
Century Spice Road

Turn 1

Bill spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.

Kevin acquires the first Merchant card including 1 turmeric.

Christopher spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.

Chris acquires the first Merchant card including 1 turmeric.

Turn 2

Bill plays a Merchant card to gain 2 turmeric.

Kevin plays a Merchant card to upgrade 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card to gain 2 turmeric.
Chris plays a Merchant card to upgrade 1 turmeric to a saffron, and 1 saffron to a cardomom.

Turn 3

Bill spends 3 turmeric to acquire the fourth Merchant card.

Kevin spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Chris spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.

Turn 4

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cardamom.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 saffron for 2 turmeric and 1 cinnamon.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Chris plays a Merchant card, converting 2 turmeric into 1 cardamom.

Turn 5

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.

Kevin spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.

Christopher spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.
Chris acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 6

Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 1 turmeric to 1 cardamom.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 saffron and 1 cardamom.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 4 turmeric for 2 cardamom twice.
Chris acquires the first Merchant card

Turn 7

Bill rests.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher spends 4 turmeric to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.
Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 cardamom for 2 cinnamon.

Turn 8

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Kevin rests.

Christopher rests.
Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 9

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.

Kevin spends 2 turmeric to acquire the third Merchant card.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Chris spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric.

Turn 10

Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading a turmeric to a saffron and a caradamom to a cinnamon.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 1 cinnamon for 1 turmeric, 1 saffron, and 1 cardamom.

Turn 11

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cardamom.

Kevin acquires the first Merchant card.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Chris spends 1 turmeric, 1 saffron, 1 cardamom, and 1 cinnamon to buy the third VP card.

Turn 12

Bill acquires the first Merchant card.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card.
Chris rests.

Turn 13

Bill spends 1 turmeric, 1 saffron, 1 cardamom, and 3 cinnamon to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.

Kevin spends 1 turmeric, 3 saffron, 1 cardamom, and 1 connamon to buy the fourth VP card.

Christopher spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.
Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 14

Bill rests.

Kevin rests.

Christopher spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.
Chris acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 15

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card.
Chris spends 1 turmeric to take the second Merchant card.

Turn 16

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.

Kevin acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric.

Christopher spends 2 turmeric to acquire the third Merchant card.
Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 6 turmeric for 6 saffron.

Turn 17

Bill spends 2 turmeric to acquire the third Merchant card.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Chris acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 18

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 saffron for 2 turmeric and 1 cinnamon.

Christopher spends 1 turmeric to acquire the second Merchant card.
Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron for 2 cardamom.

Turn 19

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cardamom.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 cinnamon.

Christopher spends 3 turmeric and 1 saffron to acquire the fifth Merchant card.
Chris spends 2 turmeric and 2 saffron to buy the second VP card, gaining a silver token.

Turn 20

Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 cinnamon for 1 turmeric, 1 saffron, and 3 cardamom.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.
Chris spends 2 saffron and 2 cardamom to buys the second VP card, gaining 1 silver token.

Turn 21

Bill rests.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 cardamom for 2 turmeric, 1 saffron, and 1 cinnamon.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 4 turmeric.
Chris acquires the first merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric.

Turn 22

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 saffron and 1 cardamom.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 4 turmeric for 2 cardamom.
Chris rests.

Turn 23

Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 1 turmeric to 1 saffron and 1 cardamom to 1 cinnamon.

Kevin rests.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 24

Bill spends 2 saffron and 3 cinnamon to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.

Kevin spends 1 turmeric, 2 cardamom, and 1 cinnamon for the third VP card.

Christopher acquires the first Merchant card, gaining1 turmeric.
Chris acquires the first Merchant card, gaining 1 saffron.

Turn 25

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.
Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Turn 26

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cardamom.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 saffron for 1 cinnamon and 2 turmeric.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 saffron for 3 cardamom.
Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 cardamom for 2 cinnamon.

Turn 27

Bill rests.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 3 turmeric for 1 saffron and 1 cardamom.

Christopher rests.
Chris spends 2 turmeric and 2 cinnamon to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.

Turn 28

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cinnamon.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Christopher spends 5 cardamom to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.
Chris rests.

Turn 29

Bill plays a Merchant card, upgrading 1 saffron to 1 cinnamon.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 cardamom for 1 cinnamon, 1 saffron, and 2 turmeric.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 4 turmeric.
Chris plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Turn 30

Bill spends 2 turmeric, 2 cardamom, and 2 cinnamon to buy the second VP card, gaining a silver token.

Kevin spends 2 saffron and 2 cinnamon to buy the second VP card, gaining a silver token.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, exchanging 4 turmeric for 2 cardamom.
Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 2 turmeric for 1 cardamom.

Turn 31

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric.

Kevin rests.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 turmeric and 1 saffron.
Chris plays a Merchant card, exchanging 1 cardamom for 1 turmeric and 2 saffron.

Turn 32

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 1 cardamom.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, gaining 2 saffron.

Christopher plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 turmeric to 2 saffron.
Chris plays a Merchant card, upgrading 2 saffron to 2 cardamom.

Turn 33

Bill plays a Merchant card, gaining 3 turmeric.

Kevin plays a Merchant card, upgrading a turmeric to a cardamom.

Christopher spends 3 saffron and 2 cardamom to buy the first VP card, gaining a gold token.
Chris spends 3 turmeric and 2 cardamom to buy the virst VP card, gaining a gold token and ending the game.

Final Score

VP Cards
Gold Tokens (x3)
Silver Tokens
Congratulations to Bill Scharf on his victory!

End of Game Statements

Chris Geggus:  Well played Bill. I wasn't keeping count, so hoped I may have pinched it at the end, but just off. An interesting game and happy to play again, but maybe next time I will actually watch what other players are doing. Felt my only hope on this one was getting numbers on the board and end it quickly. Perhaps it should have been bigger numbers on the board! Thanks to Chris once again.

Bill Scharf:  Chris and the other players,

Interesting game, played pretty fast. It was a two step process to keep track of points….he bought the third victory card, what was that again? It’s not until you see he paid three saffron, a cardamon, and a tumeric that you figure he bought a 10 point card.

I didn’t realize this until another player (who crushed me by the way) mentioned each cinnamon on the victory card added four to it’s value, each cardamon added three and so on…. So you can keep track.

Buying a lot of cheap cards is a good way to win, if you can get three cards while the others are still setting up their engines, it can be impossible to make up that difference in points. Of course, as Chris G pointed out, your cheap cards are occasionally too cheap…lol.

Christopher Hunt: Thanks to Chris for his help in keeping track my cards.  Congratulations to Bill on his win.  Very enjoyable. Like many of the games we play I was too busy enjoying the game to look at the victory conditions.

Kevin Wilson:  I struggle at times with engine building games but still play many of them for the style/theme of the game and/or the other mechanics and routes included. But, this one just didn’t punch any of those buttons for me. Perhaps I missed something. I’ll give it one more try but suspect it’s not long for my playlist. So much so, my copy I picked up in a recent math trade to jump in here is on offer in the current math trade (if anyone is interested).

Congrats to Bill on the win and thanks the others for letting me learn another new game. And, as always, a big thanks to Chris for running the game and answering my questions.


Cards in Hand
Saffron Cardamom
VP Cards
Bill Scharf
Kevin Wilson
Christopher Hunt
Chris Geggus
Spice Progression







