
Turns 3 through 5

Turn 3


TRUMP bids 16 on power plant 16 and GEGS gets it for 22. Power plant 20 is added to the current market and power plant 35 is added to the future market. TRUMP bids 20 on power plant 20 and CU gets it for 25. Power plant 22 is moved to the current market, and power plant 38 is added to the future market. TRUMP bids 22 on power plant 22 and KGB2 gets it for 25. Power plant 35 is moved into the current market, and power plant 44 is added to the future market. TRUMP buys power plant 35 for 35. Power plant 29 added to the current market.

Fuel Purchases

KGB2 passes.

GEGS buys 2 oil for 5

CU buys 6 coal for 25

TRUMP buys 1 oil for 3

Grid Connections

KGB2 spends 16 to connect to Barnaul

GEGS spends 20 to connect to Omsk

CU has insufficient funds to connect

TRUMP spends 15 to connect to Perm


Power Cities

TRUMP powers 4 cities using 1 oil and producing 54

CU powers 3 cities using 3 coal and producing 44

GEGS powers 3 cities using 2 oil and producing 44

KGB2 powers 3 cities using 1 oil and producing 44

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 50 is placed on the bottom of the deck and power plant 31 is added to the future market.

Turn 4


TRUMP passes. Power plant 5 is discarded and power plant 30 is added to the current market.

GEGS bids 29 on power plant 29 and gets it for 37. Power plant 4 discarded. Power plant 15 added to the current market.

KGB2 passes.

CU passes.

Fuel Purchases

CU passes.

KGB2 buys 1 uranium for 4.

GEGS buys 3 oil for 5.

TRUMP buys 3 oil for 8.

Grid Connections

CU connects to Syktyvkar for 16 and Orenburg for 17.

KGB2 connects to Bratsk for 20 and Irkutsk for 20.

GEGS cannot make any new connections.

TRUMP connects to Cheboksarv for 20 and Ulyanovsk for 14.


Power Cities

TRUMP powers 6 cities using 1 oil and gains 73.

GEGS powers 4 cities using 1 oil and gains 54.

KGB2 powers 5 cities using 1 oil and 1 uranium and gains 64.

CU powers 5 cities using 3 coal and gains 64.

Adjust Power Plant Market

Power plant 44 is moved to the bottom of the deck and replaced with power plant 37.

Turn 5


TRUMP passes. Power plant 10 is discarded and power plant 25 is added to the current market.

KGB2 opens the bidding on power plant 25 at 25 and gets it. Power plant 9 is discarded, power plant 42 is added to the future market, and power plant 31 is moved to the current market.

CU passes.

GEGS passes.

Fuel Purchases

GEGS buys 3 oil for 6

CU buys 2 oil for 6

KGB2 buys 2 coal for 7

TRUMP buys 2 oil for 7

Grid Connections

GEGS connects to Tyumen for 19 and Surgut for 20.

CU connects to Saratoy Samara for 14 and Arkhangelsk for 20. Step 2 triggered at the end of this phase.

KGB2 connects to Ulan Ude for 16 and Chita for 16.

TRUMP passes.

Step 2 Transition: Power plant 15 is discarded and replaced by power plant 27.


Power Cities

TRUMP powers 6 cities using 1 oil and gains 73.

KGB2 powers 7 cities using 2 coal and gains 82.

CU powers 7 cities using 5 coal and gains 82.

GEGS powers 6 cities using 3 oil and gains 73.

Adjust Market

Power plant 42 is moved to the bottom of the deck. Power plant 17 is added to the current market, pushing power plant 31 into the future market.



Player Name

Company Name


Power Plants



2 Bill Scharf CU Black 03 Oil 2→1, 12 Hybrid 2→2, 20 Coal 3→5 7 118
4 Chris Geggus GEGS Yellow 08 Coal 3→2, 16 Oil 2→3, 29 Hybrid 1→4 (2) 6 87
3 Dave Hooton TRUMP Orange 07 Oil 3→2 (2), 13 Eco X→1, 35 Oil 1→5 (1) 6 151
1 Andy York KGB2 Blue 11 Nuclear 1→2, 22 Eco X→2, 25 Coal 2→5 7 86

TRUMP is Thermal Reactors Underwritten and Marketed by Putin. KGB2 is Kremlin's Gas Burning Bureau. GEGS is Gondwanaland Energy Generating Station. CU is Coal Unlimited.

Power Plant Market

Current Market

17 Nuclear 1→2

27 Eco X→3

30 Trash 3→6

Future Market

31 Coal 3→6

37 Eco X→4

38 Trash 3→7















1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 3 3

2 3 3 3 3 3 3


3 3 3 3 3 3

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