
Epoch VI

Empire Selection

Bad Cards (Scharf) keeps.

The Minotaurs (Hunt) keep.

Rebpulic of Texas (York) keeps.

Atlantis (Burgdorf) passes to Romulus & Remus.
RMHS (Wilson) keeps.
Romulus & Remus (Anderson) passes to GEGS.
GEGS (Geggus) passes to Atlantis.


Royal Manticoran Historical Society (Wilson) Plays the Safavids.  Army and Capital Persian Salt Desert (Seljuk army retreats to Hindu Kush), army Persian Plateau (vs. Sassanids; Saf: 3,2; Sas: 4; loses), Persian Plateau (vs. Sassanids; Saf: 5, 5; Sas: 5; Saf: 6, 6; Sas: 3; wins).  Plays Plague in Tarim Basin.  One T'ang army eliminated.  MING DYNASTY:  Army and Capital Chekiang (Sung army retreats to Si-Kyang), army Great Plain of China (vs. Mongols; Mi: 6, 4; Mo: 6; Mi: 5, 4; Mo: 4; wins), Wei River (vs. Mongols; Mi: 3, 3; Mo: 2; wins), Tarim Basin (vs. T'ang Dynasty; M: 6, 3; T: 4, 1; wins), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. Romulus & Remus; RMHS:  4, 3; R&R: 6; loses), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. Romulus & Remus; RMHS: 6, 5; R&R: 4; wins), army Korean Peninsula (vs. T'ang Dynasty; M: 4, 2; T: 3, 1; wins), Tarim Basin (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 5, 4; S: 5; M: 5, 3; S: 5; M: 4, 3; S: 2; wins), Hindu Kush (vs. Selkuk Turks; M: 2, 1; S: 6, 5; loses), Hindu Kush (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 6, 3; S: 5, 5; M: 6, 4; S: 3, 3; wins).  Builds Monument Chekiang.  Points:  Dominance in China (6), Northern Europe (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), India (3), Southern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), Eurasia (1), Nippon (1), 2 Capitals (4), 1 city (1), 2 Seas (2), and 6 Monuments (6) for 36 points.

Romulus & Remus (Anderson) plays a Rebellion in the Korean Peninsula (vs. Ming Dynasty; R: 4, 3; M: 5; loses).  Plays Civil War vs. Ming Dynasty.  Army Korean Peninsula (C: 4, 3; M: 1; wins), Chekiang (C: 4, 3; M: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Great Plain of China (C: 5, 4; M: 2, wins, fleet Sea of Japan unsupported).  TIMURID EMIRATES:  Army and Capital Turanian Plain (Ming army retreats to Tarim Basin), army Persian Plateau (vs. Safavids; T: 6, 5; S: 3, 3; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Safavids; T: 3, 2; S: 6; loses), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Safavids; T: 2, 1; S: 4; loses), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Safavids; T: 5, 2; S: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Lower Indus (vs. Huns; T: 2, 1; H: 1; wins), Upper Indus (vs. Seljuk Turks; T: 6, 4; S: 3; wins), Zagros (vs. Arabs; T: 5, 1; A: 4; wins).  Builds Monument Turanian Plain.  Points:  Control of Nippon (3), Dominance in China (6), India (6), Eurasia (2), Presence in Middle East (2), Southern Europe (2), Northern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), North America (1), 2 Capitals (4), 6 cities (6), and 6 Monuments (6) for 40 points.

Atlantis (Burgdorf) INCAS:  Army and Capital Northern Andes, army Southern Andes.  AZTECS:  Army and Capital Mexican Valley, army Pacific Seaboard (vs. North American Migrants; A: 4, 2; M: 4, A: 3, 3; M: 2; wins).  Builds Monument Northern Andes.  Points:  Presence in China (3), Southern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), North America (1), South America (2), Sub-Saharan Africa (1), 2 Capitals (4), 1 Sea (1), and 1 Monument (1) for 17 points.

Republic of Texas (York)  OTTOMAN TURKS:  Plays Elite Troops and Population Explosion.  Army and Capital Western Anatolia (Arab army retreats to Balkans), fleet Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, army Nile Delta (vs. Crusaders; O: 5, 4, 4; C: 5, 4; O: 5, 4, 3; C: 4, 2; wins), fleet Red Sea (vs. GEGS; R: 5, 2, 1; G: 3; O; 4, 4, 3; G: 5; loses, Elite Troops lost), Red Sea (vs. GEGS; O; 5, 3; G: 6; loses), Red Sea (vs. GEGS; O: 4, 4, G: 3; wins), Arabian Peninsula (vs. Arabs; O: 6, 1; A: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Eastern Anatolia (vs. Arabs; O: 5, 1; A: 5, 1; O: 4, 2; A: 4, 3; O: 5, 2; A: 2, 1; wins), Zagros (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 6, 2; T: 6; O: 3, 3; T: 1; wins), Persian Plateau (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 6, 2; T: 4; wins), Hindu Kush (vs. Ming Dynasty; O: 3, 1; M: 4; loses), Hindu Kush (vs. Ming Dynasty; O: 5, 3; M: 1; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 6, 1; T: 3; wins, city eliminated), Nubia (vs. Arabs; O: 5, 4; A: 3; wins), Turanian Plain (vs. Timurid Emirates; O: 5, 2; T: 4; wins, Capital reduced to city), Libya (vs. Arabs; O: 3, 1; A: 5; loses).  Builds Monument Western Anatolia.  Points:  Dominance in Middle East (4), Southern Europe (4), Presence in North Africa (2), China (3), India (3), Northern Europe (2), Eurasia (1), North America (1), 1 Capital (2), 2 cities (2), 4 Seas (4), and 10 Monuments (10) for 38 points.

Bad Cards (Scharf) PORTUGAL:  Plays Ship Building and Pirates.  Army and Capital Western Iberia (Carthaginia army retreats to Pyrenees, fort eliminated), fleet Atlantic Ocean, fleet Indian Ocean, fleet Caribbean Sea, army West Indies, Guiana Highlands, East Africa, Arabian Peninsula (vs. Ottoman Turks; P: 6, 1; O: 5, 1; wins, city eliminated), Nile Delta (vs. Ottoman Turks; P: 6, 2; O: 6; P: 4, 3; O: 3; wins), fleet Bay of Bengal (vs. GEGS; B: 6, 5; G: 4; wins), army Sumatra (vs. Maurya; P: 5, 1; M: 4, 2; wins), Patagonia, Brazil.  Points:  Dominance in South America (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), India (3), Southern Europe (2), Northern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), North America (1), Sub-Saharan Africa (1), 1 Capital (2), 2 Seas (2), and 2 Monuments (2) for 25 points.

The Minotaurs (Hunt)  Plays Empires Revive.  Armies Albion, Western Gual, Central Massif, Northern Appenines.  Plays Empires Fortify.  Forts Western Gaul, Central Massif, Northern Appenines.  SPAIN:  Army and Capital Pyrenees (two Carthaginian armies and for eliminated), fleet Atlantic Ocean, army Deep South, Great Lakes, Great Plains, fleet Indian Ocean, army Persian Salt Desert (vs. Ottoman Turks; S: 6, 2; O: 4, 1; wins), Hindu Kush (vs. Ottoman Turks; S: 5, 1; O: 4; wins), Turanian Plain (vs. Ottoman Turks; S: 3, 1; O: 5; loses), Turanian Plain (vs. Ottoman Turks; S: 6, 5; O: 4; wins, city eliminated), Tarim Basin (vs. Ming Dynasty; S: 6, 3; M: 5, 2; S: 4, 2; M: 3, 2; wins), Southern Iberia (vs. Romans; S: 4, 3; R: 5; loses), Southern Iberia (vs. Romans; S: 6, 2; R: 3; wins), Shatts Plateau (vs. Arabs; S: 5, 3; A: 5, 3; S: 5, 2; A: 6, 4; loses), Shatts Plateau (vs. Arabs; S: 6, 3; A: 5, 4; wins).  Builds Monument Pyrenees.  Points:  Dominance in Southern Europe (4), North America (2), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), China (3), India (3), Northern Europe (2), Euraisa (1), Sub-Saharan Africa (1), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), and 6 Monuments (6) for 29 points.

Guide to European Geographical Studies (Geggus)  Plays Black Death on Northern Europe and Southern Europe.  Armies eliminated in Ireland (1 Viking), Highlands (1 Scot and fort), Northern Gaul (1 Holy Roman Empire), Central Europe (1 Mongol), Baltic Seaboard (1 Frank), Northern Appenines (1 Goth), Balkans (1 Arab).  Plays Disaster (Volcano) in Pindus.  Monument eliminated.  MUGHALS:  Army and Capital Ganges Valley (Gupta army eliminated), army Upper Indus (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 2, 2; T: 4; loses), Upper Indus (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 4, 4; T: 4; M: 4, 4; T: 3; wins), Hindu Kush (vs. Spain; M: 3, 2; S: 3, 1; M: 6, 3; S: 4, 1; wins), Turanian Plain (vs. Spain; M: 4, 1; S: 3; wins, city eliminated), Western Steppe (vs. Mongols; Mu: 5, 3; Mo: 1; wins), Dniepr (vs. Mongols; Mu: 6, 3; Mo: 6; Mu: 4, 3; Mo: 2; wins), Central Europe, Northern Gaul, Lower Rhein (vs. Vikings; M: 6, 5; V: 5; wins), Tarim Basin (vs. Spain; M: 4, 2; S: 4, 3; M: 5, 4; S: 6, 1; loses).  Builds Monument Ganges Valley.  Points:  Dominance in India (6), Northern Europe (4), Eurasia (2), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (2), Southern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), 2 Capitals (4), 3 cities (3), and 5 Monuments (5) for 30 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Remaining Event Cards

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Bill Scharf
Bad Cards (turquoise)
Martin Burgdorf
Atlantis (orange)
Christopher HuntThe Minotaurs (green)
Kevin WilsonRoyal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple)0
Dave AndersonRomulus & Remus (red)
Andy YorkRepublic of Texas (blue)
Chris GeggusGuide to European Geographical Studies (yellow)2


Dave to Kevin: Dave Luck versus Kevin Luck. Kevin gets Khmers. Dave gets Mongols. With 3 movable armies --Kevin destroys 5 armies and no losses. Dave has 17 moveable armies wins all ties and loses 2 armies off the bat in plain terrain. Nuff said.

Romulus & Remus:  Tal said Well Ogalai Khan. It took 2 epochs to acheive what I tried it to do in 1. I am sorry the other great Khans could not see it to see the almost historical zenith of the true Mongol Empire. A few pockets in China still oppose us Now let us go forth and try and built a great monument in the Turanian Plain for your forefathers. 


RMHS: Fleet North Sea.  MALAYAN KINGDOM:  Army, city, and Fort Malayan Peninsula.  CRUSADERS:  Army, city, and fort Palestine.  VIKINGS:  Armies Ireland, Scandinavia, North European Plain.  MING DYNASTY:  Army and Monument Wei River.

Atlantis: Fleet South China Sea.  HAN DYNASTY:  Army East Indies.  SUB-SAHARAN MIGRANTS:  Armies Congo Basin, South Africa.  SUNG DYNASTY:  Two armies Si-Kyang, army Yangtse Kian.  INCAS:  Army, Capital, and Monument Northern Andes, army Southern Andes.  AZTECS:  Army and Capital Mexican Valley, army Pacific Seaboard.

The Minotaurs: Fleets Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean.  GOLD COAST KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Gold Coast.  GOTHS:  Army, fort Northern Appenines.  HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE:  Two armies and Monument Albion, two armies and fort Western Gaul, Central Massif.  SPAIN:  Army, Capital, and Monument Pyrenees, army and Monument Shatts Plateau, Persian Salt Desert, Turanian Plain, armies Deep South, Great Lakes, Great Plains, Southern Iberia, Hindu Kush, Tarim Basin.

Romulus & Remus:  INDUS VALLEY: Armies Western Deccan, Western Ghats. ASSYRIA: Army Lower Tigris.  MAYANS:  Army, Capital, and fort Central America.  T'ANG DYNASTY:  Two armies Honshu.  MONGOLS:  Army and city Szechuan, Mekong, Hokkaido, armies Mongolia, Manchurian Plain, Eastern Steppe, Dalmatia.  CIVIL WAR:  Army, city, and Monument Chekiang, army and Monument Great Plain of China, army Korean Peninsula.  TIMURID EMIRATES:  Army Lower Indus.

Republic of Texas:  Two fleets Western Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, fleet Red Sea.  NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS:  Army Appalachia.  HSUING-NU:  Two armies Yellow River.  BYZANTINES:  Army and Monument Morea, Crete, army Pindus.  OTTOMAN TURKS:  Army, Capital, and Monument Western Anatolia, army and Monument Eastern Anatolia, Persian Plateau, armies Zagros, Nubia.

Bad Cards: Fleets Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Bay of Bengal.  VEDIC CITY STATES: Three armies Ceylon.  CIVIL WAR:  Army, city, and Monument Southern Apennines.  SELKUK TURKS:  Army Danubia.  PORTUGAL:  Army and Capital Western Iberia, army and Monument Arabian Peninsula, Nile Delta, armies West Indies, Guiana Highlands, Brasil, Patagonia, Sumatra, East Africa.

GEGS: SCYTHEANS: Army Caucuses.  UPPER NILE KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Upper Nile.  ARABS:  Army and city Balkans, armies Libya, Levant, Upper Tigris, Middle Tigris.  CHOLA:  Army and Capital Eastern Ghats, army and city Eastern Deccan, armies Ganges Delta, Irrawaddy.  MUGHALS:  Army, Capital, and Monument Ganges Valley, army and Monument Upper Indus, Turanian Plain, Central Europe, Western Gaul, armies Hindu Kush, Western Steppe, Dneipr, Lower Rhein.


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