
Epoch II Scytheans, Carthaginians, Persia

Epoch III Empire Selection and Celts due 8/15, Tuesday

Epoch II

NICE (Burgdorf) Plays Phoenicia. Army and Capital Levant (Sumerian army eliminated), fleet Eastern Mediterranean (vs. GEGS; NICE: 1, 1; GEGS: 4; loses), Eastern Mediterranean (vs. GEGS; NICE: 4, 4; GEGS: 5; loses). SCYTHEANS: Army Caucuses, Eastern Anatolia (vs. Hittites; S: 6, 3; H: 2+1, 1+1; wins, Capital reduced to city), Zagros (vs. Assyrians; S: 5, 3; A: 4; wins), Persian Salt Deseert (vs. Indus Valley; S: 6, 2; I: 4; wins), Lower Indus (vs. Indus Valley; S: 5, 4; I: 5; S: 6, 1; I: 4; wins), Upper Indus (vs. Indus Valley; S: 4, 4; I: 2; wins, Capital reduced to a city), Ganges Valley. Builds monument Upper Indus. Points: Dominance in Middle East (6), Presence in North Africa (2), India (2), 2 Capitals (4), 2 cities (2), and 2 Monuments (2) for 18 points.

Red Devil (Martin) CARTHAGINIA: Army and Capital Shatts Plateau, Libya (vs. Greek City States; C: 4, 3; G: 2; wins), Nile Delta (vs. Egypt; plays Surprise Attack; C: 2, 2; G: 3; loses), Western Mediterranean (vs. GEGS; RD: 5, 2; GEGS: 3; wins), Southern Iberia, Central Massif, Dalmatia, Pyrenees. Points: Dominance in Southern Europe (4), Presence in North Africa (2), Middle East (3), 1 Capital (2), and 1 Sea (1) for 12 points.

Romulus and Remus (Anderson) PERSIA: Plays Weaponry. Army and Capital Persian Plateau (Aryan army retreats to Hindu Kush), army Zagros (vs. Scytheans; P: 3+1, 1+1; S 3; wins), Persian Salt Desert (vs. Scytheans; P: 6+1, 1+1; S: 2; wins), Eastern Anatolia (vs. Scytheans; P: 3+1, 2+1; S: 3; wins, city eliminated), fleet Black Sea, army Western Anatolia (vs. Hittites; P: 6+1, 6+1; H: 4; wins), Lower Tigris (vs. Assyria; P: 5+1, 2+1; A: 5; wins), Lower Indus (vs. Scytheans; P: 4+1, 1+1; S: 5; P: 3+1, 1+1; S: 3; wins), Upper Indus (vs. Scytheans; P: 4+1, 4+1; S: 4; wins, city eliminated), Western Deccan (vs. Indus Valley; P: 6+1, 5+1; I: 3, 3; wins), Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats (vs. Chou Dynasty; P: 6+1, 1+1; C: 6; wins), Ceylon, Balkans, Pindus (vs. Greek City States; P: 3+1, 2+1; G: 5, 3; loses). Builds Monument Persian Plateau. Points: Dominance in Middle East (6), India (4), Presence in Southern Europe (2), 1 Capital (2), 1 Sea (1), and 4 Monuments (4) for 19 points.


Player Name

Player Faction Name/Color

Empire Strength Points

Victory Points

Andy York Republic of Texas (blue) 10 20
Christopher Hunt The Gardeners (green) 10 15
Martin Burgdorf National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments (black) 12 24
Kevin Wilson Royal Manticoran Histoical Society (purple) 12 21
Brad Martin Red Devils (red) 12 21
Chris Geggus Galileo Earns Gold Star (yellow) 14 25
Dave Anderson Romulus and Remus (orange) 19 23


RMHS: JEWS: Army, city, and fort Palestine. ASSYRIANS: Army, Capital, and Monument Upper Tigris, army and city Middle Tigris.

NICE: EGYPT: Two armies, Capital, and Fort Nile Delta, army Arabian Peninsula. PHOENICIA: Army and Capital Levant. SCYTHEANS: Army Caucuses.

Romulus and Remus: Fleet Black Sea. PERSIA: Army, Capital, and Monument Persian Plateau, army and Monument Lower Tigris, Lower Indus, Upper Indus, armies Balkans, Western Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, Zagros, Persian Salt Desert, Western Deccan, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Ceylon.

Red Devils: Fleet Eastern Mediterranean. CARTHAGINIA: Army and Capital Shatts Plateau, armies Libya, Dalmatia, Central Massif, Pyrenees, Southern Iberia.

The Gardeners: None.

Republic of Texas: SHANG DYNASTY: Army and Capital Yellow River, armies Great Plain of China, Chekiang, Si-Kyang. CHOU DYNASTY: Army, Capital, and Monument Wei River, armies Szechuan, Irrawaddy, Malayan Peninsula, Ganges Delta.

GEGS: Fleets Eastern Mediterranean. ARYANS: Army, city, and Monument Lower Indus, two armies and fort Hindu Kush, armies Turanian Plain, Upper Indus, Tarim Basin. GREEK CITY STATES: Army and Capital Morea, army, city, and fort Crete, army Pindus.


On the Guardian planet: The Romulan Commander bellowed-- I want my personal Ivory handled disruptor ready. Bring disruptors for all the leaders of the divisions.

Sub Commander Tal protested We cannot pollute the timeline with weaponry like that. The Commander screamed--I do not care about your precious timeline. It was bad enough that those Red Devils kicked us out of the Middle East. Then our brave Crete holdouts fell for the Trojan Horse idea as a gift for my greatness. I was there Commander when the troops came pouring out of it.

How much territory are we holding Commander. ?? Looking at the map as it flickered with the Sytheans and Carthiginians charging through Earths history.

We have none Commander. Exactly my point Sub Commander. That is exactly what you will be reduced to if you do not follow my orders to the letter. Only through my superior intellect was I able to see that the Persians had the power to reclaim some our lost territory. You will follow me into battle and collect the disruptors then you will bring them back to Captain Linville on board the Decius.

Now let them see the real power of Romulus and Remus.

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