Kengal Shepherd Dog
Terraforming Mars: Drafting, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies
Generation 1
Dave selects Pharmacy Union, gaining 2 resources
on the card, losing 8M€, keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€, and draws Physics
Complex (discards are Fueled Generators and Space Station).
Chris selects Astrodrill, gaining 3 resources on the card, and keeps 8 cards, paying 24M€.
Andy selects Aridor and keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€.
Christopher selects Arklight, gaining a resource
on the card and 2M€ production, and keeps 7 cards, paying 21M€.
Miranda activates.
Kevin selects Tharsis Republic and keeps 5 cards, paying 15M€.
Pharmacy Union plays a Biofuels, gaining 1 plant
production, 1 energy production, and 2 plants, and a supply drop,
gaining 3 titanium, 8 steel, and 3 plants.
Astrodrill plays Loan, losing 2M€ production and gaining 30M€, and Supplier, gaining 2 energy production and 4 steel.
plays UNMI Contractor, gaining 1 card, 1M€ production, and increasing
its TR to 23, then plays Research Network, gaining 3 cards and 2M€
Arklight plays Nitrogen Shipment, increasing its
TR to 21, gaining 1 plant production and 5M€, and Biosphere Support,
losing 1M€ production and gaining 2 plant production and a resource on
Tharsis Republic plays Aquifer Turbines, gaining 2 energy production,
spending 3M€, and placing a ocean in A2, gaining 2 titanium and
increasing its TR to 21, and Society Support, losing 1M€ production but
gaining 1 plant production, 1 energy production, and 1 heat production.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 titanium and 14M€ for an
Ice Moon Colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ production and placing an ocean in
E1, gaining 2 plants and increasing its TR to 21 then spends 2M€ and 2
plants for Potatoes, gaining 2M€ production.
Astrodrill spends 4 steel and 5M€ for an Immigrant City in C3, losing 1
energy production and 1M€ production, then spends 5M€ for a colony on
Luna, gaining 2M€ production. Tharsis Republic gains 1M€ production.
Aridor brings Ceres into play and spends 17M€ for a colony on Luna.
Arklight spends 16M€ for Designed Microorganisms, gaining 2 plant
production. Pharmacy Union gains a disease resource and loses
4M€. Arklight spends 8M€ to claim the Forester milestone.
Tharsis Republic places a city in H5, gaining 1 steel, 1 card, 1M€
production, and 3M€. Astrodrill gains 1M€ production.
Tharsis Republic then spends 4M€ for a Mining Area in G4, gaining 2
titanium and 1 titanium production.
Pharmacy Union spends 1 steel and 8M€ for a Topsoil Contract, gaining 3
plants and a disease resource on Pharmacy Union, losing 3M€, then
spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E2, gaining 1 plant, 1 steel,
and 2M€ and increasing the oxygen level to 1% and its TR to 22.
Astrodrill spends 22M€ for a Space Port in B6, losing 1 energy
production but gaining 5M€ production, a trade fleet, and 2
cards. Tharsis Republic gains 1M€ production.
Aridor sells a card for 1M€ then spends 9M€ for Viral Enhancers,
gaining 1 plant and 2M€ production. Pharmacy Union gains 1
disease resource and loses 2M€.
Arklight passes.
Tharsis Republic spends 1 titanium and 1M€ for Rim Freighters then
spends 3 titanium and 3M€ for an Interplanetary Colony ship to
Callisto, gaining 1 energy production.
Pharmacy Union spends 5 steel for Nuclear Power, losing 2M€ production but gaining 3 energy production.
Astrodrill spends 6M€ for Rad Suits, gaining 1M€ production and spends 1 asteroid from Astrodrill for 3 titanium.
Aridor passes.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Pharmacy Union gains 22M€, 1 plant, and 4 energy.
Astrodrill gains 26M€.
Aridor gains 30M€.
Arklight gains 22M€ and 5 plants.
Tharsis Republic gains 23M€, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 1 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 2
Astrodrill keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Aridor keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Arklight keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Astrodrill spends 10M€ for Cryosleep, then spends
2 titanium to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€. Pharmacy Union and
Aridor each gain 2M€.
Aridor spends 7M€ for a Titanium Mine, gaining 1 titanium production and 1M€ production.
Arklight spends 12M€ for Cutting Edge Technology.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with Ceres, gaining 3 steel.
Union spends 2M€ for an Invention Contest, drawing 3 cards and
keeping 1, removing a disease resource, and increasing its TR to 23,
then spends 6M€ for Standard Technology, removing a disease resource
and increasing its TR to 24.
Astrodrill spends 12M€ for a Mining Expedition, gaining 2 steel and
increasing the oxygen level to 2% and its TR to 21. Arklight
loses 2 plants.
Aridor spends 12M€ for Space Hotels, gaining 5M€ production, then spends 8M€ to claim the Investor milestone.
Arklight passes.
Tharsis Republic spends 3 steel, 1 titanium, and 18M€ for a Space
Elevator, gaining 1 titanium production, then spends 1 steel with the
Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
Pharmacy Union spends 2 steel and 8M€ for Industrial Microbes, gaining
1 energy production, 1 steel production, 1 disease resource, and losing
Astrodrill sells a card for 1M€ and spends 14M€ for the Release of Inert Gasses, increasing its TR to 23.
Aridor passes.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 2 cards.
Astrodrill spends an asteroid on Astrodrill for 3 titanium.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Astrodrill gains 29M€.
Aridor gains 36M€ and 1 titanium.
Arklight gains 22M€ and 5 plants.
Tharsis Republic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 23M€, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 1 heat.
Pharmacy Union moves 1 energy to heat and gains 26M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, and 5 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 3
Aridor keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Arklight keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Astrodrill keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Aridor spends 1 titanium and 16M€ for Lunar Exports, gaining 5M€ production.
Arklight spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in H9, gaining 1 plant, increasing the oxygen level to 3% and its TR to 22.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with
Luna, gaining 10M€. Pharmacy Union, Astrodrill, and Aridor each
gain 2M€. Tharsis Republic then spends 20M€ for a Research Colony
on Triton, gaining 3 titanium and 2 cards.
Pharmacy Union spends 2 steel for a Power Plant,
gaining 1 energy production, then spends 3 energy to trade with
Callisto, gaining 5 energy. Tharsis Republic gains 3 energy.
Astrodrill spends an asteroid on Astrodrill for 3 titanium, then spends
7 titanium and 6M€ for a Space Port Colony on Triton, gaining 3
titanium and a trade fleet.
Aridor spends 4M€ for Tardigrades, gaining a resource on the
card. Pharmacy Union gains a disease resource and loses
4M€. Aridor adds a resource to Tardigrades.
Arklight spends 11M€ for a Subterranean Reservoir in F2, gaining 1 plant, 2M€, and increasing its TR to 23.
Tharsis Republic spends 12M€ for a Water Splitting Plant, then spends 3
energy to use it to increase the oxygen level to 4% and its TR to 22.
Pharmacy Union spends 12M€ for a Physics Complex, removing a disease
resource and increasing its TR to 25, then spends 6 energy to add a
resource to Physics Complex.
Astrodrill spends 2 titanium to trade with Triton, gaining 3
titanium. Tharsis Republic gains 1 titanium. Astrodrill
then spends 13M€ for Regolith Eaters. Enceladus activates.
Pharmacy Union gains 1 disease resource and losts 3M€.
Aridor spends 13M€ for a Pioneer Settlement on Triton, losing 2M€ production but gaining 3 titanium.
Arklight spends 7M€ for a Martian Survey, gaining 2 cards.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Aridor passes.
Arklight passes.
Aridor gains 39M€ and 1 titanium.
Arklight gains 24M€ and 5 plants.
Tharsis Republic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 24M€, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 1 heat.
Pharmacy Union moves 2 energy to heat and gains 27M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, and 6 energy.
Astrodrill gains 29M€.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 4
Arklight keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Astrodrill keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Aridor keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Arklight spends 16M€ for Tectonic Stress Power, gaining 3 energy production.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 10M€. Pharmacy Union, Astrodrill, and Aridor each gain 2M€.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 energy to trade with
Triton, gaining 3 titanium. Astrodrill, Aridor, and Tharsis
Republic each gain 1 titanium.
Astrodrill spends 9M€ for Ants, then uses them to consume a resource
from Tardigrades. Pharmacy Union gains a disease resource and
loses 4M€.
Aridor spends 4 titanium and 2M€ for an Asteroid, gaining 2 titanium and increasing the temperature to -28C and its TR to 24.
Arklight passes.
Tharsis Republic spends 3 titanium for the Import of Advanced GHG,
gaining 2 heat production, then spends 6 titanium and 5M€ for GHG
Import from Venus, gaining 3 heat production, increasing Venus to 2%
and its TR to 23.
Pharmacy Union spends 3M€ for an Energy Market.
Astrodrill spends 1 titanium and 15M€ for a Trading Colony on
Enceladus, gaining 3 microbes on Ants, then spends 2 titanium to trade
with Enceladus, gaining 4 microbes on Ants.
Aridor spends 13M€ for Extreme Cold Fungus. gaining a plant. Pharmacy Union gains
a disease resource and loses 4M€. Aridor uses Extreme Cold Fungus
to add 2 microbes to Tardigrades.
Tharsis Republic spends 9M€ for Adapted Lichen, gaining 1 plant production.
Pharmacy Union spends 6M€ with Energy Market to buy 3 energy then spends 6 energy to add a resource to Physics Complex.
Astrodrill spends 2 titanium to trade with Ganymede, gaining 5 plants, then adds an asteroid to Astrodrill.
Aridor spends 7M€ for Peroxide Power, losing then regaining 1M€ production and gaining 2 energy production.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill adds a microbe to Regolith Eaters.
Aridor spends 11M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Astrodrill passes.
Aridor passes.
Arklight gains 24M€, 5 plants, and 3 energy.
Tharsis Republic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 25M€, 2 titanium, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 6 heat.
Pharmacy Union gains 27M€, 1 steel, 1 plant, and 6 energy.
Astrodrill gains 29M€.
Aridor gains 40M€, 1 titanium, and 3 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 5
Tharsis Republic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Astrodrill keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Aridor keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Arklight keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with
Luna, gaining 10M€. Pharmacy Union, Astrodrill, and Aridor each
gain 2M€. Tharsis Republic then spends 8 heat to raise the
temperature to -26C and its TR to 24.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 energy to trade with
Ceres, gaining 4 steel, then spends 4 steel and 1M€ for a Natural
Preserve in D6, gaining 1M€ production, 2 steel, 1 titanium, removing 1
disease resource, and increasing its TR to 26.
Astrodrill spends an asteroid on itself to gain 3
titanium, then spends 2 titanium to trade with Triton, gaining 5
titanium. Aridor and Tharsis Republic each gain 1 titanium.
Aridor spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 2 cards, then spends 8M€ for a Cartel, gaining 5M€ production.
Arklight spends 11M€ for Nitrite Reducing Bacteria, gaining 3 microbes
on the card. Pharmacy Union gains a disease resource and loses
Tharsis Republic spends 11M€ for Solar Power, gaining 1 energy
production, and 3 titanium and 22M€ for Immigration Shuttles, gaining
5M€ production.
Pharmacy Union spends 6M€ with Energy Market to gain 3 energy then spends 6 energy to add a resource to Physicx Complex.
Astrodrill spends 2 titanium to trade with Callisto, gaining 7
energy. Tharsis Republic gains 3 energy. Astrodrill then
spends 2 energy to trade with Enceladus, gaining 3 microbes on Regolith
Eaters and 1 microbe on Ants.
Aridor spends 5 titanium for Vesta Shpyard, gaining 1 titanium production, and 8M€ to claim the Planetologist milestone.
Arklight spends 3 microbes from Nitrite-Reducing Bacteria to increase its TR to 24.
Tharsis Republic spends 3 energy with the Water Splitting Plant to increase the oxygen level to 5% and its TR to 25.
Pharmacy Union spends 4 steel and 5M€ for a Medical Lab, gaining 3M€
production, losing a disease resource, and increasing its TR to 27, and
4 titanium for Dawn City, losing 1 energy production and gaining 1
titanium production. Astrodrill gains 1M€ production.
Astrodrill spends 4 titanium and 15M€ for a Large Asteroid, gaining 4
titanium and increasing the temperature to -22C and its TR to 25.
Arklight loses 4 plants. Astrodrill then spends 2M€ for
Psycrophiles. Pharmacy Union gains a disease resource and loses
Aridor spends 11M€ for a Restricted Area in F7, gaining 1 plant and 2
steel, then spends 2M€ to use Restricted Area to draw a card.
Arklight spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in G8, gaining 1 card and increasing the oxygen to 6% and its TR to 25.
Tharsis Republic spends 10M€ on Shuttles, losing 1 energy production and gaining 2M€ production.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill spends 4 titanium and 2M€ for Imported Nutrients, gainng 4
plants and 4 microbes on Ants, then spends 8 plants to place a greenery
tile in B2, gaining 2M€, increasing the oxygen level to 7% and its TR
to 26.
Aridor spends 2 steel and 2M€ for Windmills, gaining 1 energy production.
Arklight spends 13M€ for Zeppelins, gaining 3M€ production.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Astrodrill spends 2 microbes from Regolith Eaters to riase the oxygen
level to 8%, which increases the temperature to -20C, gaining 1 heat
production, and increasing its TR to 28.
Aridor adds a resource to Tardigrades.
Arklight spends 7M€ for an SF Memorial, gaining a card.
Astrodrill adds a resource to Psycrophiles and the Ants consume a resource form Tardigrades.
Aridor uses Extreme-Cold Fungus to add 2 resources to Tardigrades.
Arklight passes.
Astrodrill plays Indentured Workers and spends 3M€ for Deuterium Export.
Aridor discards a card for 1M€ then spends 6M€ for Carbonate
Processing, losing 1 energy production and gaining 3 heat production.
Astrodrill adds a floater to Deuterium Exports.
Aridor passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Tharsis Republic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 34M€, 2 titanium, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 6 heat.
Pharmacy Union gains 33M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 5 energy.
Astrodrill moves 5 energy to heat and gains 35M€ and 2 heat.
Aridor gains 45M€, 2 titanium, 3 energy, and 3 heat.
Arklight moves 3 energy to heat and gains 29M€, 5 plants, and 3 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 6
Pharmacy Union keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Astrodrill keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Aridor keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Arklight keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 energy to trade with Luna,
gaining 12M€. Astrodrill and Aridor each gain 2M€. Pharmacy
Union then spends 9M€ for a Robotic Workforce, copying Medical Lab,
gaining 3M€ production, losing 1 disease resource, and increasing its
TR to 28.
Astrodrill spends 8M€ to trade with Callisto,
gaining 5 energy. Tharsis Republic gains 3 energy.
Astrodrill spends 2 energy to trade with Triton, gaining 5
titanium. Aridor and Tharsis Republic each gain 1 titanium.
Aridor spends 3 energy to trade with Ceres, gaining 2 steel, then spends 2M€ with Restricted Area to gain a card.
Arklight spends 17M€ for an Electro-Catapult, losing 1 energy production.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 2
plants, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in I6, gaining 2 steel
and increasing the oxygen level to 9% and its TR to 26.
Pharmacy Union spends 8M€ with Energy Market to gain 4 energy then spends 6 energy to add a resource to Physics Complex.
Astrodrill spends 2 energy to trade with Enceladus, gaining 4 microbes
on Ants, and 5 titanium and 12M€ for a Giant Solar Shade, increasing
Venus to 8% and its TR to 31, and gaining a card.
Aridor spends 12M€ for Gene Repair, gaining 2M€ production, and 8M€ for
GHG Producing Bacteria, gaining a plant. Pharmacy
Union gains a disease resource and loses 4M€.
Arklight adds a resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
Tharsis Republic spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -18C and its
TR to 27, then spends 3 energy with the Water Splitting Plant to raise
the oxygen level to 10% and its TR to 28.
Pharmacy Union spends 24M€ for a Magnetic Shield, increasing its TR to 32.
Astrodrill adds an asteroid to itself, then spends 1M€ with CEO's Favorite Project to add another.
Aridor uses Extreme-Cold Fungus to put 2 microbes on GHG Producing
Bacteria, then spends them to increase the temperature to -16C and its
TR to 25.
Arklight spends 1 plant with Electro-Catapult to gain 7M€.
Tharsis Republic spends 11M€ for Cloud Seeding, losing 1M€ production
and gaining 2 plant production. Aridor loses 1 heat
production. Tharsis Republic then spends 6M€ for a Fuel Factory,
losing 1 energy production but gaining 1M€ production and 1 titanium
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill spends 2 microbes from Regolith Eaters to increase the oxygen level to 11% and its TR to 32.
Aridor spends 2 titanium and 2M€ for Laser Dusk Mining, losing 1 energy
production but gaining 1 titanium production and 4 titanium, then
spends 3 titanium and 1M€ for a Corona Extractor, gaining 4 energy
Arklight spends 10M€ for Noctis Farming, gaining 2M€ production, 2 plants, and a resource on Arklight.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 steel and 5M€ for Mining Rights in G6, gaining 2 steel and 1 steel production.
Astrodrill spends a floater from Deuterium Export to gain 1 energy
production, then spends 2 steel and 7M€ for a Corporate Stronghold in
H8, losing 1 energy production but gaining 4M€ production and 2
plants. Tharsis Republic gains 1M€ production.
Aridor adds a resource to Tardigrades.
Arklight passes.
Tharsis Republic spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
Astrodrill spends 3M€ for Space Mirrors.
Aridor spends 2 steel and 2M€ for Underground Detonations and 10M€ to use Undergound Detonations to gain 2 heat production.
Tharsis Republic plays Project Inspection, spending 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
Astrodrill uses Ants to consume a resource from Nitrite Reducing Bacteria and add a resource to Psychrophiles.
Aridor passes.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Pharmacy Union gains 41M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 5 energy.
Astrodrill moves 1 energy to heat and gains 43M€ and 2 heat.
Aridor gains 48M€, 3 titanium, 6 energy, and 4 heat.
Arklight moves 3 energy to heat and gains 30M€, 5 plants, and 2 energy.
Tharsis Republic moves 2 energy to heat and gains 38M€, 1 steel, 3 titanium, 4 plants, 3 energy, and 6 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 7
Astrodrill keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Aridor keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Arklight keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Astrodrill spends an asteroid to gain 3 titanium
then spends 2 titanium to trade with Luna, gaining 15M€. Pharmacy
Union and Aridor each gain 2M€.
Aridor spends 3 energy to trade with Triton,
gaining 4 titanium. Astrodrill and Tharsis Republic each gain 1
titanium. Aridor then spends 2M€ with Restricted Area to gain a
Arklight spends 10M€ for Pets, gaining a resource
on it and on Arklight, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in F8,
gaining 1 titanium, increasing the oxygen level to 12%, and its TR to
Tharsis Republic spends 7 titanium for an Ice Asteroid, placing oceans
in I7, gaining 2 plants, and E9, gaining 2 plants, and increasing its
TR to 30, then spends 9M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 1 energy
production and 2 titanium.
Pharmacy Union spends 25M€ for a city in F2, gaining 1M€ production, 1
plant, and 5M€. Astrodrill and Tharsis Republic each gain 1M€
production and Arklight gains a resource on Pets. Pharmacy Union
then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile on G1, gaining 2M€, increasing
the oxygen level to 13% and its TR to 33.
Astrodrill adds a floater to Deuterium Export.
Aridor spends 9M€ for Advanced Alloys and adds a resource to Tardigrades.
Arklight spends 1M€ for an Earth Office.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 6
energy, then spends 3 energy with the Water Splitting Plant to increase
the oxygen level to 14% and its TR to 31.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 energy to trade with Ceres, gaining 2 steel,
then spends 8M€ for a Mass Converter, gaining 6 energy production,
removing 1 disease resource, and increasing its TR to 34.
Astrodrill adds a resource to Psychrophiles.
Aridor spends 17M€ for a Red Spot Observatory, gaining 2 cards, and adds a floater to it.
Arklight spends 8M€ for Birds, gaining a resource on itself. Tharsis Republic loses 2 plant production.
Tharsis Republic spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€, then
spends 1 titanium and 2M€ for Imported GHG, gaining 1 heat production
and 3 heat.
Pharmacy Union spends 8M€ with Energy Market to gain 4 energy, then spends 6 energy to add a resource to Physics Complex.
Astrodrill spends 2 titanium to trade with Enceladus, gaining 4
microbes on Ants and spends 7M€ for Business Contacts, drawing 4 cards
and keeping 2.
Aridor spends 3M€ for Mercurian Alloys then spends 4 titanium and 1M€
for a Luna Metropolis, gaining 7M€ production. Astrodrill gains
1M€ production.
Arklight spends 1 plant with Electro-Catapult to gain 7M€, then spends 12M€ for Sky Docks, gaining a trade fleet.
Tharsis Republic spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -14C, then
spends 8 more heat to raise the temperature to -12C and its TR to 33.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill spends 43M€ for an Earth Elevator, gaining 3 titanium
production, then spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -10C and
its TR to 33.
Aridor uses Extreme-Cold Fungus to add 2 microbes to GHG Producing
Bactera then spends them to increase the temperature to -8C and its TR
to 26.
Arklight adds a resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
Tharsis Republic spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in H6, gaining 2M€, then spends 18M€ for Aquifer Pumping.
Astrodrill uses Ants to consume a resource from Tardigrades and adds a resource to Regolith Eaters.
Aridor spends 10M€ with Underground Detonations to gain 2 heat production.
Arklight adds a resource to Birds.
Tharsis Republic spends 8M€ with Aquifer Pumping to place an ocean tile
in I8, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, and increasing its TR to 34.
Astrodrill spends 3M€ for Extremophiles, and uses it to add a microbe to Ants.
Aridor passes.
Arklight sells 2 cards for 2M€ then spends 5M€ for a Trans-Neptune Probe.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Arklight passes.
Astrodrill gains 46M€, 3 titanium, and 2 heat.
Aridor moves 3 energy to heat and gains 56M€, 3 titanium, 6 energy, and 6 heat.
Arklight moves 2 energy to heat and gains 31M€, 5 plants, and 2 energy.
Tharsis Republic moves 4 energy to heat and gains 45M€, 1 steel, 3 titanium, 2 plants, 4 energy, and 7 heat.
Pharmacy Union moves 2 energy to heat and gains 44M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 11 energy.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 8
Aridor keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Arklight keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Astrodrill keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Aridor spends 3 energy to trade with Luna,
gaining 12M€. Pharmacy Union and Astrodrill each gain 2M€. Aridor then spends 8M€ to fund the Forecaster award.
Arklight spends 13M€ for Eos Chasma National Park, gaining 2M€ production, 3 plants, and an animal each on Pets and Arklight.
Tharsis Republic spends 2 energy to trade with
Callisto, gaining 6 energy, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature
to -6C and its TR to 35.
Pharmacy Union spends 13M€ for Livestock, losing 1 plant production but
gaining 2M€ production, then spends 3 energy to trade with Miranda,
gaining 3 animals on Livestock.
Astrodrill spends 2 titanium to trade with Triton, gaining 5
titanium. Aridor and Tharsis Republic each gain 1 titanium.
Astrodrill then spends 2 titanium to trade with Enceladus, gaining 4
microbes on Ants.
Aridor spends 2M€ with Restricted Area to gain a card and spends a floater from Red Spot Observatory to gain a card.
Arklight spends 3M€ for Heather, gaining 1 plant, 1 plant production, and a resource on Arklight.
Tharsis Republic spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€ then
spends 8M€ with Aquifer Pumping to place an ocean in I9, gaining 2M€, 1
plant, and increasing its TR to 36.
Pharmacy Union spends 5M€ for Decomposers, adding a disease resource,
losing 4M€, adding a resource to Decomposers, and gaining 1M€, then
spends 5M€ for Protected Habitats.
Astrodrill spends 4 titanium and 4M€ for Imported Hydrogen, gaining 3
microbes on Ants and placing an ocean in F9, gaining 1 plant and
increasing its TR to 34, then spends 13M€ for Asteroid Mining
Constoritum, gaining 1 titanium production. Aridor loses 1
titanium production.
Aridor spends 20M€ for Sub-Crust Measurements then uses it to draw a card.
Arklight spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E8, gaining 1 plant and 2M€.
Tharsis Republic spends 18M€ for Noctis City in D1, losing 1 energy
production but gaining 4M€ production, 1 plant, and 5M€. Aridor
gains 1M€ production and Arklight gains a resource on Pets.
Tharsis Republic then spends 5 titanium and 7M€ for Callisto Penal
Mines, gaining 3M€ production.
Pharmacy Union spends 6 energy to add a resource to Physics Complex.
Astrodrill spends 15M€ for the Great Dam in H7, gaining 2 energy
production, 1 plant, and 4M€, then spends an asteroid on Astrodrill to
gain 3 titanium.
Aridor uses Extreme-Cold Fungus to add 2 microbes to GHG Producing
Bacteria, then spends them to increase the temperature to -4C and its
TR to 27.
Arklight adds a microbe to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
Tharsis Republic spends 18M€ for an ocean in F9, gaining 1 plant, 4M€,
and increasing its TR to 37, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile
in H4, gaining a card.
Pharmacy Union spends 9M€ for an Inventors' Guild, removing a disease
resource and increasing its TR to 35, then uses it to draw a card,
which is discarded.
Astrodrill uses Ants to consume a microbe from Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
Aridor adds a resource to Tardigrades and spends 8M€ for Mars University, discarding and drawing a card.
Arklight adds a resource to Birds.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Pharmacy Union adds a resource to Livestock.
Astrodrill uses Extremophiles to add a microbe to Ants and spends a floater from Deuterium Export to gain 1 energy production.
Aridor spends 2 titanium on a Solar Probe, discarding a card and drawing 4 cards.
Arklight spends 9M€ for Bushes, gaining 2 plant production, 2 plants, and an animal on Arklight.
Pharmacy Union uses Energy Market to sacrifice 1 energy production for
8M€ and spends 10M€ for Algae, gaining 2 plant production, 1 plant, a
microbe on Decomposers, and 1M€.
Astrodrill sells a card for 1M€ then spends 14M€ to fund the Venophile award.
Aridor spends 1 titanium for a Minority Refuge on Enceladus, losing 2M€ production but gaining 3 microbes on Tardigrades.
Arklight spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -2C and its TR to 27.
Pharmacy Union spends 5M€ for Sub-Zero Salt Fish. Arklight loses
1 plant production. Pharmacy Union then adds a resource to
Sub-Zero Salt Fish.
Astrodrill adds a microbe to Regolith Eaters then adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
Aridor spends 11M€ for Molecular Printing, gaining 17M€, discarding a card, and drawing a card.
Arklight passes.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Astrodrill passes.
Aridor spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to 0C and its TR to
28, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 2C and its TR to 29.
Aridor spends 3 titanium for Orbital Clean-Up, losing 2M€ production, then activates it, gaining 10M€.
Aridor spends 5M€ for Ishtar Mining, gaining 1 titanium production, then spends 7M€ for Solarnet, gaining 2 cards.
Aridor spends 20M€ to fund the Mogul award.
Aridor passes.
Aridor moves 3 energy to heat and gains 55M€, 3 titanium, 6 energy, and 6 heat.
Arklight moves 2 energy to heat and gains 34M€, 7 plants, and 2 energy.
Tharsis Republic moves 8 energy to heat and gains 55M€, 1 steel, 3 titanium, 2 plants, 3 energy, and 7 heat.
Pharmacy Union moves 2 energy to heat and gains 47M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 2 plants, and 10 energy.
Astrodrill gains 48M€, 4 titanium, 3 energy, and 2 heat.
active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.
Generation 9
Arklight keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.
Tharsis Republic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Pharmacy Union keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.
Astrodrill keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.
Aridor keeps 0 cards, spending 0M€.
Arklight spends 9M€ to trade with Luna,
gaining 10M€. Pharmacy Union, Astrodrill, and Aridor each gain 2M€.
Tharsis Republic spends 8 heat to raise the
temperature to 4C, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 6C
and its TR to 39.
Pharmacy Union spends 3 energy to trade with Ceres, gaining 3 steel, then spends 6 energy to add a resoure to Physics Complex.
Astrodrill spends 2 energy to trade with Triton,
gaining 5 titanium. Aridor and Tharsis Republic each gain 1
titanium. Astrodrill then spends 2 titanium to trade with
Enceladus, gaining 5 microbes on Ants. Aridor gains 1 microbe on
Aridor spends 3 energy to trade with Pluto, gaining 3 cards, and 8 heat to increase the temperature to 8C and its TR to 30.
Arklight spends 25M€ for a city in E7, gaining 1M€ production and an
animal on Pets. Tharsis Republic and Astrodrill each gain 1M€
Tharsis Republic spends 20M€ for Jovian Lanterns, increasing its TR to
40 and gaining 2 floaters on the card, then spends 1 titanium to add 2
more floaters to the card.
Pharmacy Union spends 5 steel for Olympus Conference, gaining a
resource on the card, removing a disease resource, and increasing its
TR to 36, then uses Inventors' Guild to draw a card, which is discarded.
Astrodrill spends 16M€ for a Commercial District in D7, losing 1 energy production but gaining 4M€ production and 1 titanium.
Aridor spends 2M€ with the Restricted Area to draw a card and uses Sub-Crust Measurements to draw another card.
Arklight adds a resource to Birds.
Tharsis Republic spends 9M€ for a Lagrange Observatory, gaining a card, and 23M€ for Titan Shuttles.
Pharmacy Union adds an animal to Livestock, then spends 1M€ and 5 heat for Local Heat Trapping, adding 2 animals to Livestock.
Astrodrill spends 14M€ for Predators, then uses it to consume a Bird.
Aridor adds a microbe to Tardigrades and spends 1 titanium for a Technology Demonstration, gaining 2 cards.
Arklight adds a resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria.
Tharsis Republic spends 1M€ for a Virus, removing 4 plants from
Arklight. Pharmacy Union gains a disease resource and loses
4M€. Tharsis Republic then spends 4M€ for Crash Site Cleanup,
gaining 2 steel.
Pharmacy Union uses Inventors' Guild to draw a card, spends 3M€ to buy
it, then spends 9M€ for Sponsored Academies, discarding a card and
drawing 3 more, removing a disease resource, and increasing its TR to
37. Each other player draws 1 card.
Astrodrill spends 11M€ for Research, drawing 2 cards.
Aridor spends 6 titanium and 6M€ for a Large Convoy, gaining 5 plants and 2 cards, then spends 11M€ for Dirigibles.
Arklight spends 1 plant with the Electro-Catapult to gain 7M€.
Tharsis Republic adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles and spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
Pharmacy Union spends 11M€ for a Quantum Extractor, gaining 4 energy
production, losing a disease resource and incresing its TR to 38.
Astrodrill uses Extremophiles to add a microbe to Ants and its corporate action to gain 1 titanium.
Aridor uses Dirigibles to add a floater to Red Spot Observatory, then spends it to gain a card.
Arklight sells a card for 1M€.
Tharsis Republic sells 5 cards for 5M€ then spends 23M€ for a greenery tile in G5.
Pharmacy Union adds a resource to Sub-Zero Salt Fish.
Astrodrill sells 5 cards for 5M€ then spends 12 titanium and 5M€ for Io
Mining Industries, gaining 2M€ production and 2 titanium production.
Aridor uses Orbital Cleanup to gain 10M€ then spends 8M€ for Luxury Foods.
Arklight spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in G7, gaining 2 plants.
Tharsis Republic passes.
Pharmacy Union spends 4 titanium and 1M€ for a Giant Space Mirror, gaining 3 energy production.
Astrodrill passes.
Aridor spends 16M€ for a Spin Inducing Asteroid, increasing Venus to
12% and its TR to 32, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in F6,
gaining 1 titanium.
Arklight spends 12M€ for Trees, gaining 1 plant, 3 plant production, and a resource on Arklight.
Pharmacy Union spends 4M€ and 1 plant for Moss, gaining 1 plant production, a resource on Decomposers, and 1M€.
Airdor spends 3M€ for an Investment Loan, losing 1M€ production and gaining 10M€.
Arklight spends 5M€ for Media Archives, gaining 26M€.
Pharmacy Union spends 4 steel and 14M€ for Magnetic Field Generators in
F5, losing 4 energy production but gaining 2 plant production and
increasing its TR to 41.
Aridor sells a card for 1M€.
Arklight spends 8M€ for Breathing Filters.
Pharmacy Union sells a card for 1M€.
Aridor sells a card for 1M€.
Arklight sells a card for 1M€.
Pharmacy Union sells a card for 1M€.
Aridor sells a card for 1M€.
Arklight spends 6M€ for Fish, gaining a resource on Arklight.
Pharmacy Union loses 1 plant production. Arklight spends 9M€ to
trade with Miranda, gaining an animal on Fish.
Pharmacy Union sells a card for 1M€.
Aridor sells a card for 1M€.
Arklight adds an animal to Fish.
Pharmacy Union sells a card for 1M€.
Aridor sells a card for 1M€.
Arklight passes.
Pharmacy Union passes.
Aridor sells 5 cards for 4M€ and spends 1
titanium and 4M€ for Water to Venus, increasing Venus to 14% and its TR
to 33.
spends 20M€ for Venus Soils, gaining 1 plant production, 2
microbes on Tardigrades, increasing Venus to 16% and its TR to 35, then
spends 17M€ for Kelp Farming, gaining 2 plants, 3 plant produciton, and
2M€ production.
Aridor passes.
Arklight moves 2 energy to heat and gains 35M€, 10 plants, and 2 energy.
Tharsis Republic moves 3 energy to heat and gains 59M€, 1 steel, 3 titanium, 2 plants, 3 energy, and 7 heat.
Pharmacy Union moves 1 energy to heat and gains 53M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, 4 plants, and 13 energy.
Astrodrill moves 1 energy to heat and gains 558M€, 6 titanium, 2 energy, and 2 heat.
Aridor moves 3 energy to heat and gains 62M€, 3 titanium, 4 plants, 6 energy, and 6 heat.
All global parameters are at maximum.
Arklight spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E6.
Aridor spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E5, gaining 1 steel.
cards in play with a prerequisite. Aridor has 15, Arklight has 13,
Pharmacy Union has 10, Astrodrill has 9, and Tharsis Republic has
4. Aridor gains 5VP and Arklight gains 2VP.
Venus tags. Astrodrill and Aridor each have 3, Pharmacy Union,
Arklight, and Tharsis Republic each have 0. Astrodrill and Aridor
each gain 5VP.
Highest total non-M€ production.
Pharmacy Union and Aridor each have 19, Tharsis Republic has 16,
Arklight has 10, and Astrodrill has 10. Pharmacy Union and Aridor
each gain 5VP.
Forester goes to Arklight, Planetologist and Investor both go to Aridor.
Congratulations to Andy York on his victory!
Chris Geggus (Astrodrill):
Congrats to Andy. Very much seems the Awards and Milestones made the
difference here. I never really seemed to get going properly, but did
enjoy having 40 resources on my Ants. Is that a record? Thanks to Chris
and all. Fun as ever.
Christopher Hunt (Arklight):
Thanks to Chris for running the game. Congratulatins ot
Andy. Over so quickly. Did not get into awrads or
milestones enough, low Terraforming. Virtually no cities.
Dave Hooton (Pharmacy Union):
Congratulations to Andy who played a fine game. I'll note that
his entire margin of victory occurred after everyone else had passed on
the final turn. This was the first time I played Pharmacy Union, and it
took me a turn or so to play it well.
Thanks, Chris, for running the game.
Andy York (Aridor):
I had an advantage from the start in amassing a strong MC Production
base that eased many of my choices going forward. Also, kept a better
eye on the Milestones and Awards than I usually do which helped.
But it was a close run thing, thanks to all for the excellent
competition! And, thanks to Chris for letting us play the game under
his sharp GMing skills.
Kevin Wilson (Tharsis Republic): Congrats to Andy and thanks to Chris. Another fun one. Just didn’t see cards to give VP but in the hunt for most others.
The Players
Dave Hooton
Pharmacy Union
Chris Geggus
Yellow |
Andy York
Blue |
Christopher Hunt
Kevin Wilson
Tharsis Republic
Black |
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing
will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Production |
On Hand |
Dave Hooton |
Chris Geggus |
Andy York
Christopher Hunt
Kevin Wilson
Tharsis Republic
(1 energy production) |
(1 energy production) |
3 (3 energy)
(1 steel production)
(1 steel production) |
(1 steel production) |
1 (1 steel)
Aridor |
(3 microbes) |
2 (1 microbe)
(1 plant production)
(1 plant produciton)
(1 plant produciton)
4 (3 plants)
Pharmacy Union
Astrodrill |
Aridor |
4 (7M€)
(1 animal)
(1 animal) |
(1 animal) |
1 (0 animals)
cards) |
1 (0 cards)
Tharsis Republic
4 (2
The numbers in the Resource Marker
column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number
in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that
space. N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a
card that can accept those resources is not in play. Text in the
colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit
of establishing a colony there.