
Turn 8, Phase 5 through Turn 12, Phase 4

Turn 8, Phase 5: Expansion

Barcelona buys a card (3).
Genoa expands to Constantinople (8, vs. Venice; dr = 5, 2, 5; wins) and Montpelier (3, vs. Paris; dr = 5, 3, 2; wins).
Venice expands to Budapest (7, vs. Genoa; uses Cathedral; wins) and Belgrade (5, vs. Genoa; dr = 1, 1, 1; loses).
Paris expands to Loire (5, vs. Barcelona; dr = 5, 4, 1; wins), Strassbourg (5, vs. Barcelona; dr = 5, 4, 3; wins), Toulouse (2, vs. Barcelona; dr = 6, 1, 5; loses), Breslau (1).
Genoa gains the expansion bonus.

Turn 8, Phase 6: Income

Barcelona gains $63.
Genoa gains $95.
Venice gains $55.
Paris gains $63.
Surplus of Silk (Barcelona loses $3).  Surplus of Fur.

Turn 8, Phase 7: Buy Tokens

Genoa buys 33 tokens.
Barcelona buys 29 tokens.
Paris buys 20 tokens.
Venice buy 13 tokens.

Turn 9, Phase 1: Draw Cards


Turn 9, Phase 2: Buy Cards

Venice declines to buy off a surplus.
Venice, Paris, Barcelona, and Genoa spend $10 to buy a card.
Genoa uses Wind/Watermill to create a shortage of Metal.

Turn 9, Phase 3: Play Cards

Venice plays Stone (Venice gains $1, Paris and Genoa each gain $9) and Religious Strife (Misery increases:  Barcelona to 350, Venice to 900, Paris to 450, and Genoa to 400, Papal Decree becomes an unplayable Misery burden).
Paris plays Prince Henry (20: T, X) and gains a $20 rebate.
Barcelona plays Mysticism Abounds (Misery increases:  Barcelona to 400, Venice to Chaos, Paris to 700, Genoa to 500).  As Venice is in Chaos, he is eliminated.  All Venetian units hold in place and retain the benefits of Nationalism, and all cards are discarded.
Genoa plays Metal (Paris gains $24 and Genoa gains $96, shortage removed), Metal (Paris gains $6 and Genoa gains $54), Grain (Barcelona, Paris, and Genoa each gain $4), Christopher Columbus (30: U, T), Ibn Majid (20: T, Y), and Rebellion on Aleppo.

Played Leaders

Prince Henry (20: T, X) – Paris only.
Christopher Columbus (30: U, T) – Genoa and one other.
Ibn Majid (20: T, Y) – All players

Turn 9, Phase 4: Purchases

Paris buys Seaworthy Vessels (S, $20 credit for Exploration, $10 credit for Institutional Research, $50 spent), Ocean Navigation (T, $20 credit for Exploration, $10 credit for Institutional Research, $20 credit for Prince Henry, $30 credit for Christopher Columbus, $20 credit for Ibn Majid, $20 spent), Human Body (B, $20 credit for Science, $10 credit for Institutional research, $30 spent, Misery reduced to 600), and stabilization ($6).  Misery Relief reduces Misery to 500.
Barcelona buys a ship upgrade ($10) and stabilization ($10).
Genoa buys Institutional Research (X, $50 credit from Civics, $50 spent), Laws of Matter (C, $40 credit for Science, $10 credit for Institutional Research, $40 spent), Master Art (P, $50 credit for Communication, $10 credit for Institutional Research, $30 spent, discards Silk), Ocean Navigation (T, $40 credit for Exploration, $10 credit for Institutional Research, $30 credit for Christopher Columbus, $20 credit for Ign Majid, $20 spent), Proselytism (G, $30 credit for Religion, $60 spent, Misery increases to 450) and a shipping upgrade ($10).  Misery Relief reduces Misery to 350.

Turn 9, Phase 5: Expansion

Paris expands to India (5), Tourlouse (2, vs. Barcelona; dr = 1, 6, 1; wins) , Barcelona (10, vs. Barcelona; dr = 3, 5, 1; wins), and buys a card (3).
Barcelona expands to China (5), East Indies (5), Acre (10, uses Cathedral, wins), Treibizond (8, uses Cathedral, wins), Levant (1).
Genoa expands to Treibizond (8, vs. Barcelona, dr = 5, 5, 1; wins), Barceloa (6, vs. Paris; Paris uses Cathedral; loses), Lisbon (7, vs. Barcelona; dr = 6, 3, 1; wins), West Africa (4, vs. Barcelona; dr = 4, 6, 5; wins), Varna (4, vs. Venice; dr = 6, 3, 2; wins), Angora (4, vs. Venice; dr = 2, 1, 3; loses).
Genoa gains the expansion bonus card.

Turn 9, Phase 6: Income

Barcelona gains $59.
Paris gains $71.
Genoa gains $107.
Surplus of Spice (Barcelona loses $3), surplus of Cloth (Genoa loses $3).

Turn 9, Phase 7: Buy Tokens

Paris buys 32 tokens.
Barcelona buys -2 tokens.
Genoa buys 24 tokens.

Turn 10, Phase 1: Draw Cards


Turn 10, Phase 2: Buy Cards

Barcelona spends $9 to remove the surplus of Spice.
Barcelona, Genoa, and Paris spend $10 each to buy cards.
Genoa discards Papal Decree and Paris discards The Crusades.
Genoa declines to use Wind/Watermill.

Turn 10, Phase 3: Play Cards

Barcelona plays Wool (Barcelona gains $18, Paris and Genoa each gain $2), Spice (Barcelona gains $81, Genoa gains $36, and Paris gains $9), and Black Death in Area VII.
Genoa plays Spice (Barcelona gains $81, Genoa gains $36, and Paris gains $9).
Paris plays Wine (Paris gains $45, Genoa gains $20).

Turn 10, Phase 4: Purchases

Barcelona buys Enlightenment (D, 60 credit for Science, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $50 spent), Improved Agriculture (J, 10 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $20 spent, Misery reduced to 350), Master Art (P, 50 credit for Communication, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $30 spent), Wind/Watermill (K, 10 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $30 spent), Middle Class (Z, 140 credit for Civics, $30 spent), Proselytism (50 credit for Religion, $40 spent, Misery increased to 400), and stabilization ($3).  Misery reduced to 250 for the first two tiers of Misery Relief.
Genoa buys Interest & Profit (L, 30 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $40 spent), Cosmopolitan (Y, 90 credit for Civics, $60 spent), New World (U, 60 credit for Exploration, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $90 spent), and stabilization ($1).
Paris buys Renaissance (Q, 60 credit for Communication, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $50 spent), Proselytism (G, 50 credit for Commerce, $40 spent, Misery increases to 600), and stabilization ($10).

Turn 10, Phase 5: Expansion

Barcelona has no tokens.

Genoa expands to Lyon (3), Montpelier (1), Marseilles (4), Florence (3), Genoa (4), Belgrade (1), Sicily (3, vs. Venice; dr = 4, 6, 3; wins), Dubrovnik (4, vs. Venice; dr = 5, 2, 4; wins), Toulouse (1).

Paris buys a card (3), and expands to Fez (4, vs. Genoa, uses Cathedral), Poti (4, vs. Venice; uses Cathedral), Vienna (8, vs. Venice; dr = 3, 5, 6; loses), Vienna (8, vs. Venice; dr = 4, 2, 1; wins), Bordeaux (3), Toulouse (2, vs. Genoa; dr = 4, 3, 3; loses).

Genoa gains the expansion bonus.

Turn 10, Phase 6: Income

Barcelona gains $69.

Paris gains $79.

Genoa gains $103.

Shortage of Cloth (Genoa gains a card), surplus of Spice (Barcelona loses $3).

Enlightenment reduces Barcelona Misery to 200.

Turn 10, Phase 7: Buy Tokens

Paris buys 31 tokens.

Genoa buys 22 tokens.

Barcelona buys 29 tokens.

Turn 11, Phase 1: Draw Cards


Turn 11, Phase 2: Buy Cards

Genoa declines to buy off a shortage or surplus.

Genoa, Barcelona, and Paris buy a card for $10.

Paris discards Cloth.

Barcelona uses Wind/Watermill to remove the shortage of Cloth.

Turn 11, Phase 3: Play Cards

Paris uses Renaissance to trade places with Barcelona.

Genoa plays Leonardo Da Vinci (20: P, B, Q, receives $40 in rebates), Cloth/Wine as Cloth (Genoa gains $45, Paris gains $20), Civil War in Barcelona (Barcelona loses 15 tokens, Misery increased to 250), dominance in Barcelona reduced to token, and Alchemist's Gold on Paris (Paris loses $25).

Paris plays Pirates/Vikings on Marseilles, Dubrovnik, and Naples, Timber (Paris gains $27), Fur (Barcelona, Paris, and Genoa each gain $7), and Andreas Visalius (20: B, D, gains $20 rebate).

Barcelona plays Bartolome de las Casas (30: Y, gains $30 rebate).

Played Leaders

Leonardo Da Vinci (20: P, B, Q) – Genoa only.

Andreas Visalius (20: B, D) – Paris and one other.

Bartolome de las Casas (30: Y) – Barcelona and two others.

Turn 11, Phase 4: Purchases

Genoa buys Cathedral (H, 60 credit for Religion, $60 spent, Misery increases to 400), Renaissance (Q, 60 credit for Communication, 10 credit for Institutional Research, 20 credit for Leonardo da Vinci, $30 spent), Enlightenment (D, 60 credit for Science, 10 credit for Institutional Research, 20 credit for Andreas Visalius, $30 spent), Middle Class (Z, 140 credit for Civics, $30 spent), and stabilization ($1).

Paris buys Enlightenment (D, 40 credit for Science, 10 credit for Institutional Research, 20 credit for Andreas Visalius, $50 spent), Wind/Watermill (K, 20 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $20 spent), and stabilization ($2). Misery Relief reduces Misery to 450.

Barcelona buys Interest & Profit (L, 30 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $40 spent) and stabilization ($5).

Turn 11, Phase 5: Expansion

Genoa expands to North America (6), Seville (6, vs. Barcelona; dr = 2, 5, 2; wins), Dubrovnik (2), Jaffa (2, vs. Barcelona; dr = 3, 5, 2; wins), Kiev (4, vs. Venice; uses Cathedral; wins), Bari (1), Adalia (1).

Paris buys a card (3), Budapest (6, vs. Venice; uses Cathedral; wins), Marseilles (7, vs. Genoa; dr = 2, 5, 3; wins), Sicily (5, vs. Genoa; dr = 4, 2, 5; wins), Belgrade (6, vs. Genoa; dr = 3, 1, 2; loses), Belgrade (6, vs. Genoa; dr = 3, 2, 4; loses).

Barcelona expands to Belgrade (5, vs. Genoa; dr = 2, 1, 3; loses), Belgrade (5, vs. Genoa; dr = 2, 1, 3; loses), Varna (3, vs. Genoa; dr = 4, 1, 1; loses).

Genoa gains the expansion bonus card.

Turn 11, Phase 6: Income

Interest & Profit: Barcelona gains $51 and Genoa gains $12.

Barcelona gains $65.

Paris gains $87.

Genoa gains $117.

Enlightenment Misery Reduction: Barcelona to 200, Genoa to 350, Paris to 400.

Shortage of Timber (Paris gains a card), surplus of Metal (Genoa loses $3).

Turn 11, Phase 7: Buy Tokens

Barcelona buys 3 tokens.

Paris buys 19 tokens.

Genoa buys 29 tokens.

Turn 12, Phase 1: Draw Cards

Barcelona draws a card.

That is the last card in the deck. This will be the last turn.

Turn 12, Phase 2: Buy Cards

Barcelona spends $3 to buy off the Timber shortage.

Barcelona discards Fur. Paris discards Metal. Genoa discards Silk.

Genoa uses Wind/Watermill to create a shortage of Cloth.

Turn 12, Phase 3: Play Cards

Barcelona plays Ivory/Gold as Gold (Paris gains $40, Barcelona and Genoa each gain $10), Timber (Paris gains $27 and Genoa gains $3), and Revolutionary Uprisings (Misery increases: Barcelona to 400, Paris to 600, Genoa to 600).

Paris plays Sir Isaac Newton (20: C, D, gains $20 rebate), Gold (Paris gains $40, Barcelona and Genoa each gain $10), and Wine (Paris gains $45, Genoa gains $20).

Genoa plays Famine. Misery increases: Barcelona to 600, Paris to 700.

Played Leaders

Sir Isaac Newton (20: C, D) – Paris only.

Turn 12, Phase 4: Purchases

Paris uses Renaissance to switch places with Barcelona.

Paris buys Laws of Matter (C, 60 credit for Science, 10 credit for Institutional Research, 20 credit for Sir Isaac Newton, $0 spent), Interest & Profit (L, 30 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $40 spent), Industry (M, 30 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $70 spent), Cosmopolitan (Y, 90 credit for Civics, $60 spent), Middle Class (Z, 90 credit for Civics, $80 spent). Misery Relief reduces Misery to 450.

Barcelona buys Industry (M, 40 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $60 spent), Renaissance (Q, 60 credit for Communication, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $50 spent), and stabilization ($1). Misery Relief reduces Misery to 400.

Genoa buys Industry (40 credit for Commerce, 10 credit for Institutional Research, $60 spent). Misery Relief reduces Misery to 400.

The Players











Dave Hooton








A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z

Bob Robles





E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, R, V, W

Christopher Hunt








A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
Chris Geggus
Genoa 400 29
$92 6
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Commodity Log






Stone (2)





Wool (3)





Timber (4)





Grain (5)





Cloth (6)





Wine (7)





Metal (8)





Fur (9)





Silk (10)





Spice (11)





Gold (12)





Ivory (12)





Surplus, Shortage

Keeshond Map

Keeshond, Issue 247


S.O.B. 248 Home


Keeshond, Issue 249