
Epoch III Hsuing-nu, Rome, and Sassanids

Epoch IV Empire Selection and Muaryans due 11/28, Tuesday

Epoch III

Romulus and Remus (Anderson): Plays Mayans. Army, Capital, and Fort Central America. HSUING-NU: Army Mongolia Great Plain of China (vs. Han Dynasty, plays Surprise Attack; Hs: 6, 5; Ha: 3; wins, Capital reduced to a city), Chekiang (vs. Han Dynasty; Hs: 5, 3; Ha: 3; wins), Si-Kyang (vs. Shang Dynasty; H: 5, 1; S: 2; wins), Yangtse Kian (vs. Macedonians; H: 2, 1; M: 2; H: 5, 3; M: 4; wins), Wei River (vs. Han Dynasty; Hs: 2, 1; Ha: 5; loses), Wei River (vs. Han Dynasty; Hs: 4, 3; Ha: 1; wins). Points: Dominance in Middle East (6), China (6), Presence in India (3), Southern Europe (3), 1 Capital (2), 1 city (1), 1 Sea (1), and 3 Monuments (3) for 25 points.

Republic of Texas (York): ROMANS: Plays Weaponry. Army and Capital Southern Apennines, army Northern Apennines, Dalmatia (vs. Macedonians; R: 4+1, 1+1; M: 2; wins), Pindus (vs. Macedonias; R: 3+1, 2+1; M: 4; R: 3+1, 3+1; M: 5; loses), Pindus (vs. Macedonians; R: 2+1, 1+1; M: 4; loses), Pindus (vs. Macedonians; R: 3+1, 1+1; M: 2; wins, Capital reduced to city), Danubia (vs. Macedonians; R: 1+1, 1+1; M: 6; loses), Danubia (vs. Macedonians; R: 5+1, 4+1; M: 4; wins), Dniepr, Central Europe (vs. Macedonians; R; 6+1, 4+1; M: 1; wins), Central Massif (vs. Celts; R: 3+1, 1+1; C: 6, 1; loses), Central Massif (vs. Celts; R: 5+1, 4+1; C: 2, 1; wins), Caucuses (vs. Scytheans; R: 6+1, 5+1; S: 2; wins), Eastern Anatolia (vs. Persia; R: 5+1, 3+1; P: 5, 3; wins), Zagros (vs. Persia; R: 3+1; 1+1; P: 2; wins), Persian Plateau (vs. Rebellion; Ro: 6+1, 6+1; Re: 1; wins, city eliminated), Levant (vs. Phoenicia; R: 4+1, 3+1; P: 1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Upper Tigris (vs. Assyrians; R: 6+1, 2+1; A: 6; wins, Capital reduced to city), Middle Tigris (vs. Assyrians; R: 6+1, 5+1; A: 1; wins, city eliminated), Lower Tigris (vs. Persia; R: 4+1, 2+1; P: 2; wins), Northern Gaul (vs. Celts; R: 5+1, 2+1; C: 3; wins), fleet North Sea, army Albion, Highlands. Builds Monuments Southern Apennines and Levant. Points: Dominance in Middle East (6), Southern Europe (6), Northern Europe (2), Presence in North Africa (2), India (3), Southeast Asia (1), 1 Capital (2), 4 cities (4), 1 Sea (1), and 6 Monuments (6) for 33 points.

The Gardeners (Hunt): plays Disaster in Southern Apennines. Monument destroyed and Capital reduced to city. SASSANIDS: Army and Capital Zagros (Roman army retreats to Upper Tigris), army Upper Tigris (vs. Romans; S: 4, 4; R: 2; S: 2, 2; R: 1;wins, city eliminated), Lower Tigris (vs. Romans; S: 3, 2; R: 5; loses), Lower Tigris (vs. Rome; S: 4, 3; R: 4; S: 6, 6; R: 1; wins), Persian Plateau (vs. Romans; S: 2, 1; R: 1; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Persia; S: 5, 1; P: 2; wins), Lower Indus (vs. Maurya; S: 5, 2; M: 5; S: 4, 2; M: 3; wins), Western Deccan (vs. Persia; S: 6, 4; P: 4, 3; wins), Eastern Deccan (vs. Chou Dynasty; S: 5, 3; C: 1; wins). Points: Dominance Middle East (6), Presence India (3), 1 Capital (2), 4 Monuments (4) for 15 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 19 30
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 20 40
Chris Geggus Galileo Earns Gold Star (yellow) 24 49
Brad Martin Red Devils (red) 24 34
Dave Anderson Romulus and Remus (orange) 26 48
Martin Burgdorf National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (black) 27 51
Andy York Republic of Texas (blue) 35 53


Romulus and Remus: The Romulan Commander was having a bad epoch , just 1 epoch before he felt the mastery of the world. The Federation rabble would never again exist and all would be right with the universe and then he talked to Commander Tal who with Captain Linville was to escort the Enterprise to Romulus or to leave it as space junk in the neutral zone. Now, let me get this straight. You had the Enterprise surrounded. Captain Kirk was dead killed by his own first officer and Captain Linville started having romantic feelings for Commander Spock and was not dressed in uniform when you interrupted her. Then somehow somebody stole the cloaking device. Took Captain Linville to their ship. installed the device and you cannot even track her or the Enterprise. And then you come back to the Guardian planet and debrief me after you unilaterally made a trade for a earth delicacy called Chinese take-out. Who knew ?? Hsuing-Nu they knew. sir. I traded the Romans for them,

To be continued..


RMHS: JEWS: Army, city, and fort Palestine. CELTS: Army and city Shatts Plateau, armies Pyrenees, Southern Iberia, Western Iberia.

NICE: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. EGYPT: Two armies, Capital, and Fort Nile Delta, army Arabian Peninsula. MACEDONIANS: Army and city Morea, armies, Baltic Seaboard, North European Plain, Eastern Steppe.

Romulus and Remus: Fleet Black Sea. PERSIA: Armies Balkans, Western Anatolia, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Ceylon. MAYANS: Army, Fort, and Capital Central America. HSUING-NU: Army, city, and Monument Great Plain of China, army and Monument Wei River, armies Mongolia, Yangtse Kian, Chekiang, Si-Kyang.

Red Devils: Fleet South China Sea. CARTHAGINIA: Army Libya. HAN DYNASTY: Armies Yellow River, Tarim Basin, Mekong.

The Gardeners: SASSANIDS: Army and Capital Zagros, army and Monument Upper Tigris, Lower Tigris, Persian Plateau, Lower Indus, armies Persian Salt Desert, Western Deccan, Eastern Deccan.

Republic of Texas: Fleet North Sea. CHOU DYNASTY: Two armies Malayan Peninsula. ROMANS: Army, city, and Monument Levant, army and Monument Central Europe, army and city Pindus, Southern Apennines, armies Northern Apennines, Central Massif, Dalmatia, Danubia, Northern Gaul, Albion, Highlands, Dneipr, Caucuses, Eastern Anatolia.

GEGS: ARYANS: Two armies and fort Hindu Kush, army Turanian Plain. GREEK CITY STATES: Army, city, and fort Crete. MAURYA: Army and Capital Ganges Delta, army and Monument Upper Indus, armies Ganges Valley, Irrawaddy, Szechuan.

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