
The Players







Power: Bowl 1

Power: Bowl II
Power: Bowl III
Martin Burgdorf
Chris Geggus
Kevin Wilson
Christopher Hunt
Cultists 2

Turn 3

Action Phase

The Witches use Witches' Flight to place a dwelling in P9, gaining 2VP. The Cultists gain 1 power.

The Giants spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Cultists spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels, gaining 6VP.

The Nomads spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling in F1, gaining 2VP.

The Witches use the shovel from the bonus tile to transform D1 into forest, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling there, gaining 2VP. The Nomads spend 1VP for 2 power.

The Giants use their Stronghold ability to gain 2 shovels, converting D4 to wasteland and spending 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling, gaining 2VP. The Nomads gain 1 power.

The Cultists spend 2 power and burn 1 power to gain a priest using the power action on the board.

The Nomads commit their priest to the Water cult, gaining 3 spaces and 1 power.

The Witches spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels, gaining 6VP.

The Giants commit a priest to the Air cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Cultists spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels, gaining 6VP.

The Nomads spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling at G1, gaining 2VP.

The Witches spend 2 workers for a shovel and convert K8 to forest.

The Giants spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in I5 to a Trading House. The Witches spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Cultists gain 1 power.

The Cultists use their Boon action to gain 1 space in the Fire cult.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in E2 to a trading house. The Witches gain 1 power.

The Witches spend 3 power to build a bridge from I6 to K7.

The Giants commit their priest to the Air cult, gaining 2 steps and 2 power.

The Cultists commit their priest to the Fire cult, gaining 2 spaces and 1 power.

The Nomads pass, taking the bonus tile that gives VP for dwellings and 2 coins of income, and gains 1 coin.

The Witches pass, taking the gain 6 coins of income bonus tile.

The Giants pass, taking the bonus tile that gives VP for trading houses and 1 worker of income, and gains 1 coin.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power and 1 shipping, and gains 1 coin.

Cleanup Phase and Cult Bonuses

The Nomads and Cultists each gain 4 power.

Turn 4

Income Phase

The Nomads gain 7 workers, 4 coins, 1 priest, and 2 power.

The Witches gain 5 workers, 6 coins, 1 priest, and 2 power.

The Giants gain 4 workers, 2 coins, 1 priest, and 6 power.

The Cultists gain 6 workers, 1 priest, and 3 power.

Action Phase

The Nomads spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Witches spend 4 workers and 6 coins to convert the temple at I6 to a sanctuary, gaining 5VP and taking the boon that provides 2 spaces in the water cult and an action to gain one space in the cult of his choice. The Nomads spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Giants spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Cultists spend 3 power to gain 1 priest.

The Nomads spend 4 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the temple in H6 to a sanctuary, gaining 5VP and taking the boon that provides 2 spaces in the Fire cult and allows a city with 6 points, gaining 2 power. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Witches spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Witches use Witches' Flight to place a dwelling in K8.

The Giants use their Stronghold ability to gain 2 shovels and use them to convert I4 to wasteland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.

The Cultists use their boon action to increase their standing in the Fire cult by 1, gaining 2 power.

The Nomads spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading house in E2 into a stronghold, gaining 5VP and founding a city, gaining an additional 5VP and 6 coins. The Witches gain 1 power.

The Witches spend 4 power for a shovel, converting N6 to forest and spending 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling there. The Cultists spend 2VP for 2 power.

The Giants spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in D4 to a trading house. The Nomads gain 1 power.

The Cultists convert 6 power into 6 coins, then spend 1 worker for a shovel and convert L8 into farmland then 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there. The Witches spend 1VP for 2 power, and the Cultists move forward 1 space on the Fire cult.

The Nomads create a Sandstorm in D3, converting it to desert, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there. The Giants spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Witches use their boon action to advance 1 space in the Water cult, gaining 1 power.

The Giants convert 3 power into 3 coins and spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading house in I5 to a temple, gaining the Boon tile that grants 2 spaces in the Fire cult and allows a town to be built with 6 points of buildings, gaining 1 power. The Cultists gain 1 power and the the Witches spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling at L9.  The Witches gain 1 power and the Cultists gain 1 more space in the Fire cult, gaining 2 power.

The Nomads spend 3 power to build a bridge from D3 to B2.

The Witches spend 2 power for 2 coins.

The Giants commit their priest to the Air cult, gaining 2 steps.

The Cultists spend 1 worker for a shovel and convert K9 to farmland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there. The Witches gain 1 power and the Cultists gain 1 space in the Fire cult.

The Nomads spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling at B2.

The Witches commit their priest to the Water cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Giants pass. They gain 2VP for their one trading house from their current bonus tile, and take the tile that provides 1 shovel and 2 coins, plus they gain 1 coin.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at K9 into a trading house. The Witches gain1 power and the Cultists gain 1 standing in the Fire cult.

The Nomads commit their priest to the Fire cult, gaining 2 spaces and 2 power.

The Witches pass, taking the bonus tile that gives 1 priest, and 1 coin.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that gives 6 coins income.

The Nomads pass, gaining 8VP from their current bonus tile, and taking the bonus tile that gives 2VP per trading house and 1 worker as income.

Cleanup Phase and Cult Bonuses

The Nomads and Cultists each gain 4 workers and the Giants and Witches each gain 1 worker.

Turn 5

Income Phase

The Giants gain 3 workers, 4 coins, 2 priests, and 9 power.

The Witches gain 7 workers, 2 priests, and 1 power.

The Cultists gain 8 workers, 8 coins, 1 priest, and 1 power.

The Nomads gain 10 workers, 1 priest, and 3 power.

Action Phase

The Giants spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Witches spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in K8 to a trading house, gaining 3VP and creating a town and gaining 10VP and 6 coins.

The Cultists spend 3 workers to convert J9 to farmland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.

The Nomads commit their priest to the Fire cult, gaining 2 spaces and 3 power.

The Giants use their stronghold power for 2 shovels, converting J5 to wasteland and spending 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling, which creates a town gaining 7VP and 2 workers.

The Witches spend 4 power to gain a shovel, which they use to convert O7 to forest, then they spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Cultists spend 1 worker for a shovel and convert P8 to forest.

The Nomads create a sandstorm in B1,converting it to desert, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there. The Witches gain 1 power.

The Giants spend 4 workers and 6 coins to convert the temple at E5 to a sanctuary, gaining the boon that gives 2 advances in the water cult and an action to advance in the cult of your choice. They also establishes a town, gaining 8VP and advancing 1 space in each cult, gaining 4 power. The Nomads gain 1 power.

The Witches use Witches Flight to place a dwelling in P8, establishing a town, gaining 13VP and one space in each cult, including 1 power. The Cultists gain 1 power.

The Cultists commit a priest to the Water cult, gaining 2 steps and 1 power.

The Nomads convert 2 power into coins, then spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling at B1 to a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Witches gain 1 power.

The Giants commit a priest to the Water cult, gaining 2 steps and 2 power.

The Witches spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at D1 to a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Nomads spend 3VP to gain 4 power.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at O8 to a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Witches spend 2VP to gain 3 power. The Cultists gain 1 space in the Air cult.

The Nomads convert 3 power into coins, then spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in D4 to a trading house, gaining 3VP and establishing a town, gaining 8 power and 6VP.

The Giants use their boon action to advance 1 space in the Water cult.

The Witches commit a priest to the Earth cult, gaining 2 spaces and 1 power.

The Cultists commit a priest to the Earth cult, gaining 1 space.

The Nomads convert 3 power to coins, then spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in D1 to a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Witches spend 1VP for 1 power.

The Giants spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at F5 into a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Nomads spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Cultists gain 1 power.

The Witches convert 4 power to coins and spend 2 workers and 5 coins to convert the trading house at D1 to a temple, gaining the boon that grants 3 spaces in the water cult, which gives them 2 power. The Nomads spend 4VP to gain 5 power.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling at N9 to a trading post, gaining 3VP and establishing a town, gaining a priest and 9VP. The Witches spend 1VP to gain 2 power. The Cultists gain 1 space in the Air cult.

The Nomads spend 3 power to gain 1 priest.

The Giants send a priest to support the Water cult, advancing 1 step in the cult and gaining 2 power. The priest is returned to the pool.

The Witches commit their priest to the Earth cult, gaining 2 steps and 2 power.

The Cultists use their boon action to advance one space in the Earth cult, gaining 3 power, then converting 2 power into coins.

The Nomads convert 3 power into coins and spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling in D3 to a trading house, gaining 3VP. The Giants spend 1VP to gain 2 power.

The Giants spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Witches convert 3 power into coins then use their boon action to advance one space in the Water cult, gaining 3 power.

The Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to convert the dwelling at L8 into a trading post, gaining 3VP.

The Nomads pass, gaining 8VP from their current bonus tile, and select the bonus tile that gives 1VP per dwelling on passing and 2 coins of income plus 1 coin.

The Giants pass, taking the bonus tile that gives 3 power income and +1 shipping, plus 1 coin.

The Witches pass, taking the bonus tile that gives 1 shovel action and 2 coins of income.

The Cultists spend 2 workers to convert I9 into farmland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, establishing a town and gaining 9VP and 1 priest.

The Cultists convert 1 power to a coin, then spend 1 priest and 4 coins to increasing their shipping to 1, gaining 2VP.

The Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile with 3 power income and 1 worker income, with 2 coins.

Cleanup Phase and Cult Bonuses

The Giants gain 2 shovels and use them to convert G7 to wasteland. The Witches gain 1 and use it to convert O9 to forest.

Turn 6

Income Phase

The Nomads gain 6 workers, 13 coins, 1 priest, and 7 power.

The Giants gain 3 workers, 4 coins, 2 priests, and 8 power.

The Witches gain 7 workers, 4 coins, 2 priests, and 3 power.

The Cultists gain 8 workers, 8 coins, 1 priest, and 6 power.

Action Phase

The Nomads spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.

The Giants use their stronghold action for two shovels, which they use to convert F3 to wasteland, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there. The Nomads spend 2VP to gain 3 power.

The Witches spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling on O9.

The Cultists spend 2 workers for 2 shovels and convert G7 to farmland, then convert 2 power to coins and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling in G7.

The Nomads spend 2 workers and 5 coins to convert the trading house in E4 into a temple, taking the boon that gives 1 space in the Earth cult and 2VP per dwelling built.

The Giants spend 1 workers and 2 coins for a dwelling at K4.

The Witches use their bonus tile action for a shovel to convert N8 to forest then spend 1 worker and 2 coins to build a dwelling there.

The Cultists spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.

The Nomads spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the costs of shovels, gaining 6VP.

The Giants spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in M4. The Witches spend 2VP to gain 2 power.

The Witches spend 3 power to build a bridge from N8 to M9.

The Cultists spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading house in O8 to a stronghold, gaining 7VP. The Witches spend 4VP to gain 5 power. The Cultists gain 1 space in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.


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