Dog Park
Summer 1054
Advanced Rules, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, Gray Press, Ultimate Victory
Miller Number 2007Apw10
Deadline/Fall 1054 5/19 Tuesday
Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire pull off some fancy financial footwork to avoid defaulting on the moneylenders. Pisa loses Genoa despite the help of the Pope, and the Normans resume their eastward movement.
Byzantines receive 8 ducats from the Holy Roman Empire, and pay off their loan. They then take out a loan of 10 ducats for 2 years (15 ducats due Summer 1056), and give the 10 ducats to the Holy Roman Empire.
The Holy Roman Empire pays off their loan.
Pisa pays 6 ducats back to the moneylenders.
Outstanding Loans
Spring 1056: 17 ducats due from the Holy Roman Empire (11 borrowed)
Summer 1056: 15 ducats due from the Byzantines (10 borrowed)
Byzantines (Giovine) | A (EP) Ancona besieges, F Carniola to Upper Adriatic, F Albania to Durazzo, F Lower Adriatic to Bari, F Ionian Sea to Otranto |
Holy Roman Empire (Partridge) | A Montferrat supports A Modena to Genoa, A Mantua holds, A (EM) Modena to Genoa |
Normans (Horsley) | F Naples to Gulf of Naples, F Tunis to Western Mediterranean, F Central Mediterranean supports F Messina to Ionian Sea, F Palermo supports F Naples to Gulf of Naples, F (EM) Messina to Ionian Sea |
Papacy (Roalstad) | A (EM) Bologna supports Pisa A Lucca to Modena, F Urbino to Upper Adriatic, G Bologna supports A Bologna, G Ancona converts to F, G Bari converts to F |
Pisa (Scott) | A Genoa supports A Lucca to Modena (dislodged, retreat garrison, OTB), A Fornova supports A Lucca to Modena, A Lucca to Modena, A Pisa to Pistoia |
Venice (Wilson) | A Treviso to Padua |
Venice – All: I'm still hangin' on but it sure is hard to make any progress. Damn that plague!
Dog Park, Issue 151 | ||
Dog Park, Issue 153 |