Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game
Corporation Selection
Keith selects Helion, gaining 3 wild resources and rolling 2 red and 1 gray dice, gaining heat, nuclear, and steel.
Bill selects Teractor, gaining 4 wild resources and 1 credit, rolling a red and yellow die, gaining credit and heat.
Chris selects UNMI, gaining 2VP, 4 wild resources, and rolls a red and yellow die, gaining event and credit.
Round 1
takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining oxygen, then spends
steel, heat, and wild for Deep Well Heating, gaining 2 energy,
increasing the temperature to -28C, and gaining 2VP.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining titanium, and spends titanium and wild for the Import of Advanced GHG.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die,
gaining city, then spends 1 event and 2 wild for Imported Nitrogen,
rolling 4 green dice, gaining 1 plant and 3 microbes.
Round 2
takes an Action turn, discards enegy to flip nuclear to event, and
spends nuclear and wild for a Small Asteroid, increasing the
temperature to -24C, gaining 1 heat and 2VP.
Teractor takes a Production turn, dicards 4 cards,
draws 5 cards, and rolls 1 yellow and 2 red dice, gaining credit, heat,
and event.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining water, then spends 2 microbes and a wild for Decomposers.
Round 3
takes a Production turn, discards 3 cards, draws 5, and rolls 1 gray and 2 red dice, gaining steel and 2 nuclear.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining steel, and spends wild and event for Lobbying.
UNMI takes an Action turn, spends a microbe with
Decomposers to gain a plant and 1VP, then spends credit, steel, and
wild for Effective Storage.
Round 4
takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining city, and spends steel,
energy, and city for a Corporate Stronghold in F3, gaining a wild and
2VP, gaining a Delivery and 2 wild resources.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining energy, and a green die, gaining plant.
UNMI takes a Production turn, discards 2 cards, draws 5 cards, and rolls red and yellow dice, gaining heat and credit.
Round 5
takes a Production turn, discarding 3 cards and nuclear, draws 4 cards,
and rolls 1 gray and 2 red dice, gaining titanium, heat, and event.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die,
gaining water, and spends steel, water, and plant for a Protected
Valley in A1, increasing the oxygen level to 2% and rolling 2 green dice, gaining 2 plants and 2VP.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining steel, then rolls a green die, gaining plant.
Round 6
takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining steel, and spends heat
and 2 wild for a Cupola City in B1, rolling a green die, gaining plant,
and 3VP.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a red die, gaining heat, and spends 3 credits to gain 2VP.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining energy, and a red die, gaining heat.
Round 7
takes an Action turn, discards nuclear to flip steel to city, and
spends plant, city, and heat for Greenhouses, gaining 2 plants and
claiming the Legend milestone.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die,
gaining water, and spends 3 heat to increase the temperature to -20C,
gaining 2VP and the Bio Expert.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a green die, gaining microbes, and a red die, gaining event.
Round 8
takes an Action turn, rolls a yellow die, gaining earth, then rolls another yellow die, gaining another earth.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining oxygen, and spends 2 plants and 1 water for Arctic Algae.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining water, then spends plant, microbes, and water for Snow Algae.
Round 9
takes an Action turn, discards plant to flip oxygen to water, then rolls a blue die, gaining water.
Teractor takes a Production turn, discards 1 card,
draws 4 cards, and rolls 1 green, 2 red, and 1 yellow dice, gaining
microbes, heat, nuclear, and credit.
UNMI takes an Action turn, discards heat to flip heat to nuclear, and discards water to flip energy to oxygen.
Round 10
takes an Action turn, discards plant to flip water to energy, then
spends titanium, water, energy, event, and 2 wild for a Giant Ice
Asteroid, gaining water and heat, placing an ocean in A2, rolling 2
green dice, gaining plant and animal, increasing the temperature to
-16C, gaining heat, and gaining 4VP, playing the Researcher bonus
card. Teractor loses microbes and UNMI loses a plant.
Teractor gains a plant.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining a city, and spends a city for an Open Market.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a yellow die, gaining credit, then rolls a green die, gaining plants.
Round 11
takes an Action turn, uses the Researcher to draw a card, discards an
animal to draw 2 cards, and discards a plant to flip earth to science.
Teractor takes an Ation turn, rolls a gray die,
gaining titanium, and spends credit, plant, titanium, and wild for a
Seed Shipment, gaining 2 wild and placing a forest tile in G4,
increasing the oxygen level to 4%, gaining 1 wild, 3VP, and rolling a
green die, gaining microbes.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die,
gaining steel, and spends 2 credit and 2 plants for a Peninsula in B3,
rolling 1 yellow and 2 blue dice, gaining earth and 2 energy,
increasing the oxygen level to 6%, gains 2VP, and plays the Hive City
bonus card in B4, gaining 3VP and rolling a gray die, gaining steel.
Round 12
takes an Action turn, discards heat to flip earth to credit, and discards heat to flip water to energy.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a green die,
gaining a plant, and spends a plant, microbe, and heat for Lichen,
claiming the Award Nominee milestone.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a green die, gaining plants, and spends steel, energy, oxygen, and nuclear for a Strip Mine.
Round 13
takes a Production turn, discards 3 cards, draws 3 cards, resets blue
cards, and rolls 1 gray and 2 red dice, gaining titanium and 2 heat.
Teractor takes a Production turn, discards 2
cards, draws 5 cards, and rolls 2 green, 2 red, and 1 yellow dice,
gaining 2 plants, 1 heat, 1 event, and 1 credit.
UNMI takes a Production turn, discards 1 card and
1 steel, draws 4 cards, and rolls 2 gray, 2 red, and 1 yellow dice,
gaining steel, city, 2 heat, and credit.
Round 14
takes an Action turn, uses Researcher to draw a card, rolls a green
die, gaining a plant, and another green die, gaining microbes.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining titanium, and spends nuclear and wild to play Homeworld Headquarters.
UNMI takes an Action turn, discards steel to flip credit to earth, and spends 2 earth for an Acquired Company.
Round 15
takes an Action turn, rolls a yellow die, gaining science, then spends science, microbes, and heat for Regolith Processors.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die,
gaining titanium, and spends credit, energy, and wild for an Urbanized
Area in B2, gaining 4VP and the Coordinator, taking another Action
turn, rolls a gray die, gaining titanium, and a blue die, gaining
UNMI takes an Action turn, discards heat to flip
steel to titanium, and spends titanium and event for Bio Import,
gaining a plant and an animal.
Round 16
takes an Action turn, discards titanium to flip heat into nuclear and
spends credit, science, energy, and nuclear for Tectonic Stress Power.
Teractor takes an Action turn, discards a plant to
flip a titanium to steel, and spends 1 energy, 1 steel, 2 titanium, and
1 event for Deimos Down, increasing the temperature to -8C and gaining
4VP. Helion and UNMI each lose a plant.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a green die,
gaining microbes, and spends 1 plant and 1 animal for a National Park,
gaining a wild resource.
Round 17
takes a Production turn, discards 4 cards, draws 5 cards, resets blue
cards, and rolls 3 blue, 1 gray, and 2 red dice, gaining energy, 2
water, city, and 2 heat.
Teractor takes a Production turn, discards 2
cards, draws 5 cards, and rolls 2 green, 2 red, and 1 yellow dice,
gaining micorbes, an animal, heat, event, and credit.
UNMI takes an Action turn, discards city to flip
energy to water, and spends heat, water, and microbes to play a Swamp
in A3, gaining 2 heat, 2VP, and rolling a blue die, gaining
energy. Teractor rolls a green die, gaining microbes.
Round 18
takes an Action turn, uses Researcher as a free action to draw a card,
discards heat to flip energy to water, and spends 3 water to place an
ocean in E4, gaining 2 cards and 2VP. Teractor rolls a green die,
gaining an animal.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die,
gaining steel, and spends credit, plant, animal, oxygen, and wild for
Livestock, gaining 2 credit.
UNMI takes a Production turn, draws 4 cards and rolls 2 gray, 2 red,
and 2 yellow dice, gaining steel, city, heat, event, and 2 credit.
Round 19
takes a Production turn, discards 8 cards, draws 5, resets blue cards,
and rolls 3 blue, 1 gray, and 2 red dice, gaining 1 energy, 2 water, 1
city, 1 heat, and 1 event.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die,
gaining energy, and spends steel, energy, and 2 microbes for Industrial
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a green die, gaining a plant, and a blue die, gaining energy.
Round 20
takes an Action turn, uses the Researcher free action to draw a card,
discards city to flip energy to water, and spends 3 water for an ocean
in C6 gaining 2VP and rolling 2 gray dice, gaining steel and
city. Teractor rolls a green die, gaining plant.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die, gaining steel, and spends 2 heat and 1 plant for Bushes.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a green die,
gaining an animal, and spends 3 heat to raise the temperature to -4C,
gaining 2VP and the Efficient bonus card.
Round 21
takes an Action turn, discards event to flip steel to city, and spends 3 city for a city
in G4 gaining 4VP.
Teractor takes a Production turn, discarding 1 card, 1 animal, and 1
event, drawing 4 cards, and rolling 3 green, 2 red, and 1 yellow dice,
gaining 2 plants, 1 microbe, heat, event, and science.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die,
gaining energy, ues Efficient to discard a credit to flip an energy to
water, spends plant, animal, water, and wild for a Deep Forest in C4,
increasing the oxygen level to 8% and gaining 3VP, a plant, and rolling
a gray die, gaining steel.
Round 22
takes a Production turn, discards 5 cards, draws 4, resets its blue
cards, and rolls 3 blue, 1 gray, and 2 red dice, gaining energy, water,
oxygen, steel, and 2 event.
Teractor takes an Action turn, spends credit as a free action with Open Market to flip temperature to nuclear, uses Homeworld
HQ as a free action to flip credit to science, rolls a blue die,
gaining energy, and spends 2 science, steel, and nuclear for a Medical
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining energy, and a green die, gaining an animal.
Round 23
takes an Action turn, discards an event to flip an event to heat, and
spends 3 heat to increase the temperature to 0C, gaining 2 water and
Teractor takes an Action turn, uses Medical Lab to gain a wild, and spends a wild for the Martian Zoo.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a green die, gaining an animal, and discards energy to flip energy to water.
Round 24
takes an Action turn, uses the Researcher as a free action to draw a
card, rolls a yellow die, gaining credit, and
spends 3 water to place an ocean in E3, gaining 2VP and rolling a green
die, gaining a plant. Teractor rolls a green die, gaining
Teractor takes a Production turn, discarding 3
cards, 2 plants, and 1 microbe, drawing 5 cards, resetting blue cards, and rolling 3 green, 2
red, and 2 yellow dice, gaining plant, microbes, animal, heat, event,
and 2 credit.
UNMI takes an Action turn, discards animal to flip animal to microbe and steel to flip credit to science.
Round 25
takes a Production turn, discards 6 cards, energy, and oxygen, draws 5
cards, resets blue cards, and rolle 3 blue, 1 gray, and 2 red dice,
gaining energy, water, oxygen, steel, and 2 heat.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a gray die,
gaining steel, and spends energy, steel, and event for a Mining
Expedition, rolling 2 gray dice, gaining 2 steel, and increasing the
oxygen level to 10%, gaining 2 heat and 2VP.
UNMI takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die,
gaining oxygen, and spends science, microbes, and event for a Biogas
Experiment, increasing the temperature to 4C and gaining 2VP and a wild.
Round 26
takes an Action turn, draws a card with the Researcher as a free
action, discards steel to flip oxygen to water, and discards steel to
flip energy to water.
Teractor takes an Action turn, rolls a blue die, gaining water, and spends credit and event for a Media Group.
UNMI takes an Action turn, discards a plant to flip a city to titanium,
and spends energy, water, oxygen, steel, and titanium for Martian
Round 27
takes an Action turn, rolls a red die, gaining event, and spends 3
water for an ocean in F4, flipping an event to heat and gaining 2VP. Teractor rolls a green die, gaining microbes.
Teractor takes an Action turn, discards a plant to draw 2 cards, and spends water and 2 steel for Aquifer Pumping.
UNMI takes a Production turn, discards 1 card,
draws 5, resets blue cards, and rolle 3 gray, 1 green, 2 red, and 2
yellow dice, gaining steel, 2 titanium, plant, heat, event, credit, and
Round 28
takes an Action turn, rolls a yellow die, gaining credit, and spends 3 heat to raise the temperature to 8C, gaining 2VP.
Teractor takes an Action turn, uses Industrial
Microbes as a free action to get steel, rolls a yellow die, gaining
science, and spends a steel with Aquifer Pumping to place an ocean in
F5, gaining 2VP, rolling a green die, gaining a plant, and flipping a
something to a something. This triggers the end of the game --
each player gets one final turn.
UNMI takes an Action turn, uses Efficient as a
free action to discard titanium to flip earth to credit, spends a plant
with Decomposers to gain a plant and 1VP, and spends 2 credit and a
wild to gain 2VP.
Round 29
takes an Action turn, rolls a yellow die, gaining credit, and spends 3 credit to gain 2VP.
Teractor takes an Action turn, spends credit to
use Lobbying to roll a gray die, gaining titanium, and 1VP, and spends
animal and wild for Pets, rolling a yellow die, gaining science.
Earth: Teractor has 6, UNMI has 3, and Helion has 0. Teractor gains 5VP and UNMI gains 3VP.
Teractor has 7, UNMI has 5, and Helion has 2. Teractor gains 5VP and UNMI gains 3VP.
Energy: Teractor has 4, Helion has 3, and UNMI has 2. Teractor gains 5VP and Helion gains 3VP.
Scientist goes to Helion, and Award Nominee
goes to Teractor, and Generalist is unclaimed.
Congratulations to Bill Scharf on his victory!
Bill Scharf (Teractor):
I was lucky in this game, things just fell into place for me (unlike
most of these games!). I had a yellow earth discount on my corporate
card, which is useless if you don’t draw cards with that symbol, but I
did….the fact that it’s a rare just improved my odds of leading in this
awards category.
I also played Arctic algae early, which gave me a green die every
time an ocean was played, and since the plant symbol is common that
favored me in that awards category as well, again, it wouldn’t have
helped me if I hadn’t drawn any cards with that symbol, but I did.
My game started off a bit slow, I got a lot of game end vp cards, not
so much on the immediate points, which didn’t help with getting bonus
cards quickly but I did get them eventually.
When I played the cards I had the resources for, I discarded the ones
that would take me multiple turns to play and got fresh cards; there
was no guarantee I’d get better cards than what I had discarded, but I
So the stars were in alignment and luck gave me an early Christmas
present. I enjoyed playing the game, thanks guys, you’re canny
opponents, and a win against you is rare enough I appreciate one when
it comes along. And thanks Chris for for running it, you did your usual
exemplary job.
Chris Geggus (UNMI):
Wow, absolutely steam-rollered. I thought I was doing okay until I
looked at how the other players were doing. I just could not get any
combos to work, but kept plodding along hoping for a Christmas miracle.
Alas, not to be. Well played Bill who seemed on top of everything and
thanks again to Chris H. Always enjoyable.
Happy Christmas to all.
Keith Marple (Helion):
Terrific game by Bill, and a well deserved win! I tried to go
event cards to snag the Legend milestone, which worked, but then my
engine predictably stalled and I really had trouble lining up the dice
to my cards in hand. All in all a fun game, thank you Chris for
running it so ably!
Merry Christmas all and here’s to more fun in the New Year!
The Players
Keith Marple
Bill Scharf
Chris Geggus
Yellow |
Keith Marple
Bill Scharf |
Chris Geggus |
Resources on hand:
Keith Marple
Bill Scharf |
Chris Geggus |