
Terraforming Mars:  Drafting, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, Turmoil

Generation 1

Initial Card Selection

Chris selects Celestic and keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€.
Kevin selects Utopia, gaining 1 steel production and 1 titanium production, and keeps 6 cards, paying 18M€.
Keith selects Thorgate, gaining 1 energy production, and keeps 1 card, paying 3M€.
Andy selects Robinson Industries and keeps 7 cards, paying 21M€.
Dave selects Valley Trust and keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€.

Prelude Phase

Celestic plays Supplier, gaining 2 energy production and 4 steel, and Self-Sufficient Settlement in G9, spending 6M€ for an ocean tile in F5, gaining a card and increasing its TR to 21.
Utopia plays Metal-Rich Asteroid, gaining 4 steel and 4 titanium, increasing the temperature to -28C and its TR to 21, and Orbital Construction Yard, gaining 1 titanium production and 4 titanium.
Thorgate plays Martian Industries, gaining 1 steel production, 1 energy production, and 6M€, and Great Aquifer, placing oceans in G5, gaining 3 heat and 2M€ and F4, gaining 1 plant and 4M€ and increasing its TR to 22.
Robinson Industries plays Mining Operation, gaining 2 steel production and 4 steel, and Donation, gaining 21M€.
Valley Trust plays UNMI Contractor, increasing its TR to 23 and gaining a card, and Allied Bank, gaining 4M€ production and 3M€.

Action Phase

Celestic draws Physics Complex, Extractor Balloons, Banned Delegate, Aquifer Pumping, Food Factory, and Stratopolis, keeping Extractor Balloons and Stratopolis, then spends 17M€ for a colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ production.
Utopia spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production and 3 heat, and 2 steel for a Power Plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Thorgate spends 17M€ for a colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ production, and 17M€ for a colony on Callisto, gaining 1 energy production.
Robinson Industries spends 13M€ for a Pioneer Settlement on Luna, then spends 18M€ for Lava Flows in G8, gaining 2 heat, increasing the temperature to -24C and its TR to 22, and gaining 1 heat production.
Valley Trust plays Auqifer Turbines, spending 3M€, gaining 2 energy production, placing an ocean in C7, gaining 2 titanium and increasing its TR to 24, then spends 17M€ for a colony on Callisto, gaining 1 energy production.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leadership, and spends 4 steel and 3M€ for Solar Power, gaining 1 energy production.
Utopia spends 12M€ for a Mining Expedition, gaining 2 steel, increasing the oxygen level to 1% and its TR to 22.  Thorgate loses 1 plant.
Thorgate spends 8M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production, and moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Robinson Industries spends 2M€ for Psychrophiles and adds a resource to it.
Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Celestic adds a floater to itself.
Utopia passes.
Thorgate spends 8M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Robinson Industries spends 4M€ to gain 1 titanium production and 3 steel and 1M€ for a Titanium Mine, gaining 1 titanium production.
Valley Trust passes.
Celestic passes.
Thorgate spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Robinson Industries moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership.
Thorgate passes.
Robinson Industries passes.

Production Phase

Celestic gains 25M€ and 3 energy.

Utopia gains 22M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, 1 energy, and 1 heat.

Thorgate gains 24M€, 1 steel, and 5 emergy.

Robinson Industries gains 22M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, and 1 heat.

Valley Trust gains 28M€ and 3 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

No global event.

New Government

Mars First becomes the ruling party. Celestic gains 2M€. Utopia gains 2M€. Thorgate gains 1M€. Robinson Industries gains 2M€.  Valley Trust gains 0M€.  Thorgate delegate becomes chair, Thorgate TR increases to 22. The Scientists become dominant party.

Changing Times

Martian Protectionism/Venus Infrastructure becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Unity.  Unity becomes the dominant party.  Moral Movement/Strong Society becomes the coming event. Democratic Reform/Aquifer Released by Public Council becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Mars First, assuming party leadership.

Generation 2


Utopia keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Thorgate keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Robinson Industries keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Valley Trust keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Action Phase

Utopia spends 9M€ to trade with Luna, gaining 10M€.  Celestic, Thorgate, and Robinson Industries each gain 2M€.  Utopia then uses its corporate action to lose 1 titanium production and gain 4 titanium.
Thorgate spends 8M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production, then spends 8M€ to claim the Energizer milestone.
Robinson Industries spends 4M€ to gain 1 energy production.
Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership, and spends 4M€ for a Political Alliance, increasing its TR to 24.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Utopia spends 5 titanium and 1M€ for Asteroid Hollowing then spends 1 titanium to add an asteroid to Asteroid Hollowing, gaining 1M€ production.
Thorgate spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 8 energy.  Valley Trust gains 3 energy.
Robinson Industries adds a resource to Psychrophiles.
Valley Trust spends 14M€ for Designed Microorganisms, gaining 2 plant production.
Celestic spends 13M€ for an Immigrant City in E4, losing 1 energy production and 1M€ production, but gaining 2 steel and 4M€.
Utopia moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Thorgate moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Robinson Industries spends 3 steel and 9M€ for a Great Dam in D8, gaining 2 steel, 2M€, and 2 energy production.
Valley Trust spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Greens.
Celestic spends 4M€ for Advertising then spends 7M€ for Sister Planet Support, gaining 3M€ production.
Utopia spends 9M€ for Adapted Lichen, gaining 1 plant production, then spends 5 titanium and 1M€ for Imported Hydrogen, gaining 3 plants, placing an ocean tile in A2, gaining 2 plants and increasing its TR to 22.
Thorgate passes.
Robinson Industries moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.
Valley Trust spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production.
Celestic adds a floater to itself.
Utopia passes.
Robinson Industries passes.
Valley Trust passes.
Celestic passes.

Production Phase

Utopia moves 1 energy to heat and gains 23M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 1 heat.

Thorgate moves 10 energy to heat and gains 24M€, 1 steel, and 6 emergy.

Robinson Industries gains 22M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 3 energy, and 1 heat.

Valley Trust moves 3 energy to heat and gains 28M€, 2 plants, and 4 energy.

Celestic moves 3 energy to heat and gains 26M€ and 2 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Venus Infrastructure.  Utopia has 0 Venus tags and 0 influence.  Thorgate has 0 Venus tags and 1 influence, gaining 1M€.  Robinson Industries has 0 Venus tags and 0 influence.  Valley Trust has 0 Venus tags and 0 influence.  Celestic has 2 Venus tags and 2 influence, gaining 4M€.

New Government

Unity becomes the ruling party. Utopia gains 0M€. Thorgate gains 0M€. Robinson Industries gains 0M€.  Valley Trust gains 3M€.  Celestic gains 4M€. Celestic delegate becomes chair, Celestic TR increases to 20. Mars First becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Moral Movement/Strong Society becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Mars First.  Unity becomes the dominant party.  Democratic Reform/Aquifer Released by Public Council becomes the coming event. Rising Alloy Demand/Miners on Strike becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Mars First, assuming party leadership.

Generation 3


Thorgate keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Robinson Industries keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Valley Trust keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Utopia keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

Thorgate spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Celestic and Robinson Industries each gain 2M€.
Robinson Industries spends 3 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 3 plants, and spends 4M€ to gain 1M€ production.
Valley Trust spends 1M€ for a GMO Contract, gaining 2M€, then spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 8 energy.  Thorgate gains 3 energy.
Celestic spends 21M€ for Extractor Balloons, gaining 3 floaters on the card and 1M€ production, and 2M€ for an Invention Contest, drawing 3 cards and keeping 1.
Utopia moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First and spends 6M€ for Sponsors, gaining 2M€ production.
Thorgate spends 23M€ for an Earth Catapult.
Robinson Industries spends 4 titanium and 2M€ for Imported Nutrients, gaining 4 plants and 4 microbes on Psychrophiles, then adds another microbe to Psychrophiles.
Valley Trust spends 12M€ for a Martian Zoo, gaining 2M€, then spends 7M€ for a Bribed Committee, gaining a resource on Martian Zoo and increasing its TR to 25.  Miranda activates.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Utopia spends 15M€ for a Lava Tube Settlement in B6, losing 1 energy production but gaining 2M€ production, 2M€, and 1 titanium.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.  Utopia then spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Asteroid Hollowing and to gain 1M€ production.
Thorgate spends 2 steel and 6M€ for a Water Splitting Plant.
Robinson Industries spends 4 steel, 7 microbes from Psychrophiles, and 1M€ for a Protected Valley in G4, gaining 2M€ production, 1 plant, and 4M€, increasing oxygen to 2% and its TR to 21, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leadership.
Valley Trust spends 2 titanium and 5M€ for an Asteroid Deflection System, losing 1 energy production and gaining a resource on Martian Zoo, then uses Asteroid Deflection System to draw Steelworks, gaining nothing.
Celestic uses its corporate ability to add a floater to Extractor Balloons, then spends 2 floaters from Extractor Balloons to increase Venus to 2% and its TR to 21.
Utopia passes.
Thorgate spends 3 energy with the Water Splitting Plant to increase the oxygen level to 3% and its TR to 22.
Robinson Industries spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in E8, gaining 1 card, increasing the oxygen level to 4% and its TR to 22, then spends 8M€ to claim the Polar Explorer milestone.
Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Celestic passes.
Thorgate spends 5M€ for Lichen, gaining 1 plant production.
Robinson Industries spends 10M€ for an Acquired Company, gaining 3M€ production.
Valley Trust collects 2M€ from the Martian Zoo.
Thorgate moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Robinson Industries passes.
Valley Trust passes.
Thorgate spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -22C and its TR to 23.
Thorgate passes.

Production Phase

Thorgate moves 3 energy to heat and gains 25M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, and 6 energy.

Robinson Industries gains 28M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 3 energy, and 1 heat.

Valley Trust moves 12 energy to heat and gains 29M€, 2 plants, and 3 energy.

Celestic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 29M€ and 2 energy.

Utopia moves 1 energy to heat and gains 27M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Strong Society.  Thorgate has 0 cities and 1 influence, gaining 2M€.  Robinson Industries has 0 cities and 0 influence.  Valley Trust has 0 cities and 0 influence.  Celestic has 2 cities and 2 influence, gaining 8M€.  Utopia has 1 city and 1 influence, gaining 4M€. 

New Government

Mars First becomes the ruling party. Thorgate gains 2M€. Robinson Industries gains 4M€.  Valley Trust gains 2M€.  Celestic gains 3M€. Utopia gains 0M€. Neutral delegate becomes chair. The Greens become dominant party.

Changing Times

Democratic Reform/Aquifer Released by Public Council becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Greens.   Rising Alloy Demand/Miners on Strike becomes the coming event. Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Reds.

Generation 4


Robinson Industries keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Valley Trust keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Utopia keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Thorgate keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

Robinson Industries spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 8 heat, and spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -20C, its TR to 22, and gain 1 heat production.
Valley Trust spends 13M€ for Saturn Surfing, gaining 5 floaters on it and 1 animal on Martian Zoo, then spends 8M€ to claim the Diversifier milestone.
Celestic spends 18M€ for the Titan Floating Launch-Pad, gaining 2 floaters on it, then spends one of them to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Thorgate and Robinson Industries each gain 2M€.
Utopia spends 3 titanium and 24M€ for a Large Convoy, placing an ocean in A1, gaining 5 plants, 2M€, 2 cards, and increasing its TR to 21, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in C6, gaining 2M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 5% and its TR to 22.
Thorgate spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 8 energy.  Valley Trust gains 3 energy.  Thorgate then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Robinson Industries uses its corporate action to spend 4M€ to gain 1 plant production.
Valley Trust passes.
Celestic spends 7M€ for Floater Technology and 9M€ for a Venus Waystation.
Utopia spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -18C and its TR to 23, then spends 9M€ for Advanced Alloys.
Thorgate spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -16C and its TR to 23.
Robinson Industries adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
Celestic spends 14M€ for the Release of Inert Gasses, increasing its TR to 22.
Utopia moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Thorgate spends 0M€ for an Energy Market.
Robinson Industries spends 2 steel and 16M€ for a Mohole Area in G6, gaining 4 heat production, 4M€, and 1 steel.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Utopia passes.
Thorgate spends 0M€ to join a Power Supply Consortium, gaining 1 energy production.  Valley Trust loses 1 energy production.
Robinson Industries moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Celestic spends 2 floaters from Extractor Balloons to increase Venus to 4% and its TR to 23, then uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Titan Floating Launch-Pad.
Thorgate spends 23M€ for a greenery tile in B2, gaining 4M€, 2 plants, increasing the oxygen level to 6% and it TR to 24.
Robinson Industries spends 2 titanium and 13M€ for Lunar Exports, gaining 5M€ production.
Celestic passes.
Thorgate spends 3 energy with the Water Splitting Plant to increase oxygen to 7%, then spends 0M€ for a Project Inspection, spending 3 more energy with the Water Splitting Plant, increasing oxygen to 8%, temperature to -14C, and its TR to 27.
Robinson Industries spends 1 steel and 4M€ for Windmills, gaining 1 energy production.
Thorgate spends 1 steel and 5M€ for a Soil Factory, losing 1 energy production but gaining 1 plant production.
Robinson Industries passes.
Thorgate passes.

Production Phase

Robinson Industries gains 33M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 6 heat.

Valley Trust moves 6 energy to heat and gains 28M€, 2 plants, and 2 energy.

Celestic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 31M€ and 2 energy.

Utopia gains 29M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 heat.

Thorgate moves 5 energy to heat and gains 29M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, and 6 emergy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Aquifer Released by Public Council.  Ocean tile is place in H6.  Robinson Industries has 0 influence.  Valley Trust has 2 influence gaining 2 plants and 2 steel.  Celestic has 1 influence, gaining 1 plant and 1 steel.  Utopia has 0 influence. Thorgate has 1 influence, gaining 1 plant and 1 steel. 

New Government

The Greens become the ruling party. Robinson Industries gains 2M€.  Valley Trust gains 3M€.  Celestic gains 0M€. Utopia gains 1M€. Thorgate gains 1M€. Valley Trust delegate becomes chair, Valley Trust TR goes to 24. Unity becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Rising Alloy Demand/Miners on Strike becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Greens, assuming party leadership.    Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the coming event. Explore First Directive/Scientific Community becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Reds.

Generation 5


Valley Trust keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Celestic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Utopia keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Thorgate keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Robinson Industries keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

Valley Trust spends 9M€ to trade with Europa, gaining 1 energy production.
Celestic spends 1 floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Thorgate and Robinson Industries each gain 2M€.  Celestic then spends 8M€ for a Topsoil Contract, gaining 3 plants.
Utopia spends 3 steel for Mining Rights in H8, gaining 1 titanium and 1 titanium production, then spends 13M€ to join an Asteroid Mining Consortium, gaining 1 titanium production.  Robinson Industries loses 1 titanium production.
Thorgate spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 3 cards, then spends 25M€ to build a city in D7, gaining 1M€ production and 2M€.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.
Robinson Industries spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 5 energy.  Thorgate and Valley Trust each gain 3 energy.  Robinson Industries then spends 4M€ to gain 1 plant production.
Valley Trust spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -12C then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -10C, and its TR to 26.
Celestic spends 8M€ for GHG Producing Bacteria, then adds a microbe to it, gaining 1M€.
Utopia moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Unity, assuming party leadership.
Thorgate spends 3 energy with the Water Splitting Plant to increase oxygen to 9% and its TR to 27.
Robinson Industries spends 2 titanium and 12M€ for Sky Docks, gaining a trade fleet, then spends 3 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 2 plants.
Valley Trust spends 2 steel and 14M€ for Sub-Crust Measurements, gaining a resource on Martian Zoo, then uses it to draw a card.
Celestic spends 21M€ for a Comet, placing an ocean in H6, gaining 1 steel, 4M€, increasing the temperature to -8C and its TR to 24.  Valley Trust loses 3 plants.
Utopia spends 3M€ for Micro-Mills, gaining 1 heat production.
Thorgate uses the Energy Market to sacrifice 1 energy production for 8M€.
Robinson Industries spends 2 steel and 15M€ for a Cultural Metropolis in F3, losing 1 energy production but gaining 2M€, 3M€ production, 2 plants, and 2 delegate in Mars First, assuming party leadership.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.  Robinson Industries moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Valley Trust uses Asteroid Deflection System to draw Fuel Factory to no effect.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Utopia uses its corporate ability to lose 1 titanium production and gain 4 titanium, then spends 5 titanium for a Mining Colony on Callisto, gainnig 1 energy production and 1 titanium production.
Thorgate spends 8M€ for Cryo-Sleep.
Robinson Industries adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
Valley Trust spends a floater from Saturn Surfing to gain 5M€ and gains 4M€ from Martian Zoo.
Celestic adds a floater to Extractor Balloons, then uses Floater Technology to add another floater to Extractor Balloons.
Utopia spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Asteroid Hollowing, gaining 1M€ production.
Thorgate spends 2M€ for Tardigrades.
Robinson Industries spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -6C and its TR to 22.
Valley Trust spends 9M€ for Ants, then uses them to consume a microbe from Psychrophiles.
Celestic spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Utopia passes.
Thorgate adds a resource to Tardigrades and moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Robinson Industries passes.
Valley Trust spends 10M€ for Refugee Camps, and 1M€ production to add a resource to it.
Celestic uses its corporate action to add a floater to Titan Floating Launch-Pad.
Thorgate passes.
Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Celestic passes.
Valley Trust passes.

Production Phase

Valley Trust moves 5 energy to heat and gains 29M€, 2 plants, and 3 energy.

Celestic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 34M€ and 2 energy.

Utopia gains 29M€, 1 steel, 3 titanium, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 2 heat.

Thorgate moves 3 energy to heat and gains 30M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, and 5 emergy.

Robinson Industries moves 3 energy to heat and gains 36M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, 3 energy, and 6 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Miners on Strike.  Valley Trust has 1 Jovian tag and 1 influence, losing 0 titanium.  Celestic has 1 Jovian tag and 0 influence, but has no titanium to lose.  Utopia has 1 Jovian tag and 2 influence, losing 0 titanium. Thorgate has 0 Jovian tags and 0 influence. Robinson Industries has 0 Jovian tags and 1 influence. 

New Government

Unity becomes the ruling party. Valley Trust gains 8M€.  Celestic gains 8M€. Utopia gains 2M€. Thorgate gains 1M€. Robinson Industries gains 3M€.  Utopia delegate becomes chair, Utopia TR goes to 22. Mars First becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Unity, assuming party leadership.    Explore First Directive/Scientific Community becomes the coming event. Solarnet/Celebrity Leaders becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Unity.

Generation 6


Celestic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Utopia keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Thorgate keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Robinson Industries keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Valley Trust keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

Celestic spends 1 floater from Titan Floating Launch-Pad to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Thorgate and Robinson Industries each gain 2M€.  Celestic then spends 17M€ for Io Sulphur Research, gaining 3 cards.
Utopia spends 3 titanium and 8M€ for an Ice Moon Colony on Io, gaining 1 heat production, placing an ocean on A4, gaining 1 plant, and increasing its TR to 23, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in A5, gaining 1 card, 2M€, increasing the oxygen level to 10% and its TR to 24.
Thorgate spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -4C amd its TR to 27, then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in E7, increase the oxygen level to 11%, and its TR to 28.
Robinson Industries spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 7 energy.  Utopia, Thorgate, and Valley Trust each gain 3 energy.  Robinson Industries then spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 4 heat.  Utopia gains 2 heat.
Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.  The Scientists become the dominant party.  Valley Trust then uses Ants to consume a microbe from Psychrophiles.
Celestic spends 2M€ for Recruitment, exchanging a neutral delegate in Unity for one of his own, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leadership.
Utopia spends 3 steel and 2M€ for GHG Factories, losing 1 energy production and gaining 4 heat production, then spends 4 steel and 1M€ for a Tropical Resort, losing 2 heat production and gaining 3M€ production.
Thorgate spends 2 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 1 card, and 3 energy to use the Water Splitting Plant to increase the oxygen level to 12% and its TR to 29.
Robinson Industries adds a microbe to Psychrophiles, then spends it and 17M€ for Venus Soils, gaining 2 microbes on Psychrophiles, 1 plant production, increases Venus to 6%, and its TR to 22.
Valley Trust spends 7M€ for Viral Enhancers, gaining 1 plant and 2M€.
Celestic spends 23M€ for Imported Nitrogen, gaining 4 plants, 3 microbes on GHG Producing Bacteria, 3M€, 1M€ production, and increases its TR to 24, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in D4, gaining 2 steel, increasing the oxygen level to 13% and its TR to 25.
Utopia moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Thorgate spends 11M€ for Molecular Printing, gaining 12M€, then spends 25M€ for a city in C3, gaining 1 steel and 1M€ production.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.
Robinson Industries spends 2 microbes from Psychrophiles and 11M€ for Tundra Farming, gaining 1 plant, 1 plant production, and 2M€ production.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.  Robinson Industries then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in G3, gaining 1 plant, 1 card, increasing the oxygen level to 14% and its TR to 23.
Valley Trust spends 25M€ for a city in B1, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, and 1M€ production.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.  Valley Trust then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in C1, gaining 2 plants.
Celestic spends 5 steel and 1M€ for Geothermal Power, gaining 2 energy production, then sells a card for 1M€.
Utopia sacrifices 1 titanium production for 4 titanium and spends 13M€ for a Lunar Beam, losing 2M€ production and gaining 2 energy production and 2 heat production.
Thorgate moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens, assuming party leadership.
Robinson Industries spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -2C, then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to 0C and its TR to 25.
Valley Trust spends 3M€ for an Investment Loan, losing 1M€ production, but gaining 10M€ and a resource on Martian Zoo.
Celestic spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 2C and its TR ro 26.
Utopia passes.
Thorgate spends 4 steel and 6M€ for a Commercial District in E3, losing 1 energy production but gaining 4M€ production and 2M€.
Robinson Industries spends 8M€ to fund the Contractor award.
Valley Trust spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to 4C and its TR to 26.
Celestic spends 7M€ for an Aerosport Tournament, gaining 7M€, then spends 9M€ for Dirigibles.
Thorgate uses Energy Market to sacrifice 1 energy production for 8M€.
Robinson Industries moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
Valley Trust spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.
Celestic spends 2 floaters from Extractor Balloons to increase Venus to 8%, gaining a card and increasing its TR to 27, then adds a floater to Dirigibles.
Thorgate adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Robinson Industries passes.
Valley Trust uses Sub-Crust Measurements to draw a card.
Celestic spends 2 microbes from GHG Producing Bacteria to increase the temperature to 6C and its TR to 28, then adds a floater to itself.
Thorgate passes.
Valley Trust uses Asteroid Deflection System, drawing Underground Detonations and not gaining a resource.
Celestic uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Dirigibles.
Valley Trust spends 4M€ for Research Coordination.
Celestic passes.
Valley Trust collects 5M€ from Martian Zoo, and spends a floater from Saturn Surfing to gain 4M€.
Valley Trust spends 15M€ for Dawn City, losing 1 energy production and gaining 1 titanium production.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.
Valley Trust passes.

Production Phase

Celestic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 42M€ and 4 energy.

Utopia moves 4 energy to heat and gains 32M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 2 energy, and 7 heat.

Thorgate moves 3 energy to heat and gains 37M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, and 3 emergy.

Robinson Industries moves 3 energy to heat and gains 41M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, 4 plants, 3 energy, and 6 heat.

Valley Trust moves 6 energy to heat and gains 28M€, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 2 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Dry Deserts.  Ocean in F4 is removed.  Celestic has 1 influence, gaining 1 titanium.  Utopia has 1 influence, gaining 1 titanium. Thorgate has 0 influence. Robinson Industries has 0 influence. Valley Trust has 2 influence, gaining 2 plants. 

New Government

Scientists become the ruling party. Celestic gains 3M€. Utopia gains 1M€. Thorgate gains 2M€. Robinson Industries gains 0M€.  Valley Trust gains 5M€.  Valley Trst delegate becomes chair, Valley Trust TR goes to 26. Mars First becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Explore First Directive/Scientific Community becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Scientists, assuming party leadership.    Solarnet/Celebrity Leaders becomes the coming event. Second Energy Crisis/Improved Energy Templates becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Scientists.

Generation 7


Utopia keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Thorgate keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Robinson Industries keeps 0 cards, spending 0M€.

Valley Trust keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Celestic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Action Phase

Utopia spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 8C and its TR to 24 then spends 11M€ for Breathing Filters.
Thorgate spends 25M€ for a Space Port Colony on Europa, placing an ocean in A3, gaining 1 plant and 4M€, increasing its TR to 28, then spending 2 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Celestic and Robinson Industries each gain 2M€.
Robinson Industries spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 7 energy.  Utopia, Thorgate, and Valley Trust each gain 3 energy.  Robinson Industries then spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 1 card.
Valley Trust spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in C2, gaining 1 plant, then spends 8 energy to trade with Miranda, gaining 3 animals on Martian Zoo.
Celestic spends 1 steel and 9M€ for Omnicourt, increasing its TR to 29.
Utopia spends 15M€ for Energy Savings, gaining 7 energy production, then spends 6 titanium for a Magnetic Shield, increasing its TR to 28.
Thorgate spends 1 steel and 13M€ for a Wildlife Dome in B3, gaining 4M€ and 1 plant, then spends 14M€ to fund the Cultivator award.
Robinson Industries spends 4 steel and 14M€ for an Open City in H4, losing 1 energy production, but gaining 4M€ production, 2M€, and 3 plants.  Celestic gains 1M€ production.  Robinson Industries then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in I5, gaining 2M€ and 1 plant.
Valley Trust spends 20M€ to fund the Eccentric award, then spends 4M€ for a Luna Governor, gaining 2M€ production and adding 2 resources to Martian Zoo.
Celestic spends 3M€ for Supported Research, gaining 2 cards.
Utopia spends 1 titanium to add a resource to Asteeroid Hollowing, gaining 1M€ production.
Thorgate spends 2 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 2 plants, and uses Energy Market to sacrifice 1 energy production for 8M€.
Robinson Industries adds a microbe to Psychrophiles, then spends it and 13M€ for Farming, gaining 2M€ production, 2 plant production, and 2 plants.
Valley Trust uses Ants to consume a microbe from Tardigrades and uses Sub-Crust Measurements to draw a card.
Celestic sells a card for 1M€ then spends 1 titanium and 9M€ for a Stanford Torus, gaining 1M€ production.
Utopia moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Thorgate sells 3 cards for 3M€.
Robinson Industries spends 2 titanium and 21M€ for Methane from Titan, gaining 2 plant production and 2 heat production.
Valley Trust activates Martian Zoo, gaining 10M€ then spends 1 titanium and 1M€ for a Trans-Neptune Probe.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.  Unity becomes the dominant party.
Utopia sells 3 cards for 3M€ then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Unity.
Thorgate spends 23M€ for a greenery tile in C4, gaining 1 steel.
Robinson Industries sells 4 cards for 4M€.
Valley Trust spends 8M€ for the Atalanta Planitia Lab, gaining 2 cards.
Celestic adds a microbe to GHG Producing Bacteria, gaining 1M€, then spends 22M€ for Atmoscoop, increasing Venus to 12%, its TR to 31, and gaining 1M€ production and 2 floaters on Dirigibles.
Utopia spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Unity, assuming party leadership.
Thorgate adds a microbe to Tardigrades and moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Greens.
Robinson Industries uses its corporate ability to spend 4M€, gaining 1 titanium production.
Valley Trust uses Asteroid Deflection System to draw Greenhouses (fails).
Celestic uses Floater Technology to add a resource to Dirigibles and sells a card for 1M€.
Utopia passes.
Thorgate sells a card for 1M€.
Robinson Industries passes.
Valley Trust spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.
Celestic spends 1M€ and 5 floaters from Dirigibles for Maxwell Base, losing 1 energy production but gaining 1M€ production.
Thorgate passes.
Valley Trust spends 1 floater from Saturn Surfing to gain 3M€ then sells 3 cards for 3M€.
Celestic uses its corporate action to add a floater to itself, then uses Maxwell Base to add another.
Valley Trust spends 7M€ for Solarnet, gaining 2 cards.
Celestic uses Dirigibles to add a floater to Celestic then sells 3 cards for 3M€.
Valley Trust sells 3 cards for 3M€.
Celestic passes.
Valley Trust moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists then spends 3M€ for a Caretaker Contract.
Valley Trust spends 8 heat with the Caretaker Contract to increase its TR to 27 then sells 3 cards for 3M€.
Valley Trust passes.

Production Phase

Utopia moves 5 energy to heat and gains 37M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 9 energy, and 7 heat.

Thorgate moves 2 energy to heat and gains 37M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, and 2 emergy.

Robinson Industries moves 4 energy to heat and gains 46M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 8 plants, 2 energy, and 8 heat.

Valley Trust moves 2 energy to heat and gains 30M€, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 2 energy.

Celestic moves 4 energy to heat and gains 49M€ and 3 energy.

Solar Phase

As all global parameters are at maximum, the game concludes.

Final Greenery Tile Placement

Thorgate spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in D6, gaining 1 steel.
Robinson Industries spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in C2, gaining 1 plant.

Victory Points


Contractor:Most building tags. Robinson Industries has 8, Utopia has 6, Celestic and Thorgate each have 5, and Valley Trust has 3.  Robinson Industries gains 5VP and Utopia gains 2VP.

Cultivator: Most greenery tiles.  Thorgate and Robinson Industries each have 5, Utopia and Valley Trust each have 2, and Celestic has 1.  Thorgate and Robinson Industries each gain 5VP.

Eccentrix: Most resources on cards.  Valley Trust has 18, Celestic has 10, Utopia has 4, Thorgate has 2, and Robinson Industries has 0.  Valley Trust gains 5VP and Celestic gains 2VP.


Energizer goes to Thorgate, Polar Explorer goes to Robinson Industries, and Diversifier goes to Valley Trust.

Robinson Industries
Valley Trust
Terraforming Rating
Congratulations to Andy York on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Dave Hooton (Valley Trust):  Congratulations to Andy on a clear win, and thanks to Chris for running it. I didn't get a lot of synergy this game.

Andy York (Robinson Industries):  I won? Maybe I should ask for a recount of the ballots? I seriously thought I’d be middle of the pack. At first I thought maybe Thorgate’s funding of the Cultivator Award was the difference, but he shared it with me and we’d be in the same relative position without it. So how I edged ahead I have no idea.

Thanks to all for a great game and to Chris for running it.

Keith Marple (Thorgate):  So close!  That was a really fun game, and I guess I didn’t have quite enough to pull it out.  I had the straightforward claim of Energizer from Thorgate’s corporation power early on, but struggled a little to find the right lane after that.  Thanks all for playing and thank you Chris for organizing and running it!

Chris Geggus (Celestic):  Well played Andy et al. Never really got going, but always something different in the game, so roll on the next one. Thanks to Chris H. for running it.

Kevin Wilson (Utopia):  Congrats to Andy. Nice, close win. I almost didn’t see blue cards after a few early. No real chance to get anything going.
Oh well, maybe next time.  Thanks as always to Chris for running the game and to the rest for the play.

The Players





Terraform Rating

Chris Geggus
Yellow 0
Kevin Wilson
Keith Marple
Green 0
Andy York
Robinson Industries
Dave Hooton
Valley Trust
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Chris Geggus 17
Kevin Wilson 9
Keith Marple 8
Andy York
Dave Hooton 3

Colony Name

Colony 1

Colony 2

Colony 3

Resource Marker

Thorgate Valley Trust
Utopia 4 (5 energy)
Thorgate (1 ocean) (1 ocean) 3 (1 energy production)
(1 plant production)
(1 plant production) (1 plant production) 1 (0 plants)
Utopia (1 heat production) (1 heat production) 3 (4 heat)
Celestic Thorgate Robinson Industries
4 (7M€)
(1 animal)
(1 animal) (1 animal) 1 (0 animals)
(2 cards) (2 cards) (2 cards) 1 (0 cards)

The numbers in the Resource Marker column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that space.  N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a card that can accept those resources is not in play.  Text in the colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit of establishing a colony there.

Terraforming Committee

Leader Delegates
Mars First
Robinson Industries
5 (1 Thorgate, 4 Robinson Industries)
2 (2 neutral)
8 (1 neutral, 3 Celestic, 4 Utopia)
4 (1 neutral, 3 Thorgate)
Neutral 3 (3 neutral)
Robinson Industries
2 (2 Robinson Industries)
Chair is Valley Trust. Ruling Party: Scientists.

Global Events

Coming Current
Second Energy Crisis/Improved Energy Templates Solarnet/Celebrity Leaders Explore First Directive/Scientific Community





Robinson Industries

Valley Trust