
Epoch I Egypt, Minoans, and Indus Valley

Epoch I Babylonians, Shang Dynasty, and Aryans due 6/29, Tuesday

Epoch I

Atlantis (Burgdorf): EGYPT: Army and Capital Nile Delta, army Nubia, fleet Eastern Mediterranean, arny Shatts Plateau, Southern Iberia, plays Allies, army Palestine, Arabian Peninsula. Builds Monument Nile Delta. Points: Dominance in North Africa (2), Presence in Middle East (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 Sea (1), and 1 Monument (1) for 8 points.

The Minotaurs (Hunt): Plays Disaster (Ships at Sea) in Eastern Mediterranean. MINOANS: Army and Capital Crete, fleet Eastern Mediterranean, plays Allies, armies Western Anatolia, Libya, Nile Delta (vs. Egypt; M: 6, 1; E: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), fort Crete. Points: Presence in North Africa (1), Middle East (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 Sea (1), 1 city (1), and 1 Monument (1) for 8 points.

Romulus & Remus (Anderson): Plays Disaster (Tidal Wave) Lower Tigris. Monument and fortress eliminated, Capital reduced to a city. INDUS VALLEY: Army and Capital Lower Indus, plays Allies, armies Western Deccan, Western Ghats, Hindu Kush, fort Hindu Kush, army Persian Plateau. Points: Dominance in India (2), Presence in Middle East (1), and 1 Capital (2) for 5 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Andy York Republic of Texas (blue)
0 0
Bill Scharf
Bad Cards (turquoise)
0 0
Chris Geggus Guide to European Geographical Studies (yellow) 0 0
Christopher Hunt The Minotaurs (green)
4 8
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 4 7
Dave Anderson Romulus & Remus (red)
4 5
Martin Burgdorf
Atlantis (orange)
5 8


Romulus & Remus: The Romulan was starting to phase in and out of consciousness and time. The use of the Guardian of Forever plus the added strain of the time displacement because of having to jump to his present reality had taken their toll on the older commander. Tal, he said to his sub commander . You have a loyal servant of the empire and therefor you must try and finish my work and try new things in the time and space continuum. New stratagem to make sure the dreaded Federation does not exist. This is to be the rise instead of the Tal Shiar. Tal thanked his commander and went to the bridge. Destination : Guardian of Forever-- Ancient Earth India.


RMHS: SUMERIANS: Army and city Lower Tigris, armies Zagros, Eastern Anatolia, Levant.

Atlantis: EGYPT: Armies Southern Iberia, Shatts Plateau, Nubia, Palestine, Arabian Peninsula.

The Minotaurs: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. MINOANS: Army, Capital, and fort Crete, army, city, and Monument Nile Delta, armies Western Anatolia, Libya.

Romulus & Remus: INDUS VALLEY: Army and Capital, Lower Indus, army and fort, Hindu Kush, armies Persian Plateau, Western Deccan, Western Ghats.

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