Kai Ken

Spring 1457

Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press, Standard Victory

Deadline/Summer 1457 8/18 Tuesday

Austria sits tight while France and Milan battle with Florence and the Pope. Naples has no luck advancing.

Fall 1456 Retreats

France retreats F Ligurian Sea to Genoa



Maintains A Dalmatia, A Istria, A Treviso, A Padua, F Venice


Maintains all, builds A Arezzo, A (Elite Professional) Sienna (not a home city)

Maintains all, builds A Swiss, F Marseilles, A Avignon
Maintains all, builds A Pavia, A Milan
Maintains all, builds F Palermo

Maintains all, builds A Arezzo, A (Elite Professional) Sienna (not a home city)


Outstanding Loans

Summer 1457: 6 ducats from the Papacy (5 borrowed).

Fall 1457: 15 ducats from France (10 borrowed).

Summer 1458: 27 ducats from Austria (18 borrowed).


Austria (Wilke)

A Padua holds, A Treviso holds, A Istria to Croatia, A Dalmatia to Herzegovina, F Venice holds

Florence (Robles)

A Lucca to Modena, A (EP) Pistoia supports Papal A Urbino to Bologna, A Florence supports Papal A Urbino to Bologna, A Sienna to Patrimony (nsu), A Arezzo holds (u), F Pisa supports Papal F Ligurian Sea

France (Wilson)

A Modena supports Milan A Bologna (cut), A Swiss to Turin, A Avignon to Provence, F Marseilles to Gulf of Lions, F Genoa to Ligurian Sea, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Corsica, F (EM) Rome to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Naples to Gulf of Naples

Milan (Wilson)

A Mantua supports French A Modena, A Ferrara supports A Bologna, A Bologna supports French A Mantua (cut, Dislodged, retreats to garrison), A Pavia to Fornova, A Milan to Bergamo

Naples (Martin)

F Lower Adriatic to Upper Adriatic, F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea

Papacy (Robles)

A Urbino to Bologna, A Ancona holds, A Spoleto to Rome, F Ligurian Sea supports Florence A Lucca to Modena (cut), F Upper Adriatic supports A Urbino to Bologna (cut), F Piombino to Tyrrhenian Sea (nsu)

Summer 1457 Plague

Bad Year – Row and Column: Piombino, Hungary, Urbino, Treviso (Austrian A destroyed), Como, Croatia (Austrian A destroyed), Bologna (Milan G and Papal A destroyed), Austria, Avignon (French A destroyed), Venice (Austrian F destroyed)


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