
Century Spice Road

Turn 1

Chris plays a Merchant card to gain 2 turmeric.

Christopher plays a Merchant card to gain 2 turmeric.
Bill spends 4 turmeric to acquire the fourth Merchant card.

Turn 2

Chris spends 3 turmeric to acquire the third Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Bill plays a Merchant card to gain 2 saffron.

Turn 3

Chris plays a Merchant card to gain 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher spends 3 turmeric to acquire the fourth Merchant card.
Bill plays a Merchant card to gain 2 turmeric.

Turn 4

Chris acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Turn 5

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher spends 2 turmeric to acquire the third Merchant card.
Bill rests.

Turn 6

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 saffron for 2 cinnamon.

Christopher spends 3 turmeric to acquire the fourth Merchant card.
Bill acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Turn 7

Chris spends 3 turmeric to acquire the fourth Merchant card.

Christopher spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Bill spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric.

Turn 8

Chris acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 5 turmeric.

Christopher aquires the first Merchant card.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Turn 9

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 1 cinnamon for 2 cardamom.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 10

Chris spends 1 turmeric, 2 cardamom, and 1 cinnamon to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.
Bill rests.

Turn 11

Chris rests.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading a turmeric to a cardamom.

Turn 12

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 saffron for 1 turmeric, 1 cardamom, and 1 cinnamon.
Bill spends 3 cardamom and 2 saffron to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.

Turn 13

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 14

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 saffron for 2 cinnamon.

Christopher rests.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Turn 15

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 1 cinnamon for 2 cardamom.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Bill rests.

Turn 16

Chris rests.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Turn 17

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron and discarding a turmeric.

Turn 18

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 1 saffron to 1 cinnamon.

Christopher spends 5 cinnamon to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.
Bill spends 3 saffron and 2 turmeric to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.

Turn 19

Chris spends 2 cardamom and 2 cinnamon to buy the second VP card, gaining a silver token.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Bill rests.

Turn 20

Chris rests.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 4 turmeric.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 21

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Turn 22

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgradeing 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher rests.
Bill rests.

Turn 23

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgradeing 3 saffron to 2 cinnamon.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Marchant card, upgrading 2 cardamom to 2 cinnamon.

Turn 24

Chris spends 3 turmeric and 2 cinnamon to buys the second VP card, gaining a silver token.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 25

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher spends 3 saffron and 2 cinnamon to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.
Bill rests.

Turn 26

Chris rests.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 4 turmeric.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Turn 27

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 1 turmeric to 1 cardamom.
Bill spends 2 turmeric, 2 cardamom, and 2 cinnamon to buy the third VP card.

Turn 28

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgradeing 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher spends 2 turmeric and 2 cardamom to buy the second VP card, gaining a silver token.
Bill plays a Mercchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 29

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 saffron for 2 cinnamon.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Bill rests.

Turn 30

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 1 cinnamon for 2 cardamom.

Christopher rests.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 31

Chris spends 3 turmeric and 2 cardamom for the second VP card, gaining a silver token.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.
Bill spends 5 saffron for the first VP card, gaining the last gold token.

Turn 32

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Turn 33

Chris rests.

Christopher spends 4 saffron to buy the first VP card, gaining a silver token.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Turn 34

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 4 turmeric.
Bill rests.

Turn 35

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 36

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 cinnamon.
Bill spends 2 turmeric and 3 saffron for the second VP card.

Turn 37

Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 saffron for 2 cinnamon.

Christopher rests.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading a turmeric to a cardamom.

Turn 38

Chris spends 2 turmeric and 3 cinnamon for the first VP card, gaining the last silver token.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.
Bill rests.

Turn 39

Chris rests.

Christopher spends 2 turmeric, 2 saffron, and 2 cinnamon to buy the fifth VP card.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Turn 40

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 4 turmeric.
Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading a saffron to a cinnamon.

Turn 41

Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Turn 42

Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and discarding 1 saffron.
Bill spends 3 turmeric, 1 saffron, 1 cardamom, and 1 cinnamon to buy the third VP card.

Final Score

VP Cards
Gold Tokens (x3)
Silver Tokens
Non-Yellow Spices
Congratulations to Bill Scharf on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Bill Scharf:  Thanks for running the game, always enjoyable to play! My game was hobbled by the lack of merchant cards that traded lower value spices for higher value spices, as I assume everyone else’s game was too.

No one picked up merchant cards for much of the game, so we were all left to make do with a handful of cards that were picked up early in the game. I guess my handful was a bit more useful than the others. A very unusual game to be sure!

Chris Geggus:  Well done Bill. My mistake was in the original purchases where I was wary of spending too much to acquire merchant cards and thus ended up with weaker ones than both my opponents. Didn't realise it would go to 42 turns and this really came back to haunt me. I will know better next time.

Christopher Hunt:  Good game.  Well done Bill on your victory.  Made a mistake through that you counted termeric at the end not non termeric.  Thank you to Chris for keeping track of my cards. Had a good Cinnamon engine but nothing else.


Cards in Hand
Saffron Cardamom
VP Cards
Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens
Chris Geggus
Christopher Hunt
Bill Scharf
Spice Progression





