
Turns 9.2 to 10.2

Turns 10.3 to 12.3 due 2/18, Tuesday

Turn 8


Chris Geggus (Dell/Great Exhibition of Galactic Sorcery) Rolls Used: 5 5 6

Y – Open Port – Y – A – A – R10 – Asteroid City East.

Sells Space Spice for $80 (from the cup: Designer Genes at 9a). Buys Finest Dust for $10.


Debbie Anderson (Eeepeeep/Data Dancer) Rolls Used: 1 1 4

NC1 – R – Y – R – Grand Port(o) – B - Greathome(o).


Bob Robles (Human/Humanity's Exploring Xenophobes) Rolls Used: 1 3 5

Terror Station(s) – Terror Station(o) – R20 – Y – B – R – B – Y – B.


Andy York (Whynom/Expert Trading Cartel) Rolls Used: 5 * 3

Galactic Base – NC6 – Open Port – Space Station – R – Y – R – NC6 – R20 – Multi-Generation Ship – NC6 – Y – R20 – A – A – R – Y10 – R20 – R – B – Y – Airhome – A – R10 – A – A – Y – Open Port.

Sells Mulch Wine for $60 plus $60 demand (from the cup: Mulch Wine at 3 and Demand for Silk at 3). Buys Finest Dust for $10 and a Yellow Drive for $80.


Ron Fisher (Qossuth/Slartybartfast) Rolls Used: 4 4 4 5

Ice Station (o) – (Y20) – B – R – A – R - ? (it's a B20 penalty marker) – R – (Y) – B – R – (Y) – A - ? (it's an Open Port) – B – (Y) - ? (it's the Auto Pilot relic) – R – Jewel Port(o) – B – Jellybeast Landing(o) – Jellybeast Landing(s).

Discovers Humans (from the cup: Space Spice at 2, Bionic Perfume at 1a, Space Spice at 2, and Demand for Genes at 2). Trades IOU plus $10 for Factory.

Turn 10


Andy Lewis (Niks/Mystery Machine 6) Rolls Used: 3 3 4

Galactic Base – R – B – Y – B – R – B – R – Cobble Port(o) – Cobble Port(s).

Sells Living Toys for $180 (from the cup: Designer Genes at 9a). Buys Cobble Port for $200.


Chris Geggus (Dell/Great Exhibition of Galactic Sorcery) Rolls Used: 3 4 5

Asteroid City East – B20 – R – Airhome – Y – B – R – R20 – B10 – Titan's Tower(o) – Titan's Tower(s).

Sells Finest Dust for $50 (from the cup: Impossible Furniture at 8). Buys Immortal Grease for $50 and picks up Fare to 4b.

On the board:

1a (Nillis): 2 Bionic Perfume

1b (Volois): 4 Voll Silk

2 (Graw): 3 Space Spice, Fare to 10 ($120), 2 Demand for Designer Genes (+$40)

3 (Niks): 4 Mulch Wine, Demand for Bionic Perfume (+$60), Demand for Voll Silk (+$60)

4a (Dell): 1 Finest Dust

4b (Humans): 4 Rock Videos, Demand for Space Spice (+$40), Primitive Art

4c (Wraiths): 2 Visible Holes, Demand for Voll Silk (+$60), Demand for Bionic Perfume (+$60)

5 (Shenna): 2 Melf Pelts, 2 Demand for Finest Dust (+$50)

6 (Yxklyx): 2 Demand for Melf Pelts (+$50), 1 Immortal Grease

7a (Zum): 3 Chicle Liquor, Demand for Finest Dust (+$50)

7b (Eeepeeep): 3 Servo-Mechanism, 2 Demand for Immortal Grease (+$50), 1 Demand for Finest Dust (+$50), Pedigree Bolts

8 (Whynoms): 4 Impossible Furniture, Demand for Chicle Liquor (+$60), Other Shoes

9a (Chola): 4 Designer Genes, Demand for Immortal Grease (+$50), Demand for Chicle Liquor (+$60)

9b (Wollow): 1 Megalith Paperweight, Demand for Impossible Furniture (+$70)

10 (Qossuth): 2 Psychotic Sculpture, Demand for Designer Genes (+$60), Fare to Base ($150)

Base: Relic Jump Start


Now that there are only two undiscovered cultures, I think that conditionals will be minimized enough that we can start to run two turns per issue.

Mirzam Map
Mirzam, Issue 192


S.O.B. 193 Home

Pick of the Litter

Mirzam, Issue 194