Maltese Shih Tzu
Terraforming Mars: Drafting,
Venus Next, Prelude,
Colonies, Turmoil
Rim Settler: Have at least 3 Jovian tags.
Merchant: Have at least 2 of each standard resource (after paying the claim cost).
Have at least 3 tiles adjacent to or on volcanic areas. Volcanic
areas on this map are Hecates Tholus, Ascraeus Mons, Olympus Mons,
Pavonis Mons, Arisa Mons.
Diversifier: Have at least 8 different tags.
Coastguard: Have at least 3 tiles adjacent to an ocean.
Hoverlord: Have at least 7 floaters.
Landlord: Most tiles.
Collector: Most different types of resources, both on your player board and on cards.
Investor: Most Earth tags.
Cultivator: Most greenery tiles.
Forecaster: Most cards with requirements.
Venuphile: Most Venus tags.
Please note that in addition to the temperature,
oxygen, and Venus tracks being extended, there are also 11 ocean tiles
to place, rather than the standard 9, on this map. Also note the
changed rewards on the temperature, oxygen, and Venus tracks.
Generation 1
Dave selects Ecotec, gaining 1 plant production and 2 plants, and keeps 4 cards, paying 12M€.
Kevin selects Lakefront Resorts and keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€.
Andy selects Nirgal Enerprises, gaining 1 steel production, 1 plant
production, and 1 energy production, and keeps 5 cards paying 15M€
Chris selects Spire, gaining a resource on itself, and keeps 8 cards, paying 24M€.
Christopher selects Poseidon and keeps 10 cards, paying 30M€.
Ecotec plays Suitable Infrastructure, gaining
5 steel, and Galilean Mining, spending 5M€
and gaining 2 titanium production, and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts plays Early Colonization, gaining 3 energy and
placing a colony on Luna, and moving all colonies 2 spaces to the right, gaining 2M€ production. Poseidon gains
1M€ production. Lakefront Resorts then plays Corporate Archive,
gaining 13M€, drawing 7 cards, and keeping 2.
Nirgal Enerprises plays Polar
Industries, gaining 2 heat production and placing an ocean in D8,
gaining 2 cards and increasing its TR to 21, Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€ production. Nirgal Enter then plays a Venus L1
Shade, increasing Venus to 6% and its TR to 24.
Spire plays Project Eden, gaining a resource on Spire, placing a city in I8,
placing 2 delegates in the Scientists, assuming party leadership, an
ocean in E5, gaining 1 card and increasing its TR to 21, and a greenery
tile in I9, gainins 2 plants, 4M€, increasing the oxygen to 1% and its
TR to 22, and discarding 3 cards. Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€ production. Spire then plays Early Settlement, gaining
a resource on Spire, 1 plant production and placing a city in J10, gaining 2 plants.
Poseidon plays Colony Trade Hub on Luna, gaining 3M€ production, 1
energy production, and 2 titanium, and Head Start, gaining 2 steel,
20M€, places a colony on Europa, gaining 1 energy production, 2M€, and
places an ocean on K6, gaining a card and increasing its TR to
21. Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€ production. Poseidon
then spends 9M€ to trade with Europa, gaining 1M€ production and 2M€.
Ecotec spends 20M€ for Solar Logistics, gaining 2 titanium.
Lakefront Resorts spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.
Poseidon gains 2M€. Lakefront Resorts then spends 14M€ for Carbon
Nanosystems, gaining a resource on the card.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 2M€ for an Invention
Contest, drawing 3 cards and keeping 1, then spends 12M€ for an
Interplanetary Colony Ship, placing a colony on Luna, gaining 2M€
production. Poseidon gains 1M€ production and 2M€. Ecotec gains a card.
Spire draws 4 cards to its hand, discards 3, then spends 14M€ for Neptunian Power Consultants.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, assuming party leadership.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Lakefront Resorts moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Nirgal Enterprises moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Spire spends 8M€ for a Topsoil Contract, gaining 3 plants and a resource on Spire.
Poseidon spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Reds.
Ecotec spends 6M€ for Standard Technology.
Lakefront Resorts spends 7M€ for a Bio Printing Facility and 11M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Spire spends 8M€ for Nitrophilic Moss, losing 2 plants and gaining 2
plant production, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Poseidon spends 9M€ for a Lagrange Observatory, gaining 1 card.
Ecotec passes.
Lakefront Resorts spends 11M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production, then repeats that action.
Spire passes.
Poseidon spends 7M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production and 3 heat. Ecotec gains a card.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Poseidon spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Reds.
Poseidon passes.
Ecotec gains 20M€, 2 titanium, and 1 plant.
Lakefront Resorts gains 22M€ and 3 energy.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 26M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 2 heat.
Spire gains 22M€ and 3 plants.
Poseidon gains 28M€, 2 energy, and 1 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
global event.
New Government
Scientists become the ruling party. Ecotec gains 1M€. Lakefront Resorts gains 2M€. Nirgal Enterprises gains 0M€. Spire
gains 0M€. Poseidon
gains 1M€. Spire delegate becomes chair, Spire TR increases
to 22. The Reds become
dominant party.
Changing Times
Academia Treaty/Diversity becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to the Scientists, assuming party leadership. Solarnet/Celebrity
becomes the coming event. Self-Sufficiency Program/Election
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to the Greens.
Generation 2
Lakefront Resorts keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Spire keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Poseidon keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Ecotec keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 25M€ for an L1 Trade
Terminal, gaining a resource on Carbon Nanosystems, then spends 3
energy to trade with Luna, gaining 19M€. Nirgal Enterprises and
Poseidon each gain 2M€.
Nirgal Enterprises moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First,
assuming party leadership, and spends 9M€ for Water to Venus,
increasing Venus to 8% and its TR to 24, and gaining a card. Ecotec gains a card.
Spire spends 8M€ to claim the Geologist milestone.
Poseidon spends 2M€ for Dust Seals.
Ecotec spends 2 steel for a Power Plant, gaining 1 energy production
and 2M€, then spends 8M€ to claim the Diversifier milestone.
Lakefront Resorts spends 2M€ and a resource from Carbon Nanosystems for
Rotator Impacts, then spends 6M€ to put a resource on it.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 2M€ for Psychrophiles, then adds a microbe to it. Enceladus activates.
Spire spends 4M€ for Research Coordination, then moves a delegate from
the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership. The Greens
become the dominant party.
Poseidon spends 9M€ for a Subterranean Reservoir, placing an ocean in
D9, gaining 2M€, 1 steel, and 1 titanium, and increasing its TR to
21. Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€ production.
Ecotec spends 3M€ for an Energy Market.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 1 steel and 2M€ for a Mine, gaining 1 steel
production, and 7M€ for Peroxide Power, losing 1M€ production and
gaining 2 energy production.
Spire spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in J9, increasing the
oxygen level to 2% and its TR to 23, then sells a card for 1M€.
Poseidon spends 6M€ for Trade Envoys.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Spire spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Reds.
Poseidon spends 3 titanium to trade with Europa, gaining 1M€ and 1 energy production.
Ecotec spends 3 titanium to trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium, then spends 4M€ with the Energy Market to gain 2 energy.
Spire passes.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Ecotec passes.
Poseidon passes.
Lakefront Resorts gains 25M€ and 3 energy.
Nirgal Enterprises moves 1 energy to heat and gains 25M€, 2 steel, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Spire gains 23M€ and 3 plants.
Poseidon moves 2 energy to heat and gains 27M€, 3 energy, and 1 heat.
Ecotec moves 2 energy to heat and gains 19M€, 2 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Diversity: Lakefront Resorts has 3 different
tags and 0 influence. Nirgal Enterprises has 5 different tags and
0 influence. Spire has 7 different tags and 3 influence, gaining
10M€. Poseidon has 2 different tags and 0 influence. Ecotec has 9 different tags and 1 influence, gaining 10M€.
New Government
Greens become the ruling party. Lakefront Resorts gains 0M€. Nirgal Enterprises gains 2M€. Spire
gains 4M€. Poseidon
gains 0M€. Ecotec gains 2M€. Spire delegate becomes chair, Spire TR increases
to 23. Mars First becomes
dominant party.
Changing Times
Leaders becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to the Greens, assuming party leadership. Self-Sufficiency Program/Election
becomes the coming event. Terraforming Lobbying/Generous Funding
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership.
Generation 3
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Spire keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Poseidon keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Ecotec keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Lakefront Resorts keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 10M€ for Cryo-Sleep, then spends 2
energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. Lakefront Resorts and
Poseidon each gain 2M€.
Spire spends 13M€ for a Pioneer Settlement on Triton, losing 2M€ and gaining 3 titanium. Poseidon gains 1M€ production and 2M€.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Ecotec spends 4M€ with the Energy Market to gain 2 energy, then spends 8M€ to claim the Merchant milestone.
Lakefront Resorts spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 4 cards,
then spends 15M€ on a Great Dam in C7, gaining 2 plants, 3M€, and 2
energy production.
Nirgal Enterprises moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First then adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
Spire spends 11M€ for a Restricted Area in C8, gaining 1 plant and 4M€, then spends 2M€ to use Restricted Area to draw a card.
Poseidon spends 7M€ for a Martian Media Center, gaining 2M€ production.
Ecotec spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 10 heat, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -28C and its TR to 19.
Lakefront Resorts spends 17M€ for an Electro Catapult, losing 1 energy
production, then spends 2M€ and 2 plants for Potatoes, gaining 2M€
Nirgal Enterprises spends 2 steel for a Power Infrastructure.
Spire spends 6M€ for Archaeobacteria, gaining 1 plant production.
Poseidon uses the Martian Media Center to spend 3M€ to move a delegate
from Reserve to Mars First, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from
Reserve to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Ecotec spends 3 titanium for Asteroid Rights, gaining 2 asteroids on the card, then spends 1 to gain 2 titanium.
Lakefront Resorts moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Nirgal Enterprises uses Power Infrastructure to convert 1 energy to 1M€
then spends 24M€ for Callisto Penal Mines, gaining 3M€ production.
Spire passes.
Poseidon spends 25M€ for Phobos Space Haven, gaining 1 titanium production.
Ecotec spends 12M€ for Arctic Algae, gaining 2 plants.
Lakefront Resorts spends an asteroid from Rotator Impacts to increase Venus to 10% and its TR to 19.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Poseidon spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 13 energy.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leadership.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Poseidon passes.
Ecotec passes.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 27M€, 2 steel, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Spire gains 21M€ and 4 plants.
Poseidon moves 13 energy to heat and gains 29M€, 1 titanium, 3 energy, and 1 heat.
Ecotec gains 19M€, 2 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.
Lakefront Resorts gains 27M€ and 4 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Celebrity Leaders: Nirgal Enterprises has 3
events and 1 influence, gaining 8M€. Spire has 0 events and 1
influence, gaining 2M€. Poseidon has 2 events and 2 influence,
gaining 8M€. Ecotec has events and 0 influence. Lakefront
Resorts has 0 events and 1 influence, gaining 2M€.
New Government
Mars First becomes the ruling party. Nirgal Enterprises gains 5M€. Spire
gains 2M€. Poseidon
gains 1M€. Ecotec gains 2M€. Lakefront Resorts gains 5M€. Poseidon delegate becomes chair, Poseidon TR increases
to 20. Unity becomes
dominant party.
Changing Times
Self-Sufficiency Program/Election becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Terraforming Lobbying/Generous Funding
becomes the coming event. Experimental Life Forms/Eco Sabotage
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to the Greens.
Generation 4
Spire keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Poseidon keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Ecotec keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Lakefront Resorts keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Spire spends 3 titanium to trade with Luna,
gaining 10M€. Lakefront Resorts, Nirgal Enterprises, and
Poseidon each gain 2M€. Spire then spends 4 resources from itself
and 3M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Poseidon spends 1 titanium and 38M€ for Io Mining Industries, gaining 2M€ production and 2 titanium production.
Ecotec spends 1M€ for Heavy Taxation, gaining 2M€ production and 6M€,
then spends 1 asteroid from Asteroid Rights to gain 2 titanium.
Lakefront Resorts spends 15M€ for Atmo Collectors, gaining 2 floaters
on the card, then spends 3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 3
titanium. Spire gains 1 titanium.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 2 energy to trade with Enceladus, gaining 3
microbes on Psychrophiles, then adds another microbe to that card.
Spire spends 13M€ for an Immigrant City in K9, losing 1M€ production
and 1 energy production but gaining 1 titanium, 1 steel, and a resource
on Spire, then spends 7M€ for Sister Planet Support, gaining 3M€ and a
resource on Spire.
Poseidon spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -26C then spends
8 more heat to increase the temperature to -24C, gaining 1 heat
production and increasing its TR to 22.
Ecotec spends 3M€ for Conscription, then spends 8 titanium and 1M€ for an Earth Elevator, gaining 3 titanium production and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 10M€ for House Printing, gaining 1 steel
production, then spends 2 titanium to add an asteroid to Rotator
Nirgal Enterprises spends 10M€ for Refugee Camps and spends 1M€ production to put a resource on it.
Spire spends 1 steel and 9M€ for Omnicourt, increasing its TR to 24.
Poseidon spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1M€ and 1 plant production.
Ecotec spends 9M€ for Viral Enhancers, gaining 2 plants, then spends 8
plants for a greenery tile in F5, gaining 1 plant, 1 steel, 2M€, increasing the
oxygen level to 3% and its TR to 19.
Lakefront Resorts spends a floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 2
titanium, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds. The
Reds become the dominant party.
Nirgal Enterprises moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, then
spends 6M€ for the Great Escarpment Consortium, gaining 1 steel
production. Lakefront Resort loses 1 steel production.
Spire passes.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 10M€ for Olympus Conference, gaining a
resource on the card, and uses Power Infrastructure to convert 1 energy
to 1M€.
Poseidon passes.
Ecotec spends 3M€ for Extremophiles, gaining 2 microbes on the card, then adds another one.
Nirgal Enterprises sells a card for 1M€ and spends 2 steel and 9M€ for
Deep Well Heating, gaining 1 energy production, increases the
temperature to -22C, and its TR to 23.
Ecotec passes.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Spire gains 24M€ and 4 plants.
Poseidon gains 33M€, 3 titanium, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Ecotec moves 1 energy to heat and gains 21M€, 5 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.
Lakefront Resorts moves 1 energy to heat and gains 27M€ and 4 energy.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 26M€, 3 steel, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 2 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Election: Spire has 4 building tags, 3 cities,
and 1
influence, for a total of 8. Poseidon has 1 building tag, 1 city,
and 3 influence, for a total of 5. Ecotec has 2 building tags, 0
cities, and 0 influence, for a total of 2. Lakefront
Resorts has 6 building tags, 0 cities, and 1 influence, for a total of
7. Nirgal
Enterprises has 7 building tags, 0 cities and 1 influence, for a total
of 8. Spire and Nirgal Enterprises each gain 2TR.
New Government
The Reds become the ruling party. Lakefront Resorts TR increases to 18. Poseidon delegate becomes chair, Poseidon TR increases
to 22. Unity becomes
dominant party.
Changing Times
Terraforming Lobbying/Generous Funding becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to Unity. Experimental Life Forms/Eco Sabotage
becomes the coming event. Democratic Reform/Aquifer Released by Public Council
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to Mars First.
Generation 5
Poseidon keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Ecotec keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Lakefront Resorts keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Spire keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Poseidon spends 3 titanium to trade with Luna,
gaining 15M€. Lakefront Resorts and Nirgal Enterprises each gain 2M€.
Ecotec spends 4 steel for a Colonizer Training Camp and moves a
delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, assuming party leadership.
Lakefront Resorts spends 8M€ for Forced Precipitation then spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 8 heat.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -20C,
gaining 1 heat production and paying 3M€, and spends 2 energy to trade with Pluto,
gaining 2 cards.
Spire spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in K10, gaining 2 steel,
increasing the oxygen level to 4% and its TR to 26 and spending 3M€.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, then spends 3M€
with Martian Media Center to move a delegate from Reserve to the Reds,
assuming party leadership.
Ecotec spends 17M€ for a colony on Triton, gainnig 3 titanium. Poseidon gains 1M€ production and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 22M€ for a Space Port in E9, losing 1 energy
production but gaining 4M€ production, 6M€, and a trade fleet, then
spends a floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 2 titanium.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 9M€ for Ants, then uses them to consume a resource from Extremophiles.
Spire spends 2 resource from itself and 4M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Poseidon spends 31M€ for 16 Psyche, gaining 2 titanium production and 3 titanium.
Ecotec spends 6 titanium and 1M€ for the Luna Metropolis, gaining 5M€
production and 2M€. Spire gains 1M€ production. Ecotec then
spends 1M€ to add an asteroid to Asteroid Rights.
Lakefront Resorts moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Nirgal Enterprises uses Power Infrastructure to convert 2 energy into
2M€ then spends 12M€ for Space Hotels gaining 4M€ production.
Spire spends 5 titanium for Icy Impactors then spends 10M€ to add 2 asteroids to it.
Poseidon spends 11M€ for Research, gaining 2 cards.
Ecotec adds a microbe to Extremophiles.
Lakefront Resorts spends 2M€ to add a floater to Forced Precipitation.
Nirgal Enterprises adds a microbe to Psychrophiles and spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.
Spire moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Poseidon passes.
Ecotec passes.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Nirgal Enterprises funds the Invester award then funds the Collector award.
Spire passes.
Nirgal Enterprises funds the Forecaster award.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Poseidon moves 3 energy to heat and gains 34M€, 5 titanium, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Ecotec moves 1 energy to heat and gains 25M€, 5 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.
Lakefront Resorts moves 1 energy to heat and gains 30M€ and 3 energy.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 31M€, 3 steel, 4 plants, 4 energy, and 3 heat.
Spire gains 27M€, 4 plants, and 1 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Generous Funding: Poseidon has 6 TR over 15 and
2 influence, gaining 6M€. Ecotec has 2 TR over 15 and 2
influence, gaining 4M€. Lakefront Resorts has 2 TR over 15 and 1
influence, gaining 2M€. Nirgal Enterprises has 9 TR over 15 and 1
influence, gaining 4M€. Spire has 10 TR over 15 and 1 influence,
gaining 6M€.
New Government
Unity becomes the ruling party. Poseidon gains
1M€. Ecotec gains 8M€. Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 4M€. Spire gains 5M€. Ecotec
delegate becomes chair, Ecotec TR increases
to 18. Mars First becomes
dominant party.
Changing Times
Experimental Life Forms/Eco Sabotage becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to the Reds. The Reds become the dominant party. Democratic Reform/Aquifer Released by Public Council
becomes the coming event. Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to the Reds.
Generation 6
Ecotec keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Lakefront Resorts keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Spire keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Poseidon keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Ecotec spends 4M€ with the Energy Market to gain 2 energy and 3 energy to trade with Luna,
gaining 10M€. Lakefront Resorts, Nirgal Enterprises, and Poseidon each gain 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends
3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 4 titanium. Ecotec and
Spire each gain 1 titanium. Lakefront Resorts then spends an
asteroid from Rotator Impacts to increase Venus to 12% and its TR to 18.
Nirgal Enterprises
spends 2 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 5 energy, then moves a
delegate from the Lobby to Unit, assuming party leadership.
Spire spends 2 steel and
12M€ for a Commercial District in J8, losing 1 energy production, but
gaining 4M€ production and 1 steel, then spends an asteroid from Icy
Impactors to place a ocean which Ecotect decides will go in A2, increasing its TR
to 26, and spending 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to gain a
resource on that card and 1 energy production. Lakefront Resorts
gains 1M€ production.
Poseidon spends 18M€ for Aquifer Pumping, then spends 2M€ and 3 steel
to use Aquifer Pumping to place an ocean tile in D7, gaining 2M€, 2
plants, and increasing its TR to 22. Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€
production and Ecotec gains 2 plants. Spire spends 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to
add a resource to that card and gain 1 energy production.
Ecotec spends 25M€ for a city in F4, gaining 1M€ production, 5M€, and 1
plant, then spends an asteroid from Asteroid Rights to gain 2 titanium.
Lakefront Resorts spends 12M€ on Stratospheric Birds, losing a floater
from Forced Precipitation, then spends 9M€ for Venus Shuttles, gaining
2 floaters on Forced Precipitation.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 9M€ for Sponsored Academies, discarding a
card, drawing 3 cards, and discarding a resource from Olympus
Conference for a card. All other players draw 1 card.
Nirgal Enterprises then spends 6 steel and 1M€ for a Medical Lab, gaining 4M€ production and a resource on Olympus Conference.
Spire spends 1 steel and 4M€ for Martian Lumber Corporation, gaining 1
plant production and a science resource on Spire, then spends 2M€ to
use Restricted Area to draw a card.
Poseidon spends 3 titanium to trade with Europa, gaining 1 plant production and 1M€.
Ecotec spends 6 titanium for an Ice Asteroid, drawing a card and
placing oceans on E6, gaining 2M€ and 4 plants, and F6, gaining 4M€ and
4 plants and increasing its TR to 20. Lakefront Resorts gains 2M€
production. Spire spends 5M€ to add a resource to Neptunian Power
Consultants and gain 1 energy production. Ecotec then spends 8
plants for a greenery tile in E4, gaining 2M€ and 1 plant, increasing
the oxygen level to 5% and its TR to 21.
Lakefront Resorts spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to
increase Venus to 14% and its TR to 19, then adds a floater to Atmo
Nirgal Enterprises adds a microbe to Psychrophiles then spends 5
microbes from Psychrophiles for Algae, gaining 2 plant production and 1
Spire sells a card for 1M€, then spends 3 plants and 1M€ for a Spin-Off Department, gaining 2M€ production.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the lobby to Unity, then spends 3M€ with
Martian Media Center to move a delegate from Reserve to Unity, assuming
party leadership.
Ecotec spends 19M€ for a Sponsoring Nation, increasing its TR to 24,
moving 2 delegates from Reserve to the Reds, assuming party leadership,
then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Lakefront Resorts spends 3 titanium for a Venus Trade Hub, then adds an animal to Stratospheric Birds.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps, then Ants consume a microbe from Extremophiles.
Spire moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Poseidon spends 1 titanium and 2M€ for a Trans-Neptune Probe.
Ecotec spends 1M€ for Local Heat Trapping, losing 5 heat but gaining 4
plants, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in G4, gaining 2
plants, increasing the oxygen level to 6% and its TR to 25.
Lakefront Resorts spends 8M€ to use Venus Shuttles to increase Venus to
16% and its TR to 20, gaining a colony on Io and 1 heat
production. Poseidon gains 1M€ production and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 14M€ for Orbital Clean-up, losing 2M€ production, then uses it to gain 4M€.
Spire passes.
Poseidon plays Productive Outpost, gaining 3M€.
Ecotec sells a card for 1M€ then spends 1M€ and 5 titanium for a Comet,
gaining a card, increasing the temperature to -18C and placing an ocean
in G1, gaining 2 titanium, 2 plants, and increasing its TR to 27.
Lakefront Resorts gains 1M€ production.
Lakefront Resorts spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -16C and its TR to 21.
Nirgal Enterprises uses Power Infrastrucure to convert 7 energy to 7M€ then sells a card for 1M€.
Poseidon spends 23M€ for a Protected Valley in F2, gaining 2M€
production, 2M€, 2 plants, increasing the oxygen level to 7%, its TR to
23, and gaining a card.
Ecotec adds a microbe to Extremophiles.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 11M€ for Geothermal Power, gaining 2 energy production and 6M€ for Sponsors gaining 2M€ production.
Poseidon spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -14C and its TR to 24.
Ecotec passes.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 5M€ for a Power Supply Consortium, gaining 1
energy production. Lakefront Resorts loses 1 energy production.
Poseidon passes.
Nirgal Enterises passes.
Ecotec gains 35M€, 5 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 energy.
Lakefront Resorts gains 38M€, 2 energy, and 1 heat.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 33M€, 3 steel, 3 plants, 7 energy, and 3 heat.
Spire moves 1 energy to heat and gains 32M€, 5 plants, and 3 energy.
Poseidon moves 3 energy to heat and gains 40M€, 5 titanium, 2 plants, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Eco Sabotage: Ecotec has 3
influence and 7 plants, losing 1 plant. Lakefront Resorts has 0
influence and 0 plants. Nirgal Enterprises has 0
influence and 9 plants, losing 6 plants. Spire has 1 influence
and 6 plants, losing 2 plants. Poseidon has 1 influence and 8
plants, losing 4 plants.
New Government
The Reds becomes the ruling party. Lakefront Resorts TR increases to 21. Ecotec
delegate becomes chair, Ecotec TR increases
to 27. Mars First becomes
dominant party.
Changing Times
Democratic Reform/Aquifer Released by Public Council becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to the Greens. Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts
becomes the coming event. Mining Restrictions/Asteroid Mining
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to the Reds, assuming party leadership.
Generation 7
Lakefront Resorts keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Spire keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Poseidon keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Ecotec keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends a floater from Atmo
Collectors for 3 energy then spends 3 energy to trade with Luna,
gaining 22M€. Nirgal Enterprises and Poseidon each gain 2M€.
Nirgal Enterprises
spends 2 energy to trade with Io, gaining 4 heat. Lakefront
Resorts gains 2 heat. Nirgal Enterprises then spends 8 heat to
raise the temperature to -12C, gaining 1 plant production, increasing
its TR to 24, and losing 3M€.
Spire spends 3 energy to
trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium. Ecotec gains 1
titanium. Spire then spends 16M€ for a Cupola City in G6, losing
1 energy production but gaining 1 steel, 2 plants, 2M€, a resource on
Spire, and 4M€ production.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Ecotec spends 4M€ with Energy Market for 2 energy, then spends 3 energy
to trade with Enceladus, gaining 3 microbes on Extremophiles.
Lakefront Resorts spends 13M€ for an Air-Scrapping Expedition, gaining
3 floaters on Forced Precipitation, increasing Venus to 18% and its TR
to 22, paying 3M€, and 16M€ for Cyberia Systems, gaining 1 steel
production and copying Great Dam, gaining 2 energy production, and
Space Port, losing 1 energy production and gaining 4M€ production.
Nirgal Enterprises adds a microbe to Psychrophiles then spends 3 steel
for Building Industries, losing 1 energy production but gaining 2 steel
Spire spends 4M€ for a Harvest, gaining 12M€ and a resource on itself.
Poseidon spends 3M€ with Martian Media Center to move a delegate from
Reserve to the Scientists, assuming party leadership, then spends 4M€
for a Political Alliance, increasing its TR to 24 and paying 3M€.
spends 6M€ for a Terraforming Contract, gaining 4M€ production and 2M€,
and spends 1M€ to add an asteroid to Asteroid Rights.
Lakefront Resorts spends 2M€ to add a floater to Forced Precipitation
then spends 8M€ for Outdoor Sports, gaining 2M€ production.
Nirgal Enterprises move a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First and uses Ants to consume a microbe from Extremophiles.
Spire spends 5M€ for Venusian Insects, gaining a resource on itself, then adds a microbe to it, gaining 1M€.
Poseidon spends 6M€ for Rad Suits, gaining 1M€ production.
Ecotec spends 0M€ for a Luna Governor, gaining 2M€ production and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First,
assuming party leadership, and adds an animal to Stratopheric Birds.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps then activates Orbital Cleanup, gaining 4M€.
Spire spends 8M€ for GHG Producing Bacteria, gaining a resource on itself, then adds a microbe to it, gaining 1M€.
Poseidon spends 13M€ for Extreme Cold Fungus.
Ecotec spends 3 titanium and 2M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 2 titanium, 1 energy production, and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 2 energy with the Bio Printing Facility to add
an animal resource to Stratospheric Birds, then spends 2 titaniun to
add an asteroid resource to Rotator Impacts.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Mars First.
Spire moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Poseidon uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain a plant.
Ecotec spends 11M€ for Grass, gaining 1 plant production, 5 plants, and
2M€, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E3, gaining 1 plant,
increasing the oxygen level to 8% and its TR to 28, and paying 3M€.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Spire spends 2M€ with Restricted Area to draw a card.
Poseidon passes.
Ecotec spends 7M€ for a Titanium Mine, gaining 1 titanium production
and 2M€, then spends 3 titanium and 1M€ for Satellites, gaining 5M€
production and 2M€.
Spire spends an asteroid from Icy Impactors, placing an ocean on F3
(Lakefront Resort's choice), increasing its TR to 25 and paying
3M€. Lakefront Resort gains 1M€ production and Ecotec gains 2 plants.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Spire passes.
Ecotec adds a microbe to Extremophiles.
Ecotec passes.
Lakefront Resorts gains 46M€, 1 steel, 3 energy, and 1 heat.
Nirgal Enterprises moves 5 energy to heat and gains 32M€, 5 steel, 4 plants, 6 energy, and 3 heat.
Spire gains 36M€, 5 plants, and 2 energy.
Poseidon moves 3 energy to heat and gains 39M€, 5 titanium, 2 plants, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Ecotec gains 47M€, 6 titanium, 2 plants, and 2 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Aquifer Released by Public Council: Ocean is
placed in A3. Ecotec gains 2 plants. Spire spends 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants
to place a resource on it and gain 1 energy production. Lakefront
Resorts has 2
influence, gaining 2 plants and 2 steel. Nirgal Enterprises has 1
influence, gaining 1 plant and 1 steel. Spire has 0
influence. Poseidon has 0 influence. Ecotec has 2
influence, gaining 2 plants and 2 steel.
New Government
Mars First becomes the ruling party. Lakefront
Resorts gains 7M€. Nirgal Enterprises gains 10M€. Spire
gains 8M€. Poseidon gains 3M€. Ecotec gains 4M€.
Lakefront Resorts
delegate becomes chair, Lakefront Resorts TR increases
to 22. The Scientists become
dominant party.
Changing Times
Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to Unity. Mining Restrictions/Asteroid Mining
becomes the coming event. Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to Unity. Unity becomes the dominant party.
Generation 8
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Spire keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Poseidon keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Ecotec keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Lakefront Resorts keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 2 energy to trade with
Luna, gaining 12M€. Poseidon and Lakefront Resorts each gain
2M€. Nirgal Enterprises then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile
in B2, gaining 2M€, 1 steel, moving a delegate from Reserve to Unity,
increasing the oxygen level to 9% and its TR to 24.
Spire spends 4 titanium and 15M€
for a Big Asteroid, gaining 4 titanium, a resource on itself, and
increasing the temperature to -8C and its TR to 26. Ecotec loses
4 plants. Spire then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in H7,
gaining 1 steel and increasing the oxygen level to 10% and its TR to 27.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Ecotec spends 25M€ for a city in E2, gaining 1M€ production, 5M€, 1
plant, and 1 steel. Spire gains 1M€ production. Ecotec then
spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E1, gaining 2 titanium and 1
steel, increasing the oxygen level to 11%, the temperature to -6C, and
its TR to 29.
Lakefront Resorts spends an asteroid from Rotator Impacts to increase
venus to 20%, then spends 2 floaters from Forced Precipitation to
increase Venus to 22% and its TR to 25.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 10M€ for Pets, gaining a resource on the
card, and spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.
Spire spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Scientists then spends 3M€ for Supported Research, gaining 2 cards.
Poseidon spends 4M€ for Tardigrades.
Ecotec spends 2M€ with the Energy Market to gain 1 energy then spends 3
energy to trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium. Spire gains 1
Lakefront Resorts spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 10 heat and
3M€, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -4C and its TR to
Nirgal Enterprises moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First,
assuming party leadership, and uses Ants to consume a microbe from
Spire spends 2 steel on Supercapacitors, gaining 1M€ production and a
resource on itself, then spends 2M€ with the Restricted Area to draw a
Poseidon spends 7M€ for Lichen, gaining 1 plant production.
Ecotec spends an asteroid from Asteroid Rights for 2 titanium, then
spends 7 titanium for Imported Nitrogen, gaining 4 plants, 3 microbes
on Extremophiles, and 1 card, and increasing its TR to 30.
Lakefront Resorts adds a floater to Atmo Collectors and an animal to Stratospheric Birds.
Nirgal Enterprises adds a microbe to Psychrophiles and uses Orbital Cleanup to gain 4M€.
Spire plays Indentured Workers then spends 6M€ for Freyja Biodomes, gaining 2 microbes on Venusian Insects and 2M€.
Poseidon spends 4 titanium and 2M€ for an Asteroid, gaining 2 titanium,
increasing the temperature to -2C and its TR to 24. Ecotec loses
3 plants and gains a card.
Ecotec spends 5M€ for Protected Habitats and 5M€ for a Mineral Deposit, gaining 5 steel.
Lakefront Resorts spends 15M€ for a Plantation in E8, gaining 1 plant,
1 steel, and 6M€, increasing the oxygen level to 12% and its TR to 27,
then spends 21M€ for Titan Air-Scrapping.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 5 microbes from Psychrophiles and 2M€ for an
Ecological Zone in C3, gaining 1 steel, 2 cards, and 2 resource on
Ecological Zone, then spends 13M€ for Trees, gaining 3 plant
production, 1 plant, and a resource on Ecological Zone.
Spire adds a microbe to Venusian insects, gaining 1M€, and a microbe to GHG Producing Bacteria, gaining 1M€.
Poseidon spends 3 titanium to trade with Enceladus, gaining 2 microbes on Tardigrades.
Ecotec spends 5 steel for Noctis Farming, gaining 1M€ production and 4
plants, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in G3, gaining 2M€, 2
plants, increasing the oxygen level to 13% and its TR to 31.
Lakefront Resorts spends 18M€ for a Titan Floating Launch-Pad, adding 2
floaters to Titan Air Scrapping, then spends 2 floaters from Titan Air
Scrapping to increase its TR to 28.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 25M€ for a city in F7, gaining 1 energy, 4M€,
1M€ production, and an animal on Pets. Spire gains 1M€
production. Nirgal Enterprises then spends 10M€ for an Urbanized
Area in G7, losing 1 energy production but gaining 2 energy, 2M€, 2M€
production, and an animal on Pets. Spire gains 1M€ production.
Spire spends 9M€ for Insects, gaining 5 plant production.
Poseidon spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 0C and its TR to 25.
Ecotec spends 2 steel for Biomass Combustors, gaining 2 energy
production. Spire loses 1 plant production. Ecotec then
spends 12M€ for a Mining Expedition, gaining 2 steel and increasing the
oxygen level to 14% and its TR to 32. Nirgal Enterprises loses 2
Lakefront Resorts spends 1 plant with Electro-Catapult to gain 7M€ and adds a floater to Titan Floating Launch-Pad.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 6 steel and 1M€ for an Ore Processor then
spends 4 energy with the Ore Processor to gain 1 titanium, increase the
oxygen level to 15% and its TR to 25.
Spire moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Poseidon uses Extreme Cold Fungus to add 2 microbes to Tardigrades.
Ecotec adds a microbe to Extremophiles.
Lakefront Resorts spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 2C and 4
steel and 23M€ for a Mohole Lake, gaining 3 plants and increasing the
temperature to 4C and its TR to 30.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to 6C and
its TR to 26 then uses Power Infrastructure to convert 3 energy into
Spire passes.
Poseidon spends 10M€ for Bushes, gaining 2 plant production and 2 plants.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Lakefront Resorts uses Mohole Lake to add an animal to Stratospheric Birds then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 25M€ for a city in D6, gaining 1M€
production, 2 plants, 1 steel, 4M€, and an animal on Pets. Spire
gains 1M€ production. Nirgal Enterprises then spends 8 plants for
a greenery tile in E7, gaining 4M€, 2 energy, 1 steel, increases the
oxygen level to 16% and its TR to 27.
Poseidon spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in I4, gaining 1
plant, 1 card, 1 steel, and increasing the oxygen level to 17% and its
TR to 26, then spends 4M€ for Moss, losing a plant and gaining 1 plant production.
Ecotec passes.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Poseidon adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Poseidon passes.
Nirgal Enterprises moves 2 energy to heat and gains 38M€, 5 steel, 7 plants, 5 energy, and 3 heat.
Spire moves 2 energy to heat and gains 43M€, 9 plants, and 3 energy.
Poseidon moves 3 energy to heat and gains 42M€, 5 titanium, 6 plants, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Ecotec gains 53M€, 6 titanium, 2 plants, and 4 energy.
Lakefront Resorts gains 53M€, 1 steel, 3 energy, and 1 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
TR Revision
players TR is reduced by 1.
Global Event
Dry Deserts: Ocean is removed from K6. Nirgal Enterprises has 1
influence, gaining 1 titanium. Spire has 0
influence. Poseidon has 2 influence, gaining 2 steel. Ecotec has 1
influence, gaining 1 plant. Lakefront
Resorts has 2
influence, gaining 2 titanium.
New Government
Unity becomes the ruling party. Nirgal Enterprises gains 8M€. Spire
gains 7M€. Poseidon gains 1M€. Ecotec gains 12M€.
Resorts gains 6M€. Poseidon
delegate becomes chair, Poseidon TR increases
to 26. The Scientists become
dominant party.
Changing Times
Mining Restrictions/Asteroid Mining becomes the current
event, neutral
delegate added to Unity, assuming party leadership. Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade
becomes the coming event. Heat First Policy/Global Dust Storm
becomes the distant event. Neutral
delegate added to the Kelvinists.
Generation 9
Spire keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Poseidon keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Ecotec keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Lakefront Resorts keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Nirgal Enterprises keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Spire spends 3 energy to trade with
Luna, gaining 10M€. Poseidon, Lakefront Resorts, and Nirgal
Enterprises each gain
2M€. Spire then spends 5 titanium and 21M€ for a Giant Ice
Asteroid, gaining a resource on Spire and a card, increasing the
temperature to 10C, placing an ocean on K6, gaining another card and
increasing its TR to 29, then spending 5M€ with Neptunian Power
Consultants to add a resource to that card and gain 1 energy
production. Ecotec gains 2 plants and a card. Lakefront
Resorts gains 1M€ production. Nirgal Enterprise loses 6 plants.
Poseidon spends 20M€ for
Jovian Lanterns, gaining 2 floaters on the card and increasing its TR
to 27, then spends 1 titanium to add 2 more floaters to Jovian Lanterns.
Ecotec spends 3 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 3 titanium. Spire gains 1 titanium.
Lakefront Resorts spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 10 heat,
then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 12C and its TR to 30.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 14C and
its TR to 27, then spends 23M€ for a greenery tile in G8, gaining 2
energy and increasing the oxygen level to 18% and its TR to 28.
Spire spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in I10, gaining 3 plants, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Poseidon spends 3 titanium to trade with Enceladus, gaining 2 microbes on Tardigrades.
Ecotec spends 25M€ for a city in G3, gaining 4M€, 1 plant, and 1M€
production. Nirgal Enterprises gains an anmial on Pets.
Spire gains 1M€ production. Ecotec then spends 2 titanium for a
Minority Refuge on Pluto, losing 2M€ production but gaining 2
cards. Poseidon gains 1M€ production.
Lakefront Resorts spends 11M€ for Airliners, gaining 2M€ production and
2 floaters on Titan Air Scrapping, then spends 2 floaters from Forced
Precipitation to increase Venus to 24% and its TR to 31.
Nirgal Enterprises adds a microbe to Psychrophiles and spends 3 energy
to trade with Pluto, gaining 3 cards. Ecotec draws then discards
a card.
Spire spends 18M€ for Maxwell Base, losing 1 energy production but
gaining 1M€ production and a resource on Spire. Nirgal
Enterprises gains an animal on Pets. Spire then uses Maxwell Base
to add a microbe to Venusian Insects, gaining 1M€.
Poseidon spends 12M€ for Jet Stream Microscrappers then spends 1 titanium to add 2 floaters to it.
Ecotec spends 25M€ for a city in H5, gaining 1 plant, 1M€ production,
and 3M€, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in H4, gaining 1
Lakefront Resorts spends 11M€ for Aerial Mappers, then spends 7M€ with Venus Shuttles to increase Venus to 26% and its TR to 32.
Nirgal Enterprises use Ants to consume a microbe from Venusian Insects
and spend 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.
Spire spends 2M€ with Restricted Area to draw a card and adds a microbe to Venusian Insects, gaining 1M€.
Poseidon adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Ecotec spends 11M€ for Molecular Printing, gaining 23M€, then spends 7M€ for Solarnet, gaining 2 cards.
Lakefront Resorts spends a floater from Atmo Collectors to gain 3
energy, then spends 2 energy with the Bio Printing Facility to gain an
animal on Stratospheric Birds.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 2 steel for a Mining Area in B1, gaining 2
steel and 1 steel production, then spend 8 steel and 1M€ for a Hi-Tech
Spire adds a microbe to GHG Producing Bacteria, gaining 1M€, and sells 2 cards for 2M€.
Poseidon uses Extreme Cold Fungus to add 2 microbes to Tardigrades.
Ecotec spends 8 titanium for Immigration Shuttles, gaining 5M€ production and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 16M€ for Farming, gaining 2M€ production, 2
plant production, and 2 plants, then spends 1 steel with
Electro-Catapult to gain 7M€.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 3M€ for an Investment Loan, losing 1M€
production but gaining 10M€, then spends 2 energy with Hi-Tech Lab to
draw 2 cards, keeping 1.
Spire spends 1 titanium and 5M€ for the Import of Advanced GHG, gaining
2 heat production and a resource on Spire. Ecotec gains a
card. Spire then spends 10 resources from Spire and 5M€ for a
city in H9, gaining 2M€ production. Nirgal Enterprieses gains an
animal on Pets.
Poseidon spends 8M€ for Public Celebrations.
Ecotec adds a microbe to Extremophiles.
Lakefront Resorts adds an animal to Stratospheric Birds, then uses Mohole Lake to add another.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 14M€ for Warp Drive, gaining a resource on Olympus Conference, then uses Orbital Cleanup to gain 6M€.
Spire sells 2 cards for 2M€.
Poseidon sells a card for 1M€.
Ecotec spends 1 energy production with the Energy Market to gain 8M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 2 floaters from Titan Air-Scrapping to increase its TR to 33 then adds a floater to Aerial Mappers.
Nirgal Enterprises uses Power Infrastructure to convert 2 energy to 2M€ then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Spire passes.
Poseidon moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Ecotec spends 12M€ for Gene Repair, gainng 2M€ production and 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 4 titanium for Miranda Resort and 11M€ for an Equatorial Magnetizer.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 4M€ for Unexpected Application, discarding a
card and increasing Venus to 28% and its TR to 29, then spends 1 steel
and 4M€ for Windmills, gaining 1 energy production.
Poseidon passes.
Ecotec spends 8M€ for Luxury Foods.
Lakefront Resorts sells 2 cards for 2M€, then spends a floater from
Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Europa, gaining 1 plant
production and 3M€. Poseidon gains 1M€.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 17M€ for Kelp Farming, gaining 2M€
production, 3 plant production, and 2 plants, then sells a card for 1M€.
Ecotec sells a card for 1M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 15M€ for Venusian Animals, gaining an animal
on the card and a resource on Carbon Nanosystems, then spends 1 energy
production with Equatorial Magnetizer to increase its TR to 34.
Nirgal Enterprises passes.
Ecotec sells a card for 1M€.
Lakefront Resorts moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Ecotec spends 3 steel and 12M€ for Sub-Crust Measurements, then uses it to draw a card.
Lakefront Resorts passes.
Ecotec sells 6 cards for 6M€ then spends 1M€ to add an asteroid to Asteroid Rights.
Ecotec moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, then spends 5M€ to
move a delegate from Reserve to the Reds, assuming party leadership.
Ecotec passes.
Spire gains 50M€, 9 plants, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Poseidon moves 3 energy to heat and gains 44M€, 5 titanium, 6 plants, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
Ecotec moves 1 energy to heat and gains 59M€, 6 titanium, 2 plants, and 3 energy.
Lakefront Resorts moves 1 energy to heat and gains 63M€, 1 steel, 3 plants, 3 energy, and 1 heat.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 40M€, 6 steel, 10 plants, 6 energy, and 3 heat.
All global parameters are at maximum, triggering the end of the game.
Spire spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in H8, gaining a plant,
and 8 plants to place a greenery tile in K11, gaining a plant.
Poseidon spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in F1, gaining 2M€.
Lakefront Resorts spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in F9, gaining 1 titanium.
Nirgal Enterprises spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in C6,
gaining 2 plants and 2M€, then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile
in D5, gaining 1 plant and 4M€.
Most different kinds of resources. Nirgal Enterprises has 10, Lakefront
Resorts has 9, Ecotec and Poseidon each have 8, and Spire has 6.
Nirgal Enterprises gains 5VP and Lakefront Resorts gains 2VP.
Investor: Most
Earth tags. Ecotec and Lakefront Resorts each have 11, Nirgal
Enterprises has 7, Spire has 3, and Poseidon has 0. Ecotec and
Lakefront Resorts each gain 5VP.
Forecaster: Most
cards with prerequisites. Ecotec has 14, Spire has 13, Nirgal
Enterprises has 11, Lakefront Resorts has 10, and Poseidon has 8.
Ecotec gains 5VP and Spire gains 2VP.
Geologist goes to Spire and Merchant and Diversifier go to Ecotec.
Congratulations to Dave Hooton on his victory!
Chris Geggus (Spire):
Well played Dave. Gaining 2 milestones is usually is a precurser for
final victory and so it proved. Add in the 2 wins on awards and it
became a procession. I felt a little short in a couple of areas, but
always enjoyable as ever and thank you to Chris H. once again.
Christopher Hunt (Poseidon):
Congratutions to Dave on his fine win. Thanks to Chris for keeping
track of my cards. No milestones, no awards, little
presence on the map, bad synergy only microbes = abomiable
result. Better luck next time.
Kevin Croskery (Lakefront Resorts):
Well done Dave and thanks Chris for running the game. As Chris G says,
getting 2 milestones is a good way to win a game. Had plenty of card
VPs but minimal board presence.
Dave Hooton (Ecotec):
Thanks for running the game, Chris, and thanks to Andy for funding
awards that gave me 10 points. Somehow I managed to play 7 greenery
tiles with just 2 plant production.
Andy York (Nirgal Enterprises):
Fair outing for me, and after missing out on any (free) milestone,
decided to use my Company Power to pick the Awards I thought I had the
best chance at early before ones I knew I'd be out of the running for
were funded by the others. That didn't work out too well.
Congrats to Dave on his solid win and, as always, a top of the hat to our tireless GM.
The Players
Dave Hooton
Kevin Croskery
Lakefront Resorts
Black |
Andy York
Nirgal Enterprises
Blue |
Chris Geggus
Yellow |
Christopher Hunt
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing
will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Dave Hooton |
Kevin Croskery
Andy York
Chris Geggus |
Christopher Hunt
(1 energy
production) |
(1 energy
production) |
(1 energy
production) |
4 (5 energy)
(3 microbes)
(3 microbes) |
(3 microbes) |
1 (0 microbes)
Poseidon |
(1 ocean) |
(1 ocean) |
5 (1 plant production)
Lakefront Resorts
(1 heat
production) |
(1 heat
production) |
2 (3 heat)
Poseidon |
Lakefront Resorts
Nirgal Enterprises
4 (7M€) |
Ecotec |
cards) |
cards) |
2 (1 card)
(2 titanium)
2 (1
The numbers in the Resource Marker
column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number
in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that
space. N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a
card that can accept those resources is not in play. Text in the
colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit
of establishing a colony there.
| 0
| 1
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
Chair is Poseidon. Ruling
Party: Unity.
Heat First Policy/Global Dust Storm |
Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade |
Mining Restrictions/Asteroid Mining |