
tokens (Giant token collected), and Fa4 (reinfocement dr = 0;
fails). Redeploys so that there are 4 tokens in Fa5 and 1 in each
other area, and gains 8VP.
Round 10
Bill's Underworld Pygmies collect all excess tokens, place 2 in Sw2 (reinforcement dr = 0; fails). Moves 2 excess tokens to Fa3 and gains 13VP.
Christopher's Stout Gypsies collect all tokens, leaving a 1VP marker each in M5 and H2, place 3 tokens in Sw2 (Pixie token collected by the Igors), 3 tokens in Fo2 (Pixie token collected by the Igors), 3 tokens in Sw1 (Pygmy reinforcement roll = 0, Pygmy token collected by the Igors), and 1 token in Fa1 (reinforcement dr = 0). Redeploy 1 token to Sw2 and gains 6VP.
Berserk Igors gain 2 tokens, collect all excess tokens, place 2 tokens
in H2 (collect 1VP) and 3 tokens in Sw3 (Pygmies reinforcement roll =
0, Pygmy token collected). Gains 10VP. Gypsies gain 1VP
from M5.
End of Game
Congratulations to Bill Scharf on his resounding victory!
End of Game Statements
Christopher Hunt:
Always enjoy the game. As always, too short.
Lot depends on race avaliable. Love the priestesses. Thanks to Chris for running it.
Bill Scharf:
I enjoy smallworld, it’s a short, simple game, thanks for running it. I
really like the variation. A BIG part of the game is picking races and
special powers that combo well together, and avoiding those that don’t.
Like, oh, the imperial white ladies, special power - they get a bonus
for being big on in the board combined with one of the smallest, if not
the smallest race in the game, a very bad combo indeed.
Kevin Wilson:
Fun game. Nice win for Bill, congrats! I’m actually glad it
wasn’t that close. I misunderstood my Priestesses and misplayed them a
little. I should have run them out once and taken them into decline
right away with an even slightly bigger stack than they were. They
would have given a few more VP but not enough to close the gap.
Seem a little too open with only 3. Hard to slow a high token
count race. The crowdedness of 4 seems to apply a little control.
But, I could be wrong so if it’s only 3 next time I’ll still go again.
Thanks, as always to Chris for running the game and the others for the play.
Name |
VPs |
Current Race |
Tokens |
Race in Decline | Remaining Tokens |
Bill Scharf | 128 |
Underworld Pygmies |
9 |
Pixies | 2 |
Christopher Hunt | 73 |
Stout Gypsies |
10 |
Giants | 3 |
Kevin Wilson |
81 |
Berserk Igors |
12 |
Tritons | 1 |
Kevin Wilson