Terra Mystica
Faction Selection
Kevin selects
the Cultists.
Christopher selects the Chaos Magicians.
Bill Selects
the Auren.
Initial Dwelling Placement
place a dwelling in M6.
Auren place
dwellings in I6 and C1.
Cultists place a dwelling in H5.
Chaos Magicians place a dwelling in H4.
Bonus Tile Selection
Auren select the bonus tile that gives 1 worker and 3 power income.
Chaos Magicians select the bonus tile that provides 4 coins income and an action to advance in any cult.
Cultists select the bonus tile that provides 2 coins income and gives 1VP per dwelling on passing.
Round 1
Cultists gain 2 coins and 3 workers.
Chaos Magicians gain 4 coins and 2 workers.
Auren gain 4 workers and 3 power.
Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in H5 to a trading post. The Auren and Chaos Magicians each gain 1 power. The Cultists advance 1 space in the Fire cult.
Chaos Magicians spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in H4 to a trading post. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.
Auren spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in I6 to a trading post. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.
Cultists spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in H4 to a temple, gaining a favor token and advancing 3 spaces in the Earth cult, gaining 1 power. The Chaos Magicians and Auren each spend 1VP to gain 2 power. The Cultists advance 1 space in the Fire cult, gaining 1 power.
Chaos Magicians burn 4 power to gain 4 power then spend 4 power for 7 coins.
Auren spend 4 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the trading post in I6 to a stronghold, gaining the favor that gains 4 power during income and advances 2 steps in the Air cult, gaining 1 power. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.
Cultists burn 1 power to gain 1 power, spend 4 power for a shovel, use it to convert H6 to farmland, and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there. The Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power. The Cultists advance in the Earth cult, gaining 2 power.
Chaos Magicians spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in H4 to a temple, taking the favor tiles that provide 4 power income and 1 power and 1 worker income, and advancing 2 steps each in the Earth and Air cults. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.
Auren spend 3 power for a bridge between I6 and K7.
Cultists burn 3 power to gain 3 power then spend 3 power to gain a priest.
Chaos Magicians use their bonus tile action to advance 1 step in the Fire cult, gaining 1 power.
Aurn use their stronghold action to advance 2 steps in the air cult, gaining 2 power.
Cultists commit a priest to the Earth cult, advancing 3 steps and gaining 2 power.
Chaos Magicians pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 priest income and gaining 1 coin.
Aruen spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling in K7.
Cultists pass, gaining 2VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 4 coins income and an action to advance in any cult.
Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power income and +1 navigation range.
Cult Bonuses
Cultists gain 2 shovels and use one each on G5 and N7.
Round 2
Chaos Magicians gain 3 workers, 2 priests, and 5 power.
Cultists gain 4 coins, 3 workers, and 1 priest.
Auren gain 3 workers and 9 power.
Chaos Magicians spend 3 workers for a shovel, use the shovel to convert I5 to wasteland, and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power.
Cultists commit a priest to the Water cult, advancing 3 steps and gaining 1 power.
Auren spend 4 power for 7 coins.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Fire cult, advancing 3 steps and gaining 2 power.
Cultists use their bonus tile action to advance 1 step in the Air cult, gaining 1 power.
Auren spend 5 power for a priest, then spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels, gaining 6VP.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Air cult, advancing 3 steps and gaining 1 power.
Cultists spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in H6 to a trading post. The Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power. The Cultists advance 1 step in the Fire cult.
Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 steps in the Air cult, gaining 2 power.
Chaos Magicians spend 3 power to gain a priest.
Cultists burn 1 power to gain 1 power then spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.
Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power and 1 worker income, and gaining 1 coin.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Fire cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling in G5, gaining 2VP.
Chaos Magicians pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 worker income, 2VP per trading post on passing, and gains 2 coins.
Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in N7, gaining 2VP.
Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 2 coins income and gives 1VP per dwelling on passing and gain 1 coin.
Cult Bonuses
Cultists gain 4 power and Chaos Magicians gain 8 power.
Round 3
Auren gain 4 workers and 9 power.
Chaos Magicians gain 4 workers, 1 power, and 1 priest.
Cultists gain 4 workers, 4 coins, 1 priest, and 1 power.
Auren spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.
Chaos Magicians spend 6 power for 2 shovels, use them to convert H3 to wasteland, and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.
Cultists commit a priest to the Water cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Auren spend 2 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the dwelling in K7 to a trading post.
Chaos Magicians spend 2 workers and 3 coins to upgrade the dwelling in I5 to a trading post, gaining 3VP. The Cultists spend 1VP to gain 2 power and the Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power.
Cultists spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in H6 to a temple, taking the favor tile that provides 4 power income and advancing 2 steps in the Air cult, gaining 2 power. The Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power. The cultists advance 1 step in the Water cult.
Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 spaces in the Air cult.
Chaos Magicians spend 2 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the dwelling in H3 to a trading post, gaining 3VP.
Cultists spend 3 power for a priest.
Auren spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in K7 to a temple, taking the favor tile that allows towns with 6 power-strength buildings, and advances 2 steps in the Fire cult.
Chaos Magicians pass, gaining 4VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 1 priest income, gaining 1 coin.
Cultists pass, gainind 3VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 4 coins income and an action to advance 1 step in any cult, and gaining 1 coin.
Auren spend 4 power for 1 shovel, converting K8 to forest and spending 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.
Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power income and +1 navigation range, and gaining 1 coin.
Cult Bonuses
Cultists gain 1 shovel and use it to convert M7 to farmland.
Round 4
Chaos Magicians gain 2 workers, 4 coins, 2 priests, and 7 power.
Cultists gain 4 workers, 4 coins, 4 power, and 3 priests.
Auren gain 3 workers, 1 priest, and 9 power.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Air cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Cultists spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.
Auren burn 1 power to gain 1 power, then spend 6 power for 2 shovels, converting L8 to forest and spending 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwellling there, and forms a town, gaining 5VP and 6 coins.
Chaos Magicians spend 4 power for a shovel, use it to convert J5 to wasteland, and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwellling there, and forms a town, gaining 6VP and 8 power.
Cultists commit a priest to the Air cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Auren use their stronghold action to advance 1 step in the Air cult, gaining 3 power.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Air cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Cultists spend 2 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the dwelling in N7 to a trading house, gaining 3VP.
Auren spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels, gaining 6VP.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Water cult, advancing 2 steps.
Cultists use their bonus tile action to advance 1 step in the Air cult.
Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 worker and 3 power income, gaining 1 coin.
Chaos Magicians pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 1 worker income and 2VP per trading post when passing, and gaining 1 coin.
Cultists commit a priest to the Water cult, advancing 2 spaces and gaining 2 power.
Cultists send a priest to support the Fire cult, advancing 1 space and gaining 2 power.
Cultists pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 2 coins income and 1VP per dwelling when passing, and gaining 1 coin.
Cult Bonuses
Round 5
Auren gain 5 workers, 1 priest, and 9 power.
Chaos Magicians gain 4 workers, 4 coins, 5 power, and 1 priest.
Cultists gain 3 workers, 4 coins, 2 priests, and 4 power.
Auren spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.
Chaos Magicians spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.
Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in O7, gaining 2VP.
Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in D1, gaining 2VP.
Chaos Magicians burn 2 power to gain 2 power and spend 6 power for 2 shovels, converting I4 to wasteland, and spending 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.
Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in O6, gaining 2VP.
Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in B1, gaining 2VP.
Chaos Magicians spend 2 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the dwelling in J5 to a trading post.
Cultists spend 4 power for a shovel, use the shovel to convert N5 to farmland, and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, gaining 2VP.
Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 steps in the Water cult, gaining 1 power.
Chaos Magicians spend 2 workers and 5 coins to upgrade the trading post in I5 to a temple, taking the favors that give 3 coins income, advancing 1 step in the Fire cult, and the one that gives an action to advance 1 step in any cult, advancing 2 steps in the Water cult and gaining 2 power. The Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power.
Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in M7, gaining 2VP, and forming a town, gaining 6VP and 8 power.
Auren spend 2 workers and 6 coins to upgrade the dwelling in C1 to a trading post.
Chaos Magicians use their favor tile action to advance 1 step in the Fire cult, gaining 3 power.
Cultists spend 7 power for 7 coins, then spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling in N4, gaining 2VP.
Auren pass, taking the bonus tile that provides 4 coins income and an action to advance in any cult, and gaining 1 coin.
Chaos Magicians pass, gaining 4VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power and 1 worker income.
Cultists spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling in O8, gaining 2VP.
Cultists spend a priest to support the Earth cult, advancing 1 step.
Cultists spend a priest to support the Water cult, advanding 1 step.
Cultists pass, gaining 8VP and taking the bonus tile that provides 3 power income and increases navigation by 1, and gaining a coin.
Cult Bonuses
Round 6
Auren gain 5 workers, 6 coins, 1 priest, and 7 power.
Chaos Magicians gain 4 workers, 7 coins, and 7 power.
Cultists gain 8 workers, 2 coins, and 8 power.
Auren spend 4 power to gain 7 coins.
Chaos Magicians spend 4 power to gain 2 workers.
Cultists commit a priest to the Fire cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Auren spend 3 power for a bridge between C1 and D3.
Chaos Magicians
spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the temple in H4 to a sanctuary,
gaining 5VP and taking the favor tile that advances 3 steps in the
Water cult, gaining 4 power, and the favor that gives VP for placing a
trading post and advancing 1 step in the Earth cult, gaining 1VP.
Cultists spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the temple in H6 to a sanctuary, gaining 5VP and taking the tile that reduces the requirement of towns to 6 power points, advancing 2 steps in the Fire cult, forming a town, gaining 8VP and advancing 1 step each in the Water, Earth, and Air cults, gaining 4 power. Auren spend 2VP to gain 3 power.
Auren spend 2 workers for 2 shovels, use them to convert D3 to forest, and spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there.
Chaos Magicians commit a priest to the Earth cult gaining 2 power.
Cultists spend 7 power for 7 coins, then spend 4 workers and 8 coins to upgrade the trading post in N7 to a stronghold, gaining 12VP.
Auren use their stronghold action to advance 2 steps in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.
Chaos Magicians use their favor tile action to advance 1 step in the Earth cult.
Cultists convert 1 worker to a coin, then spend 1 priest, 2 workers, and 5 coins to reduce the cost of shovels, gaining 6VP.
Auren commit a priest to the Earth cult, advancing 2 steps.
Chaos Magicians spend 5 power for 5 coins, convert 4 workers into 4 coins, and pass.
Cultists pass.
Auren burn 2 power to gain 2 power, spend 4 power for a shovel, use the shovel to convert D4 to forest, spend 1 worker and 2 coins to place a dwelling there, and establish a town, gaining 8VP and advancing 1 step each in the Fire, Water, and Earth cults, gaining 2 power.
Auren use their bonus tile action to advance 1 step in the Water cult, gaining 2 power.
Auren spend a priest to support the Water cult, advancing 1 step.
Auren commit a priest to the Earth cult, advancing 2 steps and gaining 2 power.
Auren burn 3 power to gain 3 power and spend 3 power for a priest.
Auren spend a priest to support the Earth cult, advancing 1 step.
Auren spend 1 worker and 2 coins for a dwelling in C4.
Auren pass.
End of Game and Final Scoring
In the Fire cult, the Chaos Magicians gain 8VP, the Cultists gain 4VP, and the Auren gain 2VP.
In the Water cult, the Cultists gain 8VP, the Auren gain 4VP, and the Chaos Magicians gain 2VP.
In the Earth cult, the Cultists gain 8VP, and the Auren and Chaos Magicians each gain 3VP.
In the Air cult, the Auren gain 8VP, the Cultists gain 4VP, and the Chaos Magicians gain 2VP.
The Cultists have 8
buildings adjacent, gaining 18VP, the Auren have 6 buildings adjacent,
gaining 12VP, and the Chaos Magicians have 5 buildings adjacent,
gaining 6VP.
Cultists |
Chaos Magicians |
Auren |
Victory Points |
83 |
48 |
39 |
City |
18 |
6 |
12 |
Cults |
24 |
15 |
17 |
Resources |
0 |
3 |
3 |
Total |
125 |
72 |
71 |
Congratulations to Kevin Wilson on his resounding victory!
End of Game Statements
Kevin Wilson (Cultists): Fun game. Thanks to Christopher and Bill for playing and to Chris for running the game. Sign me up for this one any time.
This one really was well set up for the Cultists. I’m glad I got to
pick first as I suspect whomever went first would have grabbed them.
Those shovel end-turn bonuses were key. I was able to establish two
towns, one big enough to be largest, and never had to use workers for
shovels! And, it wasn’t just the shovels for end-turn bonuses but the
bonus for the stronghold and sanctuary coming at the end. My stronghold
didn’t really give me much so I didn’t have any incentive to get it up
early. 5 VP waiting until the end was a gift!
The Cultists ability to consistently advance in the cult tracks was
key. It helped with the second town. Also, I thought I would be a bit
constrained in the middle and I was. I had hoped to be able to expand
in the east but with no neighbors was concerned of the cost. Turns out
that concern was a bit misplaced. It was actually better not having
anyone contesting me for hexes even if I had to pay up for the trading
house. But, had those shovel bonuses not been available or had I
neighbor in the east I would have needed more trading houses and then
the expense would have slowed me a lot.
So, the combo of the shovel bonuses, late VP for the stronghold and no
competitors in the east really worked out and worked out better than I
had expected. It would have been very different if I had had a
competitor in the east or if there had been a 4th. 3-player was
interesting. More open space that worked to my benefit but a bit harder
to gain power which had to be covered in the cult tracks. In all, just
a great set up for my Cultists.
Christopher Hunt (Chaos Magicians):
Well done Kevin you won in every category. Thanks to Chris
for runnig the game and working put my odd orders. Having
only one site is a major disadvantage but it needed. Prefer the 4 player version.
The Players
Player |
Order |
Faction |
Cash |
Workers |
Priests |
Power: Bowl 1 |
Power: Bowl
II |
Power: Bowl
Kevin Wilson | 3 |
Cultists |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
Christopher Hunt | 2 |
Chaos Magicians |
11 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
1 |
0 |
Bill Scharf | 1 |
Auren |
8 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
0 |