Dave plays an Architect, moves his land colonist between Roma and Spoletum, his sea colonist between Roma and Panormus, spends 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Spoletum, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Panormus.
Bill plays a Diplomat, copying Dave's Architect, moves his sea colonist between Roma and Cosa, his land colonist between Roma and Casinum, spends 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Cosa, and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestertii for a house in Casinum.
Kevin plays a Diplomat, copying Dave's Architect, moves his land colonist between Cosa and Florentia, and spends 1 sestertus and 1 food for a house in Florentia.
Keith plays a Diplomat, copying Dave's Architect, moves his sea colonist between Neapolis and Messana, spends 1 sestertus and 1 food for a house in Messana, and 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Neapolis.
Dave plays a Prefect in Umbria, gaining 1 tool and 1 brick.
Bill plays a Prefect in Campania, gaining 2 cloth. Keith gains 1 food.
Kevin plays a Mercator, gains 3 sestertii, sells 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buys 2 food for 8 sestertii.
Keith plays a Mercator, gains 3 sestertii, sells 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buys 2 brick for 6 sestertii.
Dave plays a Senator, spending 1 tool for a Diplomat and 1 wine and 1 brick for a Prefect/Architect.
Bill plays a Mercator, gains 3 sestertii, sells 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buys 1 brick for 3 sestertii.
Kevin plays an Architect, moves his land colonist between Genua and Comum, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Genua, and 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Comum.
Keith plays an Architect, moves his sea colonist between Croton and Brundisium, spends 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Croton, and 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sesterii for a house in Brundisium.
Dave plays a Prefect in Sicilia, gaining 2 tools. Keith gains 1 brick.
Bill plays an Architect, moves his land colonist between Ancona and Hadria, spends 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Hadria, and 1 food and 1 sestertus for a house in Ancona.
Kevin plays a Prefect in Transpandia, gaining 2 brick.
Keith plays a Prefect in Lucania, gaining 2 cloth and 1 wine. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Kevin.
Dave plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buying 2 bricks for 6 sestertii.
Bill plays a Prefect, resetting the provinces and gaining 8 sestertii.
Kevin plays a Magister, replaying his Prefect in Liguria, gaining 2 cloth and 1 food. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Bill.
Keith plays a Prefect in Lucania, gaining 1 wine and 1 cloth.
Dave plays a Prefect/Architect as an Architect, moves his land colonist between Florentia and Ravenna, spends 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Florentia, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Ravenna.
Bill plays a Magister, replying his Prefect in Umbria, gaining 3 tools and 1 brick. Dave gains 1 brick. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Dave.
Kevin plays a Senator, spending 1 wine and 1 food for a Mercator and 1 tool and 1 cloth for an Architect.
Keith plays a Senator, spending 1 wine for a Prefect and 1 tool and 1 cloth for an Architect.
Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin's Senator, spending 2 brick and 1 tool for a Smith.
Bill plays a Senator, spending 1 tool and 1 wine for a Mercator.
Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 1 cloth for 7 sestertii, and buying 2 tools for 10 sestertii.
Keith plays a Prefect in Sicilia, gaining 1 brick and 1 tool. Dave gains 1 tool.
Dave plays a Magister, replaying his Diplomay, copying Keith's Prefect in Aemilia, gaining 2 wine and 1 tool. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Keith.
Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii and paying 8 sestertii for 2 food.
Kevin plays an Architect, moving his sea colonist between Aleria and Olbia, spending 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Olbia, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Aleria.
Keith plays a Magister, replaying his Prefect in Apulia, gaining 1 food and 2 wine. One wine is discarded due to lack of space. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Kevin.
Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 2 tools for 10 sestertii, and buying 3 bricks for 9 sestertii.
Bill plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 6 sestertii.
Kevin plays a Prefect in Corsica, gaining 3 tools and 1 food. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Bill.
Keith plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards, spending 1 food and 1 tool for a land colonist in Roma, and gaining 6 sestertii.
Dave plays the Smith, gaining 2 tools.
Bill plays a Prefect, resetting the provinces and gaining 12 sestertii.
Kevin plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards, spending 1 food and 1 tool for a land colonist in Roma, and gaining 7 sestertii.
Keith plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Luceria and Potentia, spending 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Luceria, and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestertii for a house in Potentia.
Dave plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 8 sestertii.
Bill plays a Diplomat, copying Keith's Architect, moving his land colonist between Genua and Florentia, spending 1 food and 3 sestertii for a house in Florentia, and 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Genua.
Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 2 tools for 10 sestertii, and buying 4 bricks for 12 sestertii.
Keith plays a Prefect in Lucania, gaining 2 cloth and 1 wine.
Dave plays an Architect, moving his land colonist between Mutina and Verona, spending 1 brick, 1 tool, and 3 sestertii for a house in Verona, and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Mutina.
Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, buying 2 bricks for 6 sestertii, and buying 2 food for 8 sestertii.
Kevin plays a Prefect in Liguria, gaining 1 cloth and 1 food. Bill gains 1 food.
Keith plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 3 cloth for 21 sestertii, and selling 2 wine for 12 sestertii.
Dave plays a Prefect in Aemelia, gaining 2 wine and 1 tool.
Bill plays an Architect, moving his sea colonist between Roma and Olbia, the land colonist between Genua and Nicaea, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Olbia, and 1 brick, 1 cloth, and 5 sestertii for a house in Nicaea.
Kevin plays an Architect, moveing a land colonist between Verona and Aquileia, the sea colonist between Olbia and Panormus, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Aquileia, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 6 sestertii for a house in Panormus.
Keith plays a Magister, replaying his Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, buying 3 bricks for 9 sestertii, and 3 food for 12 sestertii.
Dave plays a Magister, replaying his Prefect in Venetia, gaining 1 wine and 1 tool. Kevin gains 1 food.
Bill plays a Prefect in Campania, gaining 3 cloth. Keith gains 1 food. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Dave.
Kevin plays a Senator, spending 1 brick and 1 food for a Farmer.
Keith plays a Prefect in Sicilia, gaining 1 tool and 1 brick. Kevin gains a tool, but Dave's warehouse is full.
Dave plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 3 wine for 18 sestertii, and buying 3 food for 12 sestertii.
Bill plays a Senator, spending 1 food for a Colonist and 2 cloth for a Consul.
Kevin plays a Farmer, gaining 3 food.
Keith plays a Senator, spending 1 food for a Colonist and 1 brick and 1 food for a Mason.
Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Keith's Senator and spending 1 wine for a Prefect.
Bill plays a Consul, spending 1 tool for an Architect/Mercator.
Kevin plays a Prefect in Corsica, gaining 2 tools and 1 food. Bill gains 1 food.
Keith plays an Architect, moving the sea colonist between Syracusae and Croton, a land colonist between Luceria and Hadria, a land colonist between Roma and Cosa, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 2 sestertii for a house in Syracusae, 1 brick, 1 tool, and 6 sestertii for a house in Hadria, and 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Cosa.
Dave plays a Senator, spending 1 food and 1 tool for an Architect.
Bill plays a Colonist, spending 1 food and 1 tool for a land colonist in Casinum.
Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 3 food for 12 sestertii, and buying 2 bricks for 6 sestertii.
Keith plays a Prefect in Apulia, gaining 2 wine and 1 food.
Dave plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Colonist, spending 1 food and 1 tool for a land colonist in Spoletum, and 1 food and 1 tool for a sea colonist in Ravenna.
Bill plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 6 sestertii.
Kevin plays an Architect, moves a land colonist between Ravenna and Verona, the other land colonist between Casinum and Neapolis, spends 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Neapolis, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 6 sestertii for a house in Ravenna.
Keith plays the Mason, gaining 2 brick.
Dave plays a Prefect, resetting the provinces and gaining 13 sestertii.
Bill plays a Prefect in Liguria, gaining 2 cloth and 1 food. Kevin gains 1 food.
Kevin plays a Diplomat, copying Bill's Prefect in Corsica, gaining 2 tools and 1 food. Bill gains 1 food.
Keith plays a Diplomat, copying Dave's Prefect in Umbria, gaining 2 tools. Dave gains 1 brick and Bill gains 1 brick and 1 tool.
Dave plays a Prefect in Aemelia, gaining 1 tool and 3 wine. Kevin gainds 1 tool. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Keith.
Bill plays a Mercator, gains 5 sestertii, and buys a brick for 3 sestertii.
Kevin plays a Magister, replaying his Diplomat, copying Bill's Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 3 tools for 15 sestertii, and buying 2 wine for 12 sestertii.
Keith plays a Colonist, gaining 8 sestertii.
Dave plays a Prefect/Architect as a Prefect in Etruria, gaining 2 brick. Kevin and Keith each gain 1 brick.
Bill plays a Prefect, resetting the provinces and gaining 9 sestertii.
Kevin plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards, gaining 8 sestertii, and spending 1 food and 1 tool for a sea colonist in Rome.
Keith plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards, gaining 9 sestertii, and spending 1 food and 1 tool for a land colonist in Rome.
Dave plays the Smith, gaining 2 tools.
Bill plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Segusio and Comum and the sea colonist between Aleria and Olbia, spending 1 food and 1 sestertum for a house in Segusio, 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Comum, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 6 sestertii for a house in Aleria.
Kevin plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Messana and Croton, a land colonist between Hadria and Ancona, spends 1 brick, 1 wine, and 8 sestertii for a house in Croton, 1 brick, 1 tool, and 9 sestertii for a house in Hadria, and 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Ancona.
Keith plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 3 bricks for 9 sestertii, and buying 4 food for 16 sestertii.
Dave plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Aleria and Cosa, a land colonist between Hadria and Cansinum, spends 1 brick, 1 tool, and 12 sestertii for a house in Hadria, and 1 brick, 1 tool, and 9 sestertii for a house in Aleria.
Bill plays a Mercator, gaining 3 sestertii, selling 2 cloth for 14 sestertii, and buying 1 wine for 6 sestertii.
Kevin plays the Farmer, gaining 4 food.
Keith plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Florentia and Mutina, a land colonist between Spoletum and Ancona, spends 1 food and 3 sestertii for a house in Ancona, 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Spoletum, 1 food and 4 sestertii for a house in Florentia, and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 8 sestertii for a house in Mutina.
Dave plays a Tribune, collecting all played cards and gaining 10 sestertii.
Bill plays a Diplomat, copying Kevin Farmer, gaining 2 food.
Kevin plays a Magister, replaying his Farmer, gaining 4 food.
Keith plays a Colonist, gaining 9 sestertii.
Dave plays a Senator, spending 1 brick and 1 wine for a Vintner and 1 tool and 1 wine for a Mercator.
Bill plays a Consul, spending 1 wine for a Prefect.
Kevin plays a Mercator, gaining 5 sestertii, selling 5 food for 20 sestertii, and buying 2 bricks for 6 sestertii.
Keith plays a Prefect in Sicilia, gaining 2 tools, 1 brick, and 1 food. Dave and Kevin each gain 1 tool. The Praefectus Magnus is passed to Kevin.
Dave plays a Smith, gaining 4 tools.
Bill plays a Prefect in Liguria, gaining 2 cloth and 1 food. Kevin gains 1 food.
Kevin plays an Architect, moving a sea colonist between Syracusa and Messana, a land colonist between Luceria and Brundisium, a land colonist between Bausanum and Verona, spends 1 food and 2 sestertii for a house in Messana, 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Syracusa, and 1 brick, 1 food, and 4 sestertii for a house in Brundisium, gaining the Concordia card. All other players have one more turn.
Keith plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Comum and Mutina, a land colonist between Bauzanum and Aquileia, spends 1 food and 3 sestertii for a house in Comum, and 1 brick, 1 wine, and 4 sestertii for a house in Bauzanum.
Dave plays an Architect, moving a land colonist between Luceria and Casinum and spends 1 brick, 1 wine, and 8 sestertii for a house in Luceria.
Bill plays a Senator, spending 1 brick and 1 cloth for a Weaver, and 1 food and 1 cloth for a Consul.
End of Game
Dave has 20 points in goods and 10 sestertii for
3VP. Bill has 19 points in goods and 20 sestertii for 3VP.
Kevin has 22 points in goods and 9 sestertii for 3VP. Keith has
19 points in goods and 6 sestertii for 2VP.
Dave has 7 houses in non-brick cities and 3 Jupiter
cards for 21VP. Bill has 6 houses in non-brick cities and 4
Jupter cards for 24VP. Kevin has 11 houses in non-brick cities and
3 Jupiter cards for 33VP. Keith has 9 houses in non-brick cities
and 3 Jupiter cards for 27VP.
Dave has houses in 7 provinces and 4 Saturn
cards for 28VP. Bill has houses in 6 provinces and 3 Saturn
cards for 18VP. Kevin has houses in 11 provinces and 2 Saturn
cards for 22VP. Keith has houses in 9 provinces and 3 Saturn cards for 27VP.
Dave produces 3 types of goods and has 2 Mercury
cards for 12VP. Bill produces 4 types of goods and has 2 Mercury
cards for 16VP. Kevin produces 4 types of goods and has 2 Mercury
cards for 16VP. Keith produces 5 types of goods and has 1 Mercury card for 10VP.
Dave has 4 colonists on the board and 1 Mars
card for 8VP. Bill has 3 colonists on the board and 2 Mars
cards for 12VP. Kevin has 4 colonists on the board and 1 Mars
card for 8VP. Keith has 4 colonists on the board and 2 Mars cards for 16VP.
Dave has at least 2 houses in 2 areas and 2 Venus
card for 8VP. Bill has at least 2 houses in 5 aresa and 2 Venus
cards for 20VP. Kevin has at least 2 houses in 3 areas and 1 Venus
card for 6VP. Keith has at least 2 houses in 5 areas and 1 Venus card for 10VP.
Mason: Keith has houses in 6 brick cities for 18VP.
Farmer: Kevin has houses in 6 food cities for 18VP.
Smith: Dave has houses in 5 tool cities for 15VP.
Vintner: Dave has houses in 2 wine cities for 8VP.
Weaver: Bill has houses in 2 cloth cities for 10VP.
Victory Points
Dave |
Bill |
Kevin | Keith |
Concordia |
0 |
0 |
7 | 0 |
Vesta |
3 |
3 |
3 | 2 |
Jupiter |
21 |
24 |
33 | 27 |
Saturn |
28 |
18 |
22 | 27 |
Mercury |
12 |
16 |
16 | 10 |
Mars |
8 |
12 |
8 | 16 |
Venus |
8 |
20 |
6 |
10 |
Minerva |
23 |
10 |
18 | 18 |
Total |
103 |
103 |
113 | 110 |
End of Game Statements
Bill Scharf: Close game! Thanks Chris for running it, and congrats to Kevin on his win!
Dave Hooton:
Congratulations to Kevin on his fine win and thanks to Chris for
running the game. I was caught with six houses still in the stables.
Had I one more turn to Mercator my tools into food, I would have been
able to build three more of them in my last turn.
Kevin Wilson: Sorry to
snatch that from you Keith. I knew it would be close but if I didn’t
shut it down and grab the Concordia card when I did it would have gone
the other way I’m sure.
And it was closer than my tracking as I had an error in my own score
for Venus where I thought I was 2 more out in front. Still, I thought
it would be close.
Thanks to Chris for running the game and to the rest for the play. Always fun.
Keith Marple:
Great game! You're right, I was so itching to grab that Concordia
card, and was a sestertii or two away from doing it a turn earlier
Really enjoyed the game, and appreciate you guys teaching me the
nuances of this classic. Thank you Chris for running it so
seamlessly as always.
The Players
Player Name |
Color |
Colonists |
Brick |
Food |
Tools |
Wine |
Cloth |
Houses |
Sestertii |
Cards in Hand |
Last Card
Played |
Dave Hooton | Red | 1 land, 1 sea | 4 | 6 | 10 | 12 | Architect | ||||
Bill Scharf | Black | 1 land, 2 sea | 3 | 1 | 4 | 20 | 7 | Senator | |||
Kevin Wilson |
Green |
1 land, 1 sea |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
9 |
6 |
Architect |
Keith Marple |
Blue |
2 sea | 1 |
3 |
0 |
6 |
6 |
Architect |