Flat-Coated Retriever

Puerto Rico

Round 1

Governor Wilson selects the Settler and takes a quarry.  Geggus takes a coffee plantation.  Hibbert takes a tobacco plantation.  New plantations are: corn, sugar, sugar, tobacco.

Geggus selects the Builder and builds a Small Market (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 0 doubloons spent).  Hibbert builds a Small Market (1 doubloon spent).  Wilson builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon spent).

Hibbert selects the Mayor and places colonists on the corn plantation and Small Market.  Wilson places a colonist on the Quarry.  Geggus places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 2

Governor Geggus selects the Mayor and places colonists on the coffee plantation and Small Market.  Hibbert places a colonist on the tobacco plantation.  Wilson places a colonist on the indigo plantation.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Hibbert selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn.

Wilson selects the Builder and builds a Construction Hut (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 0 doubloons spent).  Geggus builds a Small Indigo Plant (1 doubloon spent).  Hibbert passes.

Round 3

Governor Hibbert selects the Trader, gains 2 doubloons, and trades corn for 2 doubloons (0 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).

Wilson selects the Mayor and places colonists on the Small Indigo Plant and Construction Hut.  Geggus places a colonist on the Small Indigo Plant.  Hibbert places a colonist in San Juan.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Geggus selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and takes a quarry.  Hibbert takes a tobacco plantation.  Wilson takes a sugar plantation.  New plantations:  corn, indigo, tobacco, coffee.

Round 4

Governor Wilson selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 indigo.  Geggus produces 1 indigo.  Hibbert produces 1 corn.  Wilson produces a bonus indigo.

Geggus selects the Captain, gaining 3 doubloons, and ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 2VP.  Hibbert ships 2 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Wilson ships 2 indigo on Ship 1 for 2VP.

Hibbert selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a University (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 7 doubloons spent).  Wilson passes.  Geggus passes.

Round 5

Governor Geggus selects the Builder and builds a Coffee Roaster (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 5 doubloons spent).  Hibbert passes.  Wilson passes.

Hibbert selects the Trader, gaining 1 doubloon.  No trading is possible.

Wilson selects the Mayor, gaining 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the sugar plantation and San Juan.  Geggus places a colonist on the Coffee Roaster.  Hibbert places a colonist on the University and moves a colonist from San Juan to the tobacco plantation.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 6

Governor Hibbert selects the Settler, gaining 2 doubloons, and takes a quarry.  Wilson uses the Construction Hut to take a quarry.  Geggus takes a corn plantation.  New plantations are corn, corn, sugar, coffee.

Wilson selects the Builder and builds a Sugar Mill (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 2 doubloons spent).  Geggus passes.  Hibbert passes.

Geggus selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 indigo and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces 1 corn.  Wilson produces 1 indigo.  Geggus produces a bonus coffee.

Round 7

Governor Wilson selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades indigo for 2 doubloons (1 base +1 for Trader).  Geggus trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Small Market).

Geggus selects the Captain, gaining 2 doubloons, and ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails).  Hibbert ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Geggus ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 1VP.

Hibbert selects the Mayor, gaining 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the quarry and San Juan.  Wilson places a colonist on the quarry and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Sugar Mill.  Geggus places a colonist on the corn plantation.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 8

Governor Geggus selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Harbor (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 7 doubloons spent).  Hibbert builds a Tobacco Storage (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 4 doubloons spent) and a colonist from the University.  Wilson builds an Office (2 doubloon discount for quarries, 3 doubloons spent).

Hibbert selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn and 1 tobacco.  Wilson produces 1 indigo and 1 sugar.  Geggus produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces a bonus tobacco.

Wilson selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and takes a sugar plantation.  Geggus takes a corn plantation.  Hibbert takes a corn plantation.  New plantations:  corn, indigo, indigo, sugar.

Round 9

Governor Hibbert selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  No further trading is possible.

Wilson selects the Mayor, gaining 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the Sugar Mill and a sugar plantation.  Geggus places a colonist on the Harbor and moves a colonist from the Small Market to a corn plantation.  Hibbert places a colonist on the corn plantation and moves a colonist from San Juan to the Tobacco Storage.  Five colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Geggus selects the Captain, gaining 1 doubloon, and ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Hibbert ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 1VP.  Wilson ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 1VP.  Geggus ships 1 corn on Ship 3 for 2VP and 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP.

Round 10

Governor Wilson selects the Trader and trades sugar for 3 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader).  Hibbert trades tobacco for 4 doubloons (3 base +1 for Small Market).

Geggus selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces 2 corn and 2 tobacco.  Wilson produces 1 indigo and 2 sugar.  Geggus produces a bonus coffee.

Hibbert selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Wharf (1 doubloon discount from Builder, 1 doubloon discount from a quarry, 7 doubloons spent) with a colonist from the University.  Wilson builds a Large Market (2 doubloon discount for quarries, 3 doubloons spent).  Geggus builds a Hospice (4 doubloons spent).

Round 11

Governor Geggus selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 1 corn on Shipo 3 for 3VP (Ship 3 sails).  Hibbert ships 2 tobacco via the Wharf for 2VP.  Wilson ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 1VP.  Geggus ships 1 indigo on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails) and 2 coffee on Ship 2 for 3VP.  Hibbert discards 1 corn and Wilson discards 1 sugar.

Hibbert selects the Trader and trades corn for 2 doubloons (0 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).

Wilson selects the Mayor, gains 1 doubloon, and places colonists on the Office, Large Market, and Sugar Mill.  Geggus places colonists on the quarry and Hospice.  Hibbert places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 12

Governor Hibbert selects the Settler, gains 3 doubloons, and takes a quarry.  Wilson takes a sugar plantation.  Geggus takes a corn plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  New plantations:  corn, corn, corn, tobacco.

Wilson selects the Trader, using the Office to trade sugar for 5 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader +2 for Large Market).  The trading house is full.

Geggus selects the Craftsman, gaining 1 doubloon, and produces 3 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces 2 corn and 2 tobacco.  Wilson produces 1 indigo and 2 sugar.  Geggus produces a bonus coffee.

Round 13

Governor Wilson selects the Settler and takes a corn plantation.  Geggus takes a corn plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  Hibbert takes a tobacco plantation.  New plantations are sugar, sugar, sugar, tobacco.

Geggus selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 4 corn on Ship 1 for 6VP (Ship 1 sails).  Hibbert ships 2 tobacco on Ship 3 for 2VP.  Geggus ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP (Ship 2 sails).  Hibbert ships 2 corn via the Wharf for 2VP.  Wilson discards 1 indigo and 1 sugar.  Geggus discards 1 indigo.

Hibbert selects the Builder, gains 2 doubloons, and builds a City Hall (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 8 doubloons spent) with a colonist from the University.  Wilson builds a Wharf (2 doubloon discount for quarries, 7 doubloons spent).  Geggus builds a Small Warehouse (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 2 doubloons spent).

Round 14

Governor Geggus selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and trades coffee for 5 doubloons (4 base +1 for Trader).  Wilson trades sugar for 4 doubloons (2 base +2 for Large Market).

Hibbert selects the Mayor, gains 2 doubloons, and places colonists on the quarry and tobacco plantation.  Wilson places a colonist on the corn plantation and moves a colonist from the Sugar Mill to the Wharf.  Geggus places a colonist on the Small Warehouse.  Three colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Wilsom selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 sugar.  Geggus produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces 2 corn and 3 tobacco.  Wilson produces a bonus corn.

Round 15

Governor Hibbert selects the Builder, gains 1 doubloon, and builds a Factory (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 2 doubloon discount for quarries, 4 doubloons spent) with a colonist from the University.  Wilson builds a Small Warehouse (2 doubloon discount for quarries, 1 doubloon spent).  Geggus builds a Tobacco Storage (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 4 doubloons spent).

Wilson selects the Captain, gains 1 doubloon, and ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 3VP.  Geggus ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP.  Hibbert ships 2 corn on Ship 1 for 2VP (Ship 1 sails).  Wilson ships 1 indigo via the Wharf for 1VP.  Hibbert ships 3 tobacco on Ship 3 for 3VP.  Wilson discards 1 sugar.

Geggus selects the Settler, gains 1 doubloon, and takes a tobacco plantation with a colonist from the Hospice.  Hibbert takes a sugar plantation.  Wilson takes a sugar plantation.  New plantations are:  indigo, indigo, indigo, coffee.

Round 16

Governor Wilson selects the Trader, gains 1 doubloon, and uses the Office to trade sugar for 5 doubloons (2 base +1 for Trader +2 for Large Market).  Geggus trades indigo for 1 doubloon.

Geggus selects the Captain and ships 4 corn on Ship 1 for 6VP (Ship 1 sails).

Hibbert selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 2 corn, 3 tobacco, and 1 doubloon.  Wilson produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, and 2 sugar.  Geggus produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces a bonus corn.

Round 17

Governor Geggus selects the Captain and ships 4 corn on Ship 1 for 6VP (Ship 1 sails).  Hibbert ships 1 tobacco on Ship 3 for 1VP (Ship 3 sails).  Wilson ships 2 sugar via the Wharf for 2VP.  Geggus ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP.  Hibbert ships 3 corn via the Wharf for 3VP.  Hibbert discards 1 tobacco and Wilson discards 1 corn.

Hibbert selects the Trader and trades tobacco for 5 doubloons (3 base +1 for Trader +1 for Small Market).  Wilson trades indigo for 3 doubloons (1 base +2 for Large Market).

Wilson selects the Mayor, gains 2 doubloons, places colonists on the Small Warehouse and Sugar Mill, and moves a colonist from the indigo plantation to a sugar plantation.  Geggus places a colonist on the Tobacco Storage.  Hibbert places a colonist on the sugar plantation.  Four colonists are placed on the colonist ship.

Round 18

Governor Hibbert selects the Builder, gains 2 doubloons, and builds a Fortress (1 doubloon discount for Builder, 2 doubloon discount for quarries, 7 doubloons spent) with a colonist from the University.  Wilson builds Residence (2 doubloon discount for quarries, 8 doubloons spent).  Geggus builds an Indigo Plant (1 doubloon discount for a quarry, 2 doubloons spent).

Wilson selects the Craftsman, gains 1 doubloon, and produces 1 corn and 3 sugar.  Geggus produces 4 corn, 1 indigo, 1 tobacco, and 1 coffee.  Hibbert produces 2 corn, 3 tobacco, and 1 doubloon.  Wilson produces a bonus corn.

Geggus selects the Captain and ships 4 corn on Ship 1 for 6VP (Ship 1 sails).  Hibbert ships 3 tobacco on Ship 3 for 3VP.  Wilson ships 3 sugar via the Wharf for 3VP.  Geggus ships 1 coffee on Ship 2 for 2VP.  Hibbert ships 2 corn via the Wharf for 2VP.  Geggus ships 1 tobacco on Ship 3 for 2VP.  All VP counters have been used, signalling the end of the game.

The Players

Player Name




San Juan


Stored Production


Kevin Wilson Craftsman
Indigo, Quarry, Sugar, Quarry, Sugar, Sugar, Corn, Sugar
Small Indigo Plant, Construction Hut, Sugar Mill (3), Office, Large Market, Wharf, Small Warehouse, Residence

2 corn
Chris Geggus
Indigo, Coffee, Quarry, Corn, Corn, Corn, Tobacco
Small Market, Small Indigo Plant, Coffee Roaster (1), Harbor, Hospice, Small Warehouse, Tobacco Storage (1), Indigo Plant

2 indigo
Chris Hibbert
Corn, Tobacco, Tobacco, Quarry, Corn, Quarry, Corn, Tobacco, Sugar
Small Market, University, Tobacco Storage (3), Wharf, City Hall, Factory, Fortress



Player in bold is the Governor. Plantations and buildings in bold are manned. Buildings that can be manned by more than one colonist will have the number manning them in parentheses after the building name.

Available Items

Colonists: Supply: 5 Colonist Ship: 4

Trading House:  Tobacco, Indigo

Cargo Ships: Ship 1 (capacity 4):  4 corn     Ship 2 (capacity 5): 3 coffee      Ship 3 (capacity 6):  4 tobacco

Victory Points:  -16


Corn: 4

Indigo: 8

Sugar: 11

Tobacco: 4

Coffee: 6


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Small Indigo Plant (x3, 1d, 1vp)

Indigo Plant (x2, 3d, 2vp)

Tobacco Storage (5d, 3vp)

Guild Hall (10d, 4vp)

Small Sugar Mill (x4, 2d, 1vp)

Sugar Mill (x2, 4d, 2vp)

Coffee Roaster (x2, 6d, 3vp)

Hospice (4d, 2vp)

Factory (7d, 3vp)

Hacienda (x2, 2d, 1vp)
Office (5d, 2vp)
University (8d, 3vp) Custom House (10d, 4vp)
Construction Hut (2d, 1vp)
Large Market (5d, 2vp)
Harbor (8d, 3vp)

Large Warehouse (x2, 6d, 2vp)


Builder, Captain, Craftsman, Mayor, Settler (2d), Trader


Quarry (x3), Indigo, Indigo, Indigo, Coffee

Discard Pile:  Tobacco, Tobacco, Corn, Sugar, Indigo, Tobacco, Coffee, Coffee, Indigo, Indigo, Corn, Sugar

Victory Points

Kevin Wilson

Chris Geggus

Chris Hibbert





VP Chits












Congratulations to Chris Geggus on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Kevin Wilson:  That went fast. Seems in a 3-player game you have to focus on getting some stuff shipped earlier!
Congrats to Geggs on an impressive win. Thanks to Chris and Chris (too many Chrises) for playing and running the game.

Chris Geggus:  The 3 player game is a much gentler play all round. Less down time, less competition and always another turn in the offing with the same number of actions still in the game. I think that encourages a more punchier approach by giving you a quicker return for your buck and with only 3 players. whatever approach you take to the game will be up and running almost straight off. I wasn't intending to do a shipping strategy, but when corn kept turning up and I had the Hospice in play, it seemed churlish not to go that route. The harbour just reinforced it.

Thanks to Chris and all for the game. Always enjoyable.

Chris Hibbert:  Yep, very quick game. Well-played Chris. I thought I was doing well with my strategy of selling high priced tobacco, and using it to buy high-VP buildings. When Chris Geggus got to about 30 VP I realized that his approach was working better than mine. I've save a copy of the transcript, so I can replay it and see what worked so well for him. Thanks for the lesson! Thanks for GMing, Chris.
