
Fall 1052

Gunboat, Advanced Rules, Special Military Units, Conquest, Gray Press, Ultimate Victory

Miller Number ???????

Deadline/Winter-Spring 1053 8/23 Tuesday

The Byzantines continue to advance north along the Adriatic while Venice and the Holy Roman Empire continue their clash in the north. The Pope held a defensive position while Pisa and the Normans clash over Sardinia.

Summer 1052 Retreats

Venice F Upper Adriatic retreats to Venice


Byzantines: A Ancona supports Norman A Capua to Spoleto, F Upper Adriatic to Croatia, F Lower Adriatic to Upper Adriatic, F Dalmatia supports F Upper Adriatic to Croatia
Holy Roman Empire: A Turin besieges (garrison destroyed), A Pavia supports A Cremona to Parma, A Cremona to Parma, A Mantua supports A Trent to Verona (cut), A Trent to Verona (Dislodged, retreat Bergamo, Milan, Carinthia, garrison, OTB)
Normans: A Capua to Spoleto, F Tyrrhenian Sea to Sardinia, F Palermo to Tyrrhenian Sea, F Central Mediterranean to Tunis
Papacy: A Bologna supports A Florence, A Florence supports A Bologna, A Arezzo to Perugia, A Rome holds
Pisa: A Sienna to Pisa, A Pistoia to Pisa, F Gulf of Lions to Sardinia, F Ligurian Sea to Corsica, A Modena to Fornova
Venice: A Parma to Cremona (Dislodged, retreat Milan, Modena, OTB), A Ferrara to Mantua, A (EM) Verona to Trent, A Friuli to Carniola, F Venice to Padua, F Croatia to Dalmatia (Dislodged, retreat Istria, OTB)


The Normans have conquered the Muslims. Tunis, Palermo, and Messina are now considered home areas of the Normans, and they gain the Muslim variable income die roll.


Pisa – Normans: I had no reply to my proposal for islands so I took them. I remain to know your intentions as soon as possible.

Spring 1053 Income

Provinces and cities that are underlined do no produce income while those that are in italics could change hands depending on retreats.


Byzantines Aquila, Bari, Salerno, Otranto, Durazzo, Albania, Ragusa, Ancona, Dalmatia, Croatia 10
Holy Roman Empire Montferrat, Pavia, Cremona, Mantua, Turin, Parma 6
Normans Naples, Palermo, Messina, Spoleto, Turin 5
Papacy Bologna, Florence, Arezzo, Perugia, Patrimony, Rome 6
Pisa Genoa, Fornova, Modena, Lucca, Pisa, Piombino, Sienna, Pistoia, Corsica 9
Venice Milan, Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Trent, Carnola, Istria 7


Byzantines Upper Adriatic 1
Normans Tyrrhenian Sea 1
Pisa Gulf of Lions 1
Venice Venice 1


Byzantines Bari, Durazzo, Albania, Ragusa, Ancona, Dalmatia, Croatia 7
Holy Roman Empire Montferrat, Pavia, Cremona, Mantua, Turin 5
Normans Naples (2), Palermo, Messina, Turin (2) 6
Papacy Bologna, Florence (3), Arezzo, Perugia, Rome (2) 8
Pisa Genoa (3), Modena, Lucca, Pisa, Piombino, Sienna, Corsica 9
Venice Milan (3), Ferrara, Padua, Treviso, Trent, Carnola, Venice (3) 11


Variable income die roll was 3.






Byzantines 3 10 1 7 21
Holy Roman Empire 3 6 0 5 14
Normans 6 5 1 6 18
Papacy 3 6 0 8 17
Pisa 3 9 1 9 22
Venice 3 7 1 11 22

Game Summary




Byzantines 3 4 7
Holy Roman Empire 3 5 5
Normans 1 3 4
Papacy 3 4 5
Pisa 3 5 7
Venice 3 5 7

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