
Seafarers of Catan

Turns 1.1 through 3.4

Turn 1

Ron rolls a 7 and places the Robber at the Forest 6 area and steals a brick from Dave. Passes.

Chris rolls a 3. Ron gains a wool and Martin gains a lumber. Chris trades 1 lumber to Ron for 1 wool. Builds a ship from E16 to E17 (discovers field, gains grain). During the supplemental build turn, Ron builds a road from E11 to E10 and Martin builds a road from C14 to C13.

Andy rolls a 7 and moves the Robber to the 9 Hills area and steals from Martin, gaining lumber.

Dave rolls a 5, and Ron gains 1 lumber, Dave gains 1 brick and 1 lumber, and Chris gains 1 grain. Builds a road from C9 to B9.

Martin rolls a 5, and Ron gains 1 lumber, Dave gains 1 brick and 1 lumber, and Chris gains 1 grain. Passes.

Turn 2

Ron rolls a 6. Chris, Andy, and Dave each gain 1 lumber. Passes.

Chris rolls an 8. Ron receives a brick and an ore, Andy and Martin each receive a brick and Chris receives an ore. Trades 2 grain at the grain port for 1 wool and builds a ship from E17 to E18 (discovers ocean). During the special build turn, Andy builds a road from F13 to F11, Ron builds a road from G14 to G15.

Andy rolls a 10. Martin receives grain and wool. Andy trades 1 grain to Dave for 1 brick and builds a road from F12 to F11. During the special build turn, Dave builds a settlement at B9.

Dave rolls a 7. Moves the Robber to the 4 Ore space at C13 and steals wool from Martin and passes.

Martin rolls a 5. Ron receives 1 lumber and Dave receives 1 lumber and 2 brick and Chris receives 1 grain. Passes.

Turn 3

Ron rolls a 4. Ron and Andy each gain 1 ore and Dave gains 1 grain. Trades 1 lumber to Martin for 1 grain.

Chris rolls a 6. Chris, Andy, and Dave each gain 1 lumber. Trades 2 grain for 1 wool at the grain port and builds a ship from E18 to F18 (discovers ocean). During the special build phase, Dave builds roads from C10 to D10 and D10 to D9. Martin builds a road from C12 to C13.

Andy rolls an 8. Dave and Martin each receive 1 brick, Chris receives 1 ore, and Ron receives 1 brick and 1 ore. Passes.

Dave rolls a 7. Ron discards 5 ore. Dave moves the Robber/Pirate to the 9 field space at E13 and steals ore from Chris. Builds a settlement at D9. During the special build turn, Ron builds a settlement at E10.

Martin rolls a 7.


At the players' request, this game is now being run continusously via email.









Development Cards


Ron Fisher Red 3
Chris Geggus Yellow 1 2
Andy York Blue 2 2 2
Dave Partridge Green 1 4
Martin Burgdorf Brown 1 1 2

Akita, Issue 191


S.O.B. 192 Home


Akita, Issue 193