
Epoch VI Empire Selection and Ming Dynasty

Epoch VI Timurid Emirates, Incas & Aztecs, and Ottoman Turks due 7/31, Tuesday

Epoch VI Empire Selection

GEGS keeps

The Gardeners keeps

Romulus and Remus passes to Republic of Texas

Royal Manticoran Historical Society passes to Red Devils

NICE passes to Romulus and Remus

Republic of Texas passes to NICE

Red Devils passes to Royal Manticoran Historical Society

Epoch VI

Romulus and Remus (Anderson): Plays Empires Revive. Two armies in Mekong, and 2 armies Ceylon. MING DYNASTY: Army and Capital Chekiang (T'ang Dynasty army eliminated), army Great Plain of China (vs. Mongols; Mi: 4, 1; Mo: 3; wins), fleet Sea of Japan (vs. RMHS; RR: 5, 1; RMHS: 1; wins), army Yangtse Kian (vs. Mongols; Mi: 4, 4; Mo: 1; wins, city eliminated), Szechuan (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 5, 2; S: 4; wins, city eliminated), Wei River (vs. Mongols; Mi: 4, 1; Mo: 1; wins), Tarim Basin (vs. Mongols; Mi: 6, 2; Mo: 5; wins), Turanian Plain (vs. Seljuk Turks; M: 4, 3; S: 1; wins), Persian Plateau (vs. Holy Roman Empire; M: 2, 1; H: 3, 2; loses), Persian Plateau (vs. Holy Roman Empire; M: 6, 1; H: 4, 1; wins). Builds Monument Chekiang. Points: Control of China (9), Presence in Middle East (2), India (3), Southeast Asia (2), Eurasia (1), North America (1), 2 Capitals (4), 1 city (1), 1 Sea (1), and 4 Monuments (4) for 28 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Chris Geggus Galileo Earns Gold Star (yellow) 38 94
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 41 80
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 46 101
Martin Burgdorf National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (black) 49 83
Andy York Republic of Texas (blue) 53 118
Dave Anderson Romulus and Remus (orange) 56 129
Brad Martin Red Devils (red) 58 93


Romulus and Remus: The Commander was doing something unusual. He was fretting. He had released to Tal the Reman troops from frozen animation, These were the best that Romulus had to offer and there was nothing left and they had to simply take over the Mekong, take over China and stop in Persia. These were Romulans That is what you are expected to do. The communicator beeped. The Commander nervously opened it. "Tal, please tell me you are lounging on a Persian rug with a Persian cat." Tal answered "Not exactly, sir." The Commander's eyes almost rolled in the back of his head as he wanted to faint. He almost dared not to ask the question, but the after action would tell the tale anyhow. "What happened, Tal???" "Well, Commander something went wrong in the thawing process. Every time we attacked in the very hot and steamy jungles of Mekong, um, the troops melted sir. And the natives set traps and would pop up out of nowhere when I came back with regular troops. We took their capital and reduced to a city, but we did not go much further." The Commander checked his chronometer and what was happening on Earths timeline. He was running out of time.


RMHS: Fleet Bay of Bengal. CELTS: Two armies and city Shatts Plateau, armies Pyrenees, Western Iberia. ARABS: Army and Monument Lower Indus, Upper Indus, armies Nubia, Persian Salt Desert, Ganges Valley, Ganges Delta. FUJIWARA: Army, Fort, and Capital Hokkaido, army Manchurian Plain. NORTH AMERICAN MIGRANTS: Armies Great Lakes, Great Plains. CHOLA: Army, Capital, Fort, and Monument Eastern Ghats, army, Fort, and city Eastern Deccan, armies Sumatra, Malayan Peninsula.

NICE: MACEDONIANS: Army and city Morea, army North European Plain. GOTHS: Three armies Dalmatia, two armies Western Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia. SOUTHERN IBERIA KINGDOM: Army, city, and fort Southern Iberia. SELJUK TURKS: Army and city Szechuan, army Turanian Plain.

Romulus and Remus: Fleet Sea of Japan. PERSIA: Two armies Western Ghats, army Ceylon. MAYANS: Army, Fort, and Capital Central America. T'ANG DYNASTY: Army Western Deccan. SUNG DYNASTY: Army and city Mekong, armies Yellow River, Si-Kyang. MING DYNASTY: Army, Capital, and Monument Chekiang, army and Monument Yangtse Kian, Wei River, Tarim Basin, Great Plain of China, Szechuan, Turanian Plain, Persian Plateau.

Red Devils: CARTHAGINIA: Army Libya. CIVIL WAR: Army and Monument Nile Delta, Upper Tigris, Zagros. MONGOLS: Army, city, and Monument Central Europe, army and Monument Mongolia, armies Eastern Steppe, Western Steppe, Dnieper, Northern Gaul, Central Massif.

The Gardeners: Fleets Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Mediterranean. SASSANIDS: Army and Monument Lower Tigris. ANGLO-SAXONS: Armies Baltic Seaboard, Ireland. BYZANTINES: Two armies, Capital, Fortress Balkans, armies Danubia, Crete. CRUSADERS: Army, city and fort Palestine, army, city, and Monument Arabian Peninsula, army Levant. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE: Armies Lower Rhein, Persian Plateau.

Republic of Texas: ROMANS: Two armies Albion, armies Caucuses, Middle Tigris. FRANKS: Army Western Gaul.

GEGS: Fleets North Sea, South China Sea. ARYANS: Two armies and fort Hindu Kush. SCOTTS: Army, city, fort Highlands. CIVIL WAR: Armies Northern Apennines, Southern Apennnies, Pindus. KHMERS Armies Irrawaddy, East Indies. VIKINGS: Army Scandinavia.

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