Dogue de Bordeaux

End of Game Statements

Kevin Wilson (Royal Manticoran Historical Society):  Chris, you weren’t listening. I said no Christopher rolls!  ;-) Argh…. just short.  One more is all I needed and the Third Reich would be in Washington DC with a city and 3 presence points for the win!

While I’m too lazy to go look at all the histories of games I’m willing to bet a decent amount of money that is one of the tightest finishes ever.  26 from high to low and one die roll away for 2 factions for a change in the outcome.  

Excellent fun!! Congrats to Bill on an impressive finish and win even if by a hair.  Thanks to the others for playing one of my all-time favorites. Thanks to Chris for the usual excellent job running the game.
Christopher Hunt (The Greenies):  Thanks to Chris for running the game so well and accurately.  Woah was it close except for me.  Never Chose my empire except on the last turn with Britain. I guess I was so baldy off on one wanted to give me anything; the bad ones going to the leaders.  Never have so many armies sorted so little. Think are I would have been with my average luck on the last turn, no sixty points.  This is a game to finish and move on from and hope for better dice next time.
Bill Scharf (Unorganized Chaos):  A very close game, thanks for running it Chris. Dumb luck gave me the top position. I played most of the game being passed the empires I would play, and they were usually NOT good empires.

Game hints - keep the good empires and pass the bad ones to the people they will be least helpful for, or your chief competitors for top spot. Don’t pass an early empire to someone who went late in the previous round with a BIG empire because they’ll double score. Eliminate competitors with only a single space in a valuable region because they may not be able to re-establish a presence there, so more points for you = good, less points for others also good (for you). Draw early in the round by keeping your strength lower than most, but not TOO low because your point total will suffer. And if you can manage it, be lucky.

And what’s a good empire, ah, that depends on a host of factors that you learn through experience….enjoy!
Chris Geggus (GEGS):  Great game. Well done Bill. Kevin and I exchanged both empires and messages on that last turn which, we believed, finished off any hope we each had of winning. But it then appears we could both have won with better die rolls (we both lost 4 out of 10), so I think we can honestly blame the dice (not as much as Christopher of course), knowing we played a very competitive game. I was critical early on of playing with only 5 of us, but in some ways it made for a more entertaining, albeit scatter-gun, game, as it turned out. Thanks to Chris again. A most enjoyable game, so thanks to all.
Andy York (Republic of Texas):  Congrats to the three top players, a very close run game! For we two also Ransom, there's always next time...

Chris, appreciate your GMing skills, as always.

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