
Epoch VII

Empire Selection

Harried Bureaucrats keep.
HICK keeps.
GEGS keeps.
The Greenies keep.
Republic of Texas passes to RMHS.
RMHS passes to Republic of Texas.
Romulus & Remus keeps.


Republic of Texas:  Plays Disaster in Ganges Delta.  Monument eliminated, Capital reduced to city.  RUSSIA:  Army and Capital North European Plain (Mongol army retreats to Baltic Seaboard), fleet North Sea (vs. RMHS; RoT: 3, 2; RMHS: 4; loses), North Sea (vs. RMHS; RoT: 6, 4; RMHS: 1; wins), army Dniepr (vs. Ottoman Turks; R: 6, 4; O: 1; wins), Central Europe (vs. Ottoman Turks; R: 6, 3; O: 1; wins), Lower Rhein (vs. Mongols; R: 4, 3; M: 2; wins), fleet Black Sea (vs. GEGS; R: 4, 2; G: 6; loses), Black Sea (vs. GEGS; R: 6, 5; G: 3; wins), army Western Anatolia (vs. Ottoman Turks; R: 5, 3; O: 4, 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Western Steppe (vs. Ottoman Turks; R: 2, 1; O: 4; loses), Western Steppe (vs. Ottoman Turks; R: 5, 2; O: 6; loses), Western Steppe (vs. Ottoman Turks; R: 5, 2; O: 6; loses).  Points:  Dominance in Northern Europe (8), Eurasia (4), Presence in North Africa (1), Middle East (1), Southern Europe (2), North America (3), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), 4 Seas (4), and 2 Monuments (2) for 28 points.

The Greenies:  MANCHU DYNASTY:  Plays Weaponry, Siegecraft.  Army and Capital Manchurian Plain (Fujiwara army eliminated), army Mongolia (vs. Mongols; Ma: 4+1, 3+1; Mo: 3, 2; wins), Eastern Steppe (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 1+1, 1+1; T: 6; loses), Eastern Steppe (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 3+1, 1+1; T: 5; loses), Eastern Steppe (vs. Timurid Emirates; M: 6+1, 1+1; T: 4; wins), North European Plain (vs. Russia; M: 4+1, 2+1; R: 6, 2; loses), North European Plain (vs. Russia; M: 5+1, 1+1; R: 5, 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Baltic Seaboard (vs. Mongols; Ma: 3+1, 3+1; Mo: 4; Ma: 5+1, 1+1; Mo: 1; Ma: 4+1, 4+1; Mo: 5; Ma: 6+1, 2+1; Mo: 6; wins), Central Europe (vs. Russia; M: 6+1, 5+1; R: 5; wins), Danubia, Korean Peninsula (vs. Mongols; Ma: 6+1, 2+1; Mo: 6; wins), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. Romulus & Remus; G: 5+1, 4+1; R: 6; G: 5+1, 4+1; R: 3; wins).  Points:  Dominance in India (6), Northern Europe (8), Eurasia (4), Presence in Middle East (1), China (3), Southern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), Nippon (2), 2 Capitals (4), 4 cities (4), 2 Seas (2), and 6 Monuments (6) for 44 points.

RMHS:  NETHERLANDS:  Army and Capital Lower Rhein (Russian army eliminated), fleet North Sea (vs. Republic of Texas; RMHS:  6, 3; RoT: 5; wins), army Pyrenees (vs. Spain; plays Surprise Attack; N: 6, 2; S: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Western Iberia (vs. Spain; N: 2, 1; S: 4; loses), Western Iberia (vs. Spain; N: 6, 4; S: 5; wins, city eliminated), Appalachia (vs. Spain; N: 6, 2; S: 4, 3; wins), North European Plain (vs. Manchu Dynasty; N: 6, 2; M: 4, 1; wins, city eliminated), Central Europe (vs. Manchu Dynasty; N: 6, 5; M: 5; wins).  Points:  Dominance in Southern Europe (4), Northern Europe (8), South America (4), Presence in China (3), Eurasia (2), North America (3), Sub-Saharan Africa (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), 1 Sea (1), and 4 Monuments (4) for 34 points.

GEGS:  Plays Empire Revivies.  Armies Arabian Peninsula, Nile Delta, Palestine.  FRANCE:  Army and Capital Western Gaul (Portugal army eliminated), fleet North Sea (vs. RMHS; G: 5, 1; R: 3; wins), army Albion (vs. Portugal; F: 6, 3; P: 4, 1; wins), fleet Indian Ocean, army Lower Indus (vs. Mughals; F: 6, 4; M: 6, 5; F: 5, 4; M: 2, 1; wins), Deep South (vs. Aztecs; F: 6, 3; A: 2, 1; wins), Madagscar, East Africa, Congo Basin (vs. Portugal; F: 5, 3; P: 1; wins), Pyrenees (vs. Netherlands; F: 6, 5; N: 5, 5; wins, city eliminated), fleet Western Mediterranean (vs. Romulus & Remus; G: 6, 3; R: 1; wins), army Southern Andes (vs. Incas; F: 3, 1; I: 6, 2; loses), Southern Andes (vs. Incas; F: 5, 3; I: 5, 2; F: 6, 4; I: 6, 3; F: 3, 2; I: 4, 1; loses), Southern Andes (vs. Incas; F: 5, 3; I: 6, 2; loses), Southern Andes (vs. Incas; F: 3, 2; I: 5, 2; loses).  Builds Monument Western Gaul.   Points:  Dominance in Southern Europe (4), Northern Europe (8), Sub-Saharan Africa (4), Presence in North Africa (1), Middle East (1), China (3), India (3), Eurasia (2), North America (3), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), 3 Seas (3), and 9 Monuments (9) for 44 points.

HICK:  Plays Japan.  Army and Capital Honshu (Mongol army retreats to Hokkaido), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. The Greenies; H: 6, 1; G: 5; wins), army Korean Peninsula (vs. Manchu Dynasty; J: 6, 5; M: 3; wins), Manchurian Plain (vs. Manchu Dynasty; J: 5, 2; M: 3; wins, Capital reduced to city), Hokkaido (vs. Mongols; J: 5, 5; M: 3+1; J: 6, 1; M: 5+1; J: 6, 6; M: 4+1, wins, city eliminated).  BRITAIN:  Army and Capital Abion (French army eliminated), fleet North Sea (vs. GEGS; H: 5, 3; G: 6; loses), North Sea (vs. GEGS; H: 4, 4; G: 3; wins), army Northern Gaul (vs. Vikings; B: 6, 4; V: 5; wins, city eliminated), Western Gaul (vs. France; B: 4, 3; F: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), fleet Atlantic Ocean, army Pyrenees (vs. France; B: 5, 3; F: 6, 2; loses), Pyrenees (vs. France; B: 6, 6; F: 3, 2; wins), fleet Caribbean Sea (vs. Republic of Texas; H: 5, 2; R: 1; wins), Mexican Valley (vs. Aztecs; plays Treachery; wins, Capital reduced to city), Pacific Seaboard (vs. Spain; B: 6, 4; S: 2; wins), Great Plains (vs. Spain; B: 5, 4; S: 1; wins), Southern Andes (vs. Incas; B: 6, 4; I: 3, 1; wins), Northern Andes (vs. Incas; B: 3, 1; I: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Patagonia (vs. Portugal; B: 5, 1; P: 3; wins), Shatts Plateau (vs. Spain; B: 1, 1; S: 5, 4; loses), Shatts Plateau (vs. Spain; B: 3, 3; S: 3, 3; B: 6, 6; S: 6, 3; B: 6, 4; S: 5, 5; wins).  Builds Monuments Mexican Valley, Northern Andes.  Points:  Control of Nippon (6), Australia (3), Dominance in China (6), Southern Europe (4), Northern Europe (8), Southeast Asia (4), North America (6), South America (4), Presence in North Africa (1), Middle East (1), India (3), Eurasia (2), Sub-Saharan Africa (2), 3 Capitals (6), 7 cities (7), 4 Seas (4), and 10 Monuments (10) for 77 points.

Romulus & Remus:  Plays Empires Fortify.  Forts Southern Iberia, Dalmatia, and Zagros.  UNITED STATES:  Army and Capital Appalachia (Portugal army eliminated), army Deep South (vs. France; U: 4, 2; F: 1; wins), Mexican Valley (vs. Britain; U: 3, 2; B: 3, 2; U: 5, 3; B: 2, 2; wins, city eliminated), fleet Caribbean Sea (vs. HICK; R: 5, 4; H: 6; loses), Caribbean Sea (vs. HICK; R: 3, 1; H: 6; loses), Caribbean Sea (vs. HICK; R: 2, 1; H: 6; loses), Caribbean Sea (vs. HICK; R: 5, 4; H: 4; wins), army Central America (vs. Mayans; U: 6, 5; M: 6+1, 1+1; loses), Central America (vs. Mayans; U: 6, 4; M: 5+1, 1+1; U: 5, 1; M: 6+1, 1+1; loses), Central America (vs. Mayans; U: 3, 2; M: 3+1, 1+1; loses).  Points:  Dominance in Middle East (2), North America (6), Presence in China (3), Southern Europe (2), Northern Europe (4), Sub-Saharan Africa (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), 1 Sea (1), and 4 Monuments (4) for 28 points.

Harried Bureaucrats:  GERMANY:  Plays Ship Building and Fanaticism.  Army and Capital Baltic Seaboard (Manchu army eliminated), army Lower Rhein (vs. Netherlands; G: 6, 5; N: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Northern Gaul (vs. Britain; G: 4, 2; B: 5, 1; loses), Northern Gaul (vs. Britain; G: 6, 1; B: 5, 4; wins), Western Gaul (vs. Britain; G: 6, 2; B: 5; wins, city eliminated), Central Europe (vs. Netherlands; G: 6, 2; N: 6; wins), Central Massif (vs. Romans; G: 6, 1; R: 1; G: 6, 2; R: 1; wins), fleet North Sea (vs. HICK; Ha: 5, 3; Hi: 4; wins), Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea (vs. Romulus & Remus; H: 6, 4; R: 4; wins), army Brasil (vs. Portugal; G: 4, 3; P: 4, 1; wins), Congo Basin (vs. France; G: 6, 4; F: 5, 3; wins).  Builds Monument Baltic Seaboard.  Points:  Dominance in Northern Europe (8), Presence in Middle East (1), China (3), Southern Europe (2), Southeast Asia (2), North America (3), South America (2), Sub-Saharan Africa (2), 2 Capitals (4), 2 cities (2), 2 Seas (2), and 6 Monuments (6) for 37 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Remaining Event Cards

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Bill Scharf
Harried Bureaucrats (turquoise)
David Hood
HICK (orange)
Chris GeggusGEGS (yellow)0
Christopher HuntThe Greenies (green)
Andy YorkRepublic of Texas (blue)
Kevin WilsonRoyal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple)0
Dave Anderson
Romulus & Remus (red)

GEGS is Gegs Endures the Gathering Storm.  HICK is Hickory International Colonial Kingpins.


Praxis was sitting in the Oval office sulking. well Praxis you did it this time. You are no where near the lead and you had great empires You spanned from ocean to ocean You had turns of greatness and turns of crapatosis. Back to the trans dimensional drawing board. He pushed a button under his desk. A Iconion gate shimmered open in a corner showing the bridge of the Romulan warbird that bore his name, He used his disruptor to destroy the button and the desk it was under as he stepped the gate back to .... home.  


Congratulations to Bill on his victory!


The Greenies:  Two fleets Bay of Bengal.  GREEK CITY STATES:  Army and city Crete.  HAN DYNASTY:  Army West Indies.  CHOLA:  Army and Capital Eastern Ghats, army and city Eastern Deccan, three armies and fort Ceylon, army Western Deccan.  MUGHALS:  Army and city Ganges Delta, army and Monument Upper Indus, Turanian Plain, Tarim Basin, Persian Salt Desert, armies Ganges Valley, Hindu Kush.  MANCHU DYNASTY:  Armies Mongolia, Eastern Steppe, Danubia.

Republic of Texas:  Fleets Red Sea, Black Sea.  NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS:  Army West Indies.  CELTS:  Two armies Ireland.  ARABS:  Armies Upper Nile, Libya.  FRANKS:  Army Northern Appenines.  RUSSIA:  Army, city, and Monuemnt Western Anatolia, armies Lower Rhein, Dniepr.

RMHS:  Fleet Atlantic Ocean.  SUB-SAHARAN MIGRANTS:  Two armies Central Africa.  ROMANS:  Two armies Central Massif.  SUNG DYNASTY:  Army Wei River.  PORTUGAL:  Army Guiana Highlands.  NETHERLANDS:  Army and Monument Western Iberia, army North European Plain.

HICK:  Fleets South China Sea, Sea of Japan, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean.  INDUS VALLEY:  Armies Western Ghats.  CHOU DYNASTY:  Army and fort Sumatra.  GOLD COAST KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Gold Coast.  GOTHS:  Army Morea.  HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE:  Two armies and city Balkans, army Eastern Anatolia.  MING DYNASTY:  Army and Capital Chekiang, army, city, and Monuemnt Szechuan, army and city Mekong, army and Monuemnt Yangtse Kian, army Irrawaddy.  JAPAN:  Army and Capital Honshu, army and Monument Hokkaido, army and city Manchurian Plain, army Korean Peninsula.  BRITAIN:  Army, Capital, and Monument Albion, army, city, and Monument Northern Andes, army and Monument Pyrenees, Shatts Plateau, armies Pacific Seaboard, Great Plains, Southern Andes, Patagonia, Austrialia, New Guinea.

Romulus & Remus:  Fleets Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean.  SCOTS:  Army, city, and fort Highlands.  MONGOLS:  Army, fort, and Monument Great Plain of China, army and Monument Lower Tigris, two armies Persian Plateau, armies Dalmatia, Middle Tigris.  SPAIN:  Army and Monument Zagros, armies Southern Iberia, Great Lakes.  UNITED STATES:  Army and Capital Appalachia, army and Monument Mexican Valley, army Deep South.

Harried Bureaucrats:  Fleets North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea.  SHANG DYNASTY:  Two armies Si-Kyang.  MAYANS:  Army, Capital, and fort Central America.  MALAYAN KINGDOM:  Army, city, and fort Malayan Peninsula.  SELJUK TURKS:  Two armies and Monument Levant, army and Monuemnt Upper Tigris.  GERMANY:  Army, Capital, and Monument Baltic Seabaord, army and City Lower Rhein, army and Monument Central Europe, Northern Gaul, Western Gaul, armies Central Massif, Brasil, Congo Basin.

GEGS:  Fleets Eastern Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Western Mediterranean.  SCYTHEANS:  Army Caucuses.  HSUING-NU:  Two armies Yellow River.  BYZANTINES: Army and Monument Southern Appenines.  VIKINGS:  Army Scandinavia.  OTTOMAN TURKS:  Two armies and Monument Nile Delta, Arabian Peninsula, army and Monument Nubia, Upper Indus, two armies Palestine, army Western Steppe.  FRANCE:  Army and Monument Lower Indus, armies East Africa, Madagascar.


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