
Settlers/Seafarers of Catan

Gamestart through End of Game Statements

Initial Placement

Bill places a settlement at C9 with a road from C9 to B9.

Kevin places a settlement at E9 with a road from E9 to E10.

Dave places a settlement at E11 with a road from E11 to E12.

Andy places a settlement at B7 with a road from B7 to B6.

Chris places a settlement at H5 with a road from H6 to H6.

Chris places a settlement at D8 with a road from D8 to D7 and gains 2 grain and 1 wool.

Andy places a settlement at C4 with a road from C4 to D4 and gains 1 wool, 1 lumber, and 1 ore.

Dave places a settlement at G8 with a road from G8 to H8 and gains 2 brick and 1 ore.

Kevin places a settlement at D3 with a road from D3 to E3 and gains 2 lumber and 1 brick.

Bill places a settlement at F8 with a road from F8 to F7 and gains 1 wool and 2 brick.

Turn 1

Bill: Die roll is 3. No production. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll is 9. Bill and Andy each gain a lumber and Kevin, Dave, and Chris each gain a wool. Kevin trades 1 lumber to Chris for 1 grain then builds a road from E3 to E2. During the special build phase, Bill builds a road from B9 to B10.

Dave: Die roll is 10. Dave and Andy each gain a lumber. Dave trades a brick to Andy for a lumber then builds a road from H8 to H9. During the special build phase, Andy builds a road from B6 to B5.

Andy: Die roll is 12. Kevin gains 1 lumber and Chris gains 1 grain. Pases.

Chris: Die roll is 4. Bill gains 1 brick, Andy gains 1 lumber, Kevin gains 1 lumber and 1 brick. Chris trades a grain to Bill for a brick and a grain to Dave for an ore. Builds a road from D7 to E7. During the special build phase, Kevin builds a settlement at E2.

Turn 2

Bill: Die roll is 5. Chris gains 1 grain, Dave gains 1 brick, Andy gains 1 wool, and Bill gains 1 grain and 1 brick. Bill trades 1 brick to Andy for 1 lumber and builds a settlement at B10. During the special build turn, Dave builds a settlement at H9. Andy builds a road from B5 to C5. Chris buys a development card.

Kevin: Die roll is 11. Dave gains 2 ore and and Andy gains 1 ore. Passes.

Dave: Die roll is 8. Bill gains 2 ore, Dave and Chris each gain 1 brick, and Andy gains 1 grain. Passes.

Andy: Die roll is 6. Dave gains 1 ore, Chris gains 1 wool, and Kevin gains 2 brick and 1 wool. Passes.

Chris: Die roll is 6. Dave gains 1 ore, Chris gains 1 wool, and Kevin gains 2 brick and 1 wool. Passes.

Turn 3

Bill: Die roll is 12. Kevin gains 1 lumber and Chris gains 1 grain. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll is 6. Dave gains 1 ore, Chris gains 1 wool, and Kevin gains 2 brick and 1 wool. Kevin trades 2 brick to Dave for 2 ore and 1 wool to Bill for 1 grain.

Dave: Die roll is 7. Moves the Robber to the 5 Fields space between C9 and D9 and steals a wool from Chris. Trades 1 wool to Kevin for 1 brick. Trades 4 brick at the brick port for 2 grain and builds a city at G8.

Andy: Die roll is 3. Kevin gains 1 grain. Buys a development card. During the special build phase, Kevin buys a development card.

Chris: Die roll is 9. Bill and Andy each gain a lumber and Kevin, Dave, and Chris each gain a wool. Trades 3 wool for 1 lumber at the ? port and builds a settlement at E7.

Turn 4

Bill: Die roll is 11. Dave gains 3 ore and Andy gains 1 ore. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll is 6. Dave gains 1 ore, Chris gains 2 wool, and Kevin gains 2 brick and 1 wool. Kevin trades 1 brick to Bill for 1 lumber and builds a settlement at F11.

Dave: Die roll is 11. Dave gains 3 ore, Andy gains 1 ore, and Kevin gains 1 wool. Trades 4 ore for 1 grain and buys a card.

Andy: Die roll is 4. Bill gains 1 grain and 1 brick, Andy gains 1 lumber, Kevin gains 1 lumber and 1 brick. Andy trades 1 lumber to Kevin for 1 brick. Passes.

Chris: Die roll is 8. Bill gains 2 ore, Dave gains 2 brick, Chris gains 1 brick, and Andy gains 1 grain. Passes.

Turn 5

Bill: Die roll is 2. Bill and Chris each gain 1 wool. Trades 4 ore for 1 lumber and builds a road from F7 to F6. Andy builds a settlement at B5. Kevin builds a road from E9 to D9.

Kevin: Die roll is 8. Bill gains 2 ore, Dave gains 2 brick, Chris gains 1 brick, and Andy gains 1 grain. Kevin trades 1 wool to Dave for 1 brick. Plays a Knight, moving the Robber to the 9 forest hex between B8 and C8, stealing an ore from Bill. Builds a road from D9 to D10.

Dave: Die roll is 7. Moves the Robber to the 6 pasture space between D8 and E8 and steals wool from Kevin. Trades 2 ore to Bill for 1 grain and 2 brick for 1 lumber at the brick port . Plays Roadbuilding, placing roads from E11 to D11 and D11 to D10 and builds a settlement at D10.

Andy: Die roll is 7. Moves the Robber to the 9 pasture between D10 and E10 and steals wool from Dave then buys a card.

Chris: Die roll is 6. Dave gains 1 ore, Chris gains 2 wool, and Kevin gains 2 brick and 1 wool. Trades 3 wool for 1 lumber at the port and builds a road from E7 to E6.

Turn 6

Bill: Die roll is 5. Chris gains 1 grain, Dave gains 2 brick and 1 grain, Andy gains 2 wool, and Bill gains 1 grain and 1 brick. Buys a card.

Kevin: Die roll is 9. Bill and Andy each gain a lumber and Chris gains a wool. Trades 2 wool for 1 grain at the wool port and buys a card.

Dave: Die roll is 5. Chris gains 1 grain, Dave gains 2 brick and 1 grain, Andy gains 2 wool, and Bill gains 1 grain and 1 brick. Spends 4 brick for 2 ore at the ore port and upgrades the settlement at E11 to a city. During the special build turn, Bill builds a settlement at F6.

Andy: Die roll is 9. Bill and Andy each gain a lumber and Chris gains a wool. Plays a Knight moving the Robber to the 6 pasture space between D8 and E8 and steals brick from Kevin, then trades 4 wool for a brick and 1 ore to Chris for 1 grain and builds roads from C5 to C4 and D4 to D5, claiming longest road and also buys a card. During the special build turn, Bill builds a road from B10 to A10.

Chris: Die roll is 10. Bill and Kevin each gain a lumber, Dave and Andy each gains 2 lumber. Trades 3 wool for 1 lumber at the wool port, builds a road from E6 to E5 and buys a card. During the special build turn, Bill builds a road from A10 to A9.

Turn 7

Bill: Die roll is 3. Kevin and Chris each gain 1 grain, Dave gains 1 brick. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll is 9. Bill and Andy each gain a lumber and Kevin and Chris each gain a wool, and Dave gains 3 wool. Kevin trades 1 brick to Bill for 1 ore. Play Invention card to gain 1 ore and 1 grain, then upgrades the settlement at E9 to a city.

Dave: Die roll is 6. Dave gains 2 ore and Kevin gains 2 brick. Trades 1 wool to Kevin for 1 brick. Builds roads from D10 to C10 and C10 to C11.

Andy: Die roll is 8. Bill gains 2 ore, Dave gains 2 brick, Chris gains 1 brick, and Andy gains 1 grain. Plays a Knight, moving the Robber to the 9 pasture space between D10 and E10 and stealing a wool from Dave. Trades a lumber to Dave in return for a brick. Builds a settlement at D5. During the special build turn, Bill builds a road from A9 to A8.

Chris: Die roll is 5. Chris gains 1 grain, Dave gains 2 brick and 1 grain, Andy gains 2 wool, and Bill gains 1 grain and 1 brick. Plays a Knight, moving the Robber to the Mountain 8 space at C10 and steals a grain from Bill. Trades 2 grain to Dave for 1 ore then buys a card. During the special build turn, Dave builds a settlement at C11.

Turn 8

Bill: Die roll is 10. Bill and Kevin each gain a lumber, Dave and Andy each gains 2 lumber. Plays Invention, gaining 2 grain and upgrades the settlement at C9 to a city and builds a road from A8 to A7. During the special build turn, Dave builds a road from E12 to E13.

Kevin: Die roll is 4. Bill gains 1 grain and 1 brick, Andy gains 1 lumber, Kevin gains 1 lumber and 2 brick. Trades 1 wool to Bill for 1 grain. Builds a road from E3 to E4 and a settlement at E4.

Dave: Die roll is 11. Dave gains 3 ore, Andy gains 1 ore, and Kevin gains 1 wool. Upgrades the settlement at D10 to a city.

Andy: Die roll is 8. Dave gains 2 brick, Chris gains 1 brick, and Andy gains 1 grain. Plays a knight, moving the Robber to the 6 pasture between D8 and E8 and steals a brick from Chris. Gins the Largest Army bonus. Builds a road from D5 to D6 and buys a card.

Chris: Plays a Knight, moving the Robber to the 8 Fields space between A7 and B7 and steals lumber from Andy. Die roll is 6. Dave gains 2 ore, Chris gains 2 wool, and Kevin gains 3 brick and 2 wool. Passes.

Turn 9

Bill: Die roll is 8. Bill gains 3 ore, Dave gains 2 brick and 1 ore, and Chris gains 1 brick. Passes.

Kevin: Die roll is 7. Kevin discards 3 brick and 1 wool. Dave discards 4 ore and 1 brick. Moves the Robber to the 8 mountain spot between B10 and C10 and steals ore from Bill. Passes.

Dave: Die roll is 9. Andy gain a lumber, Bill gains 2 lumber, Chris gains a wool, Kevin gains 2 wool, and Dave gains 4 wool. Trades 2 brick for 1 lumber at the brick port, then builds roads from E13 to D13 and D13 to D12. This gets him the Longest Road, which gives him 10 victory points and the win. Congratulations!









Development Cards


Chris Geggus Brown

Dave Hooton

Knight, Invention
Bill Scharf


Andy York Green


3 Knights, 1 unplayed
Kevin Wilson


2 Knights, 1 unplayed
1Longest Road.
2Largest Army.
Jagdterrier Map

End of Game Statements

Bill Scharf: Too few eights during the first part of the game killed my chances. Congrats to the winner, condolences to everyone else including me. Wawh, I couda been a contender.....

Chris Geggus: Ouch, ouch and double ouch! I don't think I have ever done that badly in a game of Settlers. I thought my set-up was okay - not great, but acceptable. Then I was blocked at every turn and was stymied for the rest of the game. Don't fancy 5 players on that map again. I'll definitely be voting for Seafarers next time.

Thanks to Chris and well done to Dave. A 9 turn victory is pretty good with 5.

Kevin Wilson: Like Chris I too felt a little penned in. I was OK with my starting spots, one good one and one OK but then the one that was good is the one that got penned in. That road building play, blocking my planned settlement change the complexion for me and brought home the limited choices remaining. I got some good rolls early giving me lots to work with but I simply ran out of room. Once I was penned in and decided to go the card route, the rolls eased off a bit and just didn’t get the cards needed to trade as I was earlier. Then, a 7 following a pass preventing me from spending some cards to get the count down. Oh well, maybe next time. Congrats to Dave on the win.

Let’s go again but with ships this time if we have 5 or more.

Dave Hooton: Thanks to Chris for running it and regards to my fellow players.

I managed to start with a promising position, two good brick spaces with a nearby brick port that I could build to. Like others, I was nearly penned in, but I got my breakout move then I got to a good settlement spot ahead of Kevin. From then on, I was getting resources with almost every roll.

Andy York: One of the quickest games I've played, well done on your victory Dave. Chris, thanks for running the game - I had fun and enjoyed the challenge.

Jagdterrier, Issue 241


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