Cats and Dogs

Epoch V Empire Selection, Franks, and Vikings

Epoch V Holy Roman Empire, Chola, and Sung Dynasty due 4/7, Tuesday

Epoch V Empire Selection

100% Pussycats (Longdin) passes to the Arachnids

Arachnids (Bolduc) passes to 100% Pussycats

Royal Manticoran Historical Society (Wilson) keeps

Systematic Chaos (Cain) passes to the Questioner

Marching Through the Ages (Lewis) passes to Systematic Chaos

The Questioner (Partridge) passes to Marching Through the Ages

The Time Traveler (Anderson) keeps

Epoch V

Marching Through the Ages (Lewis) plays Barbarians out of the Alps. Attacks Central Massif (vs. Celts; B: 5, 4; C: 4; wins), Northern Apennines (vs. Byzantines; Ba: 2, 1; By: 5; loses). Plays Kingdom in Southern Iberia (Roman army retreats to Western Iberia, fleet Western Mediterranean unsupported). FRANKS: Army and Capital Northern Gaul (Celt army retreats to Albion), army Central Massif, fleet Western Mediterranean, army Southern Apennines (vs. Civil War; F: 6, 1; C: 6, 1; F: 6, 5; C: 5, 5; wins, city eliminated), Pindus (vs. Macedonians; F: 4, 3; M: 6, 1; loses), Pindus (vs. Macedonians; F: 6, 2; M: 6, 2; F: 4, 3; M: 4, 2; F: 5, 1; M: 4, 1; wins, city eliminated), Dalmatia (vs. Byzantines; F: 5, 4; B: 1; wins), Central Europe (vs. Anglo-Saxons; F: 6, 1; A: 5, 3; wins), Balkans (vs. Byzantines; F: 4, 1; B: 4, 2; F: 6, 6; B: 6, 3; F: 5, 1; B: 4, 4; wins, Capital reduced to city), Western Anatolia (vs. Byzantines; F: 2, 1; B: 5, 2; loses). Points: Dominance in India (6), Southern Europe (6), Northern Europe (4), and Eurasia (2), Presence in Middle East (3), Southeast Asia (2), and North America (1), 2 Capitals (4), 2 cities (2), 1 Sea (1), and 6 Monuments (6) for 37 points.

Arachnids (Bolduc) plays Fujiwara. Army and Capital Hokkaido, fleet Sea of Japan (vs. Systematic Chaos; A: 6, 4; SC: 2; wins), army Great Plain of China (vs. T'ang Dynasty; F: 5, 1; T: 5, 4; F: 3, 2; T: 2, 1; wins). Plays Disaster (Volcano) in Zagros (Monument destroyed). VIKINGS: Army Scandinavia, fleet North Sea (vs. 100% Pussycats; A: 2, 1; P: 4; loses), North Sea (vs. 100% Pussycats; A: 6, 1; P: 4; wins), Atlantic Ocean, army Ireland, West Indies, Baltic Seaboard (vs. Anglo-Saxons; V: 6, 6; A: 5; wins), Central Europe (vs. Franks; V: 4, 2; F: 5; loses), Central Europe (vs. Franks; V: 2, 1; F: 4; loses). Points: Dominance in Northern Europe (4) and North America (2), Presence in China (3) and Eurasia (1), 1 Capital (2), 2 Seas (2), and 1 Monument (1) for 15 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Michael Longdin 100% Pussycats (green) 24 56
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 33 82
Dennis Cain Systematic Chaos (black) 36 68
Paul Bolduc Arachnids (blue) 40 66
Dave Partridge The Questioner (yellow) 44 93
Dave Anderson The Time Traveler (orange) 45 85
Andy Lewis Marching through the Ages (red) 50 116


Systematic Chaos: Fleet South China Sea. GREEK CITY STATES: Army and city Crete. HAN DYNASTY: Army and city Yellow River, armies Tarim Basin, East Indies. T'ANG DYNASTY: Army and Capital Yangtse Kian, army and Monument Wei River, armies Chekiang, Szechuan, Irrawaddy.

100% Pussycats: VEDIC CITY STATES: Two armies Eastern Ghats. CIVIL WAR: Two armies and city Morea. CELTS: Two armies Albion, army Pyrenees. KHMERS: Army and Capital Mekong, army Si-Kyang.

Marching Through the Ages: Fleet Western Mediterranean. MAYANS: Army and Capital Central America, army Guiana Highlands. HSUING-NU: Army Mongolia. HUNS: Army and Monument Persian Plateau, Upper Indus, Ganges Delta, Malayan Peninsula, armies Dniepr, Western Steppe, Turanian Plain, Hindu Kush, Ganges Valley. SOUTHERN IBERIAN KINGDOM: Army, Monument, and Fort Southern Iberia. FRANKS: Army and Capital Northern Gaul, army and city Balkans, army and Monument Southern Apennines and Central Europe, armies Central Massif, Dalmatia, Pindus.

The Time Traveler: Fleet Red Sea. INDUS VALLEY: Three armies Western Ghats. CARTHAGINIA: Three armies, Capital, and Fort Shatts Plateau, armies Libya, Arabian Peninsula, Western Gaul. MACEDONIA: Army and Monument Nile Delta. HIGHLAND KINGDOM: Army, city, and Fort Highlands. ARABS: Army, Capital, and Monument Arabian Peninsula, army and Monument Levant, Upper Tigris, armies Nubia, Upper Nile, Palestine, Middle Tigris, Persian Salt Desert, Lower Indus, Zagros.

Royal Manticoran Historical Society: Fleets Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean. SUB-SAHARAN MIGRANTS: Armies East Africa and Madagascar. CIVIL WAR: Army and Monument Levant. SASSANIDS: Army and Monument Lower Tigris. BYZANTINES: Armies Northern Appenines, Western Anatola, Eastern Anatola.

The Questioner: ROMANS: Two armies Western Iberia. GUPTAS: Army and Capital Eastern Deccan, army Western Deccan.

Arachnids: Fleets Sea of Japan, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean. NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS: Armies Great Lakes, Great Plains. GOTHS: Armies Danubia, Caucuses. FUJIWARA: Army and Capital Hokkaido, army and Monument Great Plain of China. VIKINGS: Armies Scandinavia, Ireland, Baltic Seaboard, West Indies.

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