
The Players






Terraform Rating

Dave Hood Hood Interplanetary Construction Kingpins (HICK) Mining Guild Red 0 32
Chris Geggus Galactic Elevated Geo-static Systems (GEGS) Terractor Yellow 0 34
Dave Hooton UNMItigated UNMI Blue 1 38
Christopher Hunt Credit Hansa Credicor Green 0 31
Martin Burgdorf Thor-Tor Thorgate Black 0 26

Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Prodcution On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
David Hood 10 42 10 19 3 3 7 1 2 2 2 16
Chris Geggus 17 56 2 9 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 6
Dave Hooton 6 48 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2
Christopher Hunt 12 45 0 0 0 0 1 3 12 12 8 27
Martin Burgdorf 18 51 1 2 0 0 2 5 10 10 8 59

Generation 10

Research Phase

HICK buys 1 card for 3M€.

GEGS buys 2 cards for 6M€.

UNMItigated buys 0 cards for 0M€.

Credit Hansa buys 0 cards for 0M€.

Thor-Tor buys 1 card for 3M€.

Action Phase

Thor-Tor uses the Caretaker Contract to convert 8 heat into an increase of his TR to 26.

HICK spends 17M€ for Kelp Farming, gaining 3 plant production, 2 megacredit production, and 3 plants (one from Viral Enhancers). Spends 8 plants for a greenery tile at D6, increasing the oxygen level to 13% and his TR to 32, gaining 2M€ and 1 plant.

GEGS spends 12M€ on Herbivores, gaining one resource on the card and reducing UNMItigated's plant production by one. He then spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile on E9, gaining a steel resource and increasing the oxygen level to 14%, his TR to 32, and a resource on the Herbivores card. Note that Mars is now fully terraformed, so this is the last turn.

UNMItigated spends 25M€ to build a city at B3, increasing his megacredit production by 1.

Credit Hansa uses Power Infrastructure to convert 9 energy to megacredits.

UNMItigated spends 25M€ to build a city at B3, increasing his megacredit production by 1. Thor-Tor gains a resource on the Pets card.

Credit Hansa uses Power Infrastructure to convert 9 energy to megacredits.

Thor-Tor spends 24M€ (including 2M€ discount from Earth Catapult) to play Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid, gaining 1 plant production, 3 heat production, and 2 resources on Regolith Eaters.

HICK uses AI Central to gain 2 cards, then uses Space Elevator to convert 1 steel into 5M€.

GEGS uses Ants, removing a resource from Regolith Eaters and adding a resource to Ants.

UNMItigated uses Business Network to draw a card, which is discarded.

Credit Hansa spends 5M€ for Technology Demonstration, gaining 2 cards.

Thor-Tor spends 4 steel and 6M€ (including a 2M€ discount for Earth Catapult) for Industrial Microbes, gaining 1 steel and 1 energy production.

HICK spends 11M€ to play Breathing Filters. Since Breathing Filters has a science tag, he uses the resource on Olympus Conference to gain a card. He also uses Mars University to discard a card and draw a new one.

GEGS spends 14M€ to buy Predators, then uses the Predators to remove a resource from Livestock and add it to Predators.

UNMItigated adds a resource to Livestock.

Credit Hansa spends 1M€ on Search For Life, revealing the card Fueled Generators. No resource gained.

Thor-Tor adds a resource to Regolith Eaters.

HICK spends 12M€ to play Gene Repair, increasing his megacredit production by 2. The science tag means that a resource is added to Olympus Conference, and Mars University allow him to discard a card and draw a new one.

GEGS sells a card for 1M€.

UNMItigated sells a card for 1M€.

Credit Hansa spends 9M€ to play Robotic Workforce, increasing his energy production by 3 by duplicating Fusion Power.

Thor-Tor spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile at G3, gaining 1 steel and 4M€.

HICK sells a card for 1M€.

GEGS uses Symbiotic Fungus to add a resource to Nitrite Reducing Bacteria, then spends the 3 resources on Nitrite Reducing Bacteria to increase his TR to 33.

UNMItigated sells a card for 1M€.

Credit Hansa spends 21M€ (including 3M€ discount for Earth Office). Receives 4M€ rebate.

Thor-Tor uses Extreme Cold Fungus to gain a plant.

HICK spends 2M€ on Restricted Area to gain a card. Then he adds a tardigrade.

GEGS spends 20M€ for Imported Nitrogen (including 3M€ discount for Earth tag), gaining 4 plants, 3 resouces on Ants, 2 resources on Predators, and an increase in his TR to 34. Optimal Aerobraking gives him 3M€ and 3 heat.

UNMItigated sells a card for 1M€.

Credit Hansa sells a card for 1M€.

Thor-Tor spends 2 titanium and 4M€ (including the 2M€ credit for Earth Catapult) for a Toll Station, gaining 10 megacredit production.

HICK sells four cards for 4M€.

GEGS spends 11M€ for Advanced Ecosystems.

UNMItigated spends 11M€ for Cloud Seeding, reducing his megacredit and heat production by one each and increasing his plant production by 2.

Credit Hansa sells a card for 1M€.

Thor-Tor passes.

HICK spends 2 titanium and 4M€ for Security Fleet (including 2M€ discount for Space Station), then spends 1 titanium to place a resource on Security Fleet.

GEGS passes.

UNMItigated passes.

Credit Hansa spends 5M€ (including 3M€ discount for Earth Office) for Media Archives, gaining 24M€.

HICK passes.

Credit Hansa spends 23M€ to place a greenery tile at G7, then spends 16M€ to play Tundra Farming, gaining 2 megacredit production, 1 plant production, and 1 plant.

Credit Hansa sells a card for 1M€.

Credit Hansa passes.


Thor-Tor moves 9 energy to heat, then gains 44M€, 1 steel, 2 plants, 10 energy, and 8 heat.

HICK moves 2 energy to heat, then gains 42M€, 10 steel, 3 titanium, 7 plants, 2 energy, 2 heat.

GEGS gains 51M€, 2 steel, and 3 plants.

UNMItigated gains 44M€ and 2 plants.

Credit Hansa gains 44M€, 1 plant, 12 energy, and 8 heat.

Final Greenery Tile Placement

HICK spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in G6, gaining 1 plant.

GEGS spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in E8.

UNMItigated spends 8 plants to place a greenery tile in A3.

Final Victory Point Tally


Banker: Thor-Tor has 18M€ production, GEGS has 17M€ production , Credit Hansa has 12M€ production, HICK has 10M€ production, and UNMItigated has 6M€ production. Thor-tor gains 5 and GEGS gains 2.

Miner: HICK has 22, GEGS has 9, Thor-Tor has 2, and UNMItigated and Credit Hansa have 0. HICK gains 5 and GEGS gains 2.

Miner: HICK has 13, GEGS has 2, Thor-Tor has 1, and UNMItigated and Credit Hansa have 0. HICK gains 5 and GEGS gains 2.


Builder goes to HICK. Gardener goes to UNMItigated. Planner goes to Credit Hansa.




Credit Hansa


Terraform Rating 32 34 38 31 26
Awards 7 4 5 0 5
Milestones 5 00 5 5 0
Map 9 8 11 6 4
Cards 19 23 5 9 7
Total 72 69 64 51 42

HICK wins in a close game. Congratulations to David Hood on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus: I'm so pleased that I contributed half the points to Martin's last turn card that pushed me back th 3 points. That's life. Well played all - always enjoyable.

Dave Hooton: Congratulations to both the winner and the near-winner on games well played. Also, thanks to Chris for the finely run game.

Christopher Hunt: Well done David. A bit close this time. Many thanks to Chris H for his excellent running of the game, exemplary as ever.

Eurasier, Issue 234
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