Mini Bernedoodle

Terraforming Mars:  Drafting, Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies, Turmoil


Engineer:  Have at least 10 combined energy and heat production.

Rim Settler:  Have at least 3 Jovian tags.

Terraformer:  Have at least 29 TR.

Terran:  Have at least 5 Earth tags.

Legend:  Have at least 4 events.

Hoverlord:  Have at least 7 floaters.


Zoologist:  Most combined animal and microbe resources.

Politician:  Most combined faction leaderships and influence.

Miner:  Most combined steel and titanium resources.

Industrialist:  Most combined steel and enrgy resources.

Thermalist:  Most heat resources.

Venuphile:  Most Venus tags.

Map Changes

Please note that in addition to the temperature, oxygen, and Venus tracks being extended, there are also 11 ocean tiles to place, rather than the standard 9, on this map.  Also note the changed rewards on the temperature, oxygen, and Venus tracks.

Generation 1

Initial Card Selection

Bill selects MSI and keeps 5 cards, spending 15M€.
Keith selects Point Luna, gaining 1 titanium production and drawing a card, and keeps 6 cards, spending 18M€.
Andy selects Celestic and keeps 5 cards, spending 15M€.
Chris selects Kuiper Cooperative, gaining 1 titanium production, and keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.
Dave selects Interplanetary Cinematics, gaining 20 steel, and keeps 5 cards, spending 15M€.

Prelude Phase

MSI plays Mohole Excavation, gaining 1 steel production, 2 heat production, and 2 heat, and Established Methods, gaining 30M€ and spending 17M€ for a colony on Io, gaining 1 heat production, and 11M€ for a standard power plant, gaining 1 energy production.
Point Luna plays Floating Trade Hub and Board of Directors, gaining 4 directors on the card and drawing a card.  Titan activates.
Celestic plays Allied Bank, gaining 4M€ production and 3M€, and Colony Trade Hub, gaining 1 energy production and 2 titanium.
Kuiper Coorperative plays Research Network, gaining 3 cards and 1M€ production, and Preservation Program, increasing its TR to 25.
Interplanetary Cinematics plays Business Empire, gaining 6M€ and spending 6M€, and Aquifer Turbines, gaining 2 energy production, spending 3M€, placing an ocean tile in D8, gaining 2 cards and increasing its TR to 21.


MSI draws Stanford Torus, Minority Refuge, Solar Probe, Callisto Penal Mines, Soil Factory, Meat Industry, Bushes, Market Manipulations, Heat Trappers, Ants, Energy Market, Venus Orbital Survey, Breathing Filters, Power Plant, Commercial District, Fusion Power, Permafrost Extraction, WG Project, Cultural Metropolis, Aerobraked Ammonia Asteroid, Gyropolis, Quantum Extractor, Homeostasis Bureau, Decomposers, Diaspora Movement, Topsoil Contract, Lunar Beam, Titanium Mine, GHG Producing Bacteria, Local Heat Trapping, Nuclear Zone, Greenhouses, Soil Studies, 16 Psyche, Black Polar Dust, Teslaract, Mohole Area, Farming, Ore Processor, Designed Microorganisms, Cartel, Research, Electro-Catapult, Event Analysts, Convoy from Europa, Immigrant City, Martian Survey, Mangrove, Hydrogen to Venus, Protected Habitats, GHG Factories, Sister Planet Support, Advanced Ecosystems, Colonial Envoys, Asteroid, Saturn Surfing, Standard Technology, Adapted Lichen, Rad-Chem Factory, Urban Decomposers, House Printing, and Cloud Tourism, keeping Venus Orbital Survey, Sister Planet Support, and Cloud Tourism and discarding the rest, then spends 11M€ for Geothermal Power, gaining 2 energy production.
Point Luna moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, assuming party leadership, then spends 9M€ for Sponsored Academies, drawing a card, discarding a card, then drawing 3 cards.  Each other player draws a card.
Celestic draws Ice Asteroid, Potatoes, Olympus Conference, Regolith Eaters, Fueled Generators, Nitrogen-Rich Asteroid, Parliament Hall, Hermetic Order of Mars, Public Celebrations, Water Import from Europa, Giant Space Mirror, Power Supply Consortium, Floater Technology, Space Port, Jovian Embassy, Venusian Insects, Windmills, Mars Nomads, Moss, Restricted Area, Martian Media Center, Trade Envoys, Lichen, Industrial Center, Rad Suits, Lightning Harvest, Investment Loan, Skydocks, Fuel Factory, Development Center, Ishtar Expedition, Noctis City, Political Alliance, Conscription, Nitrophilic Moss, and GHG Shipment, keeping Floater Technology and GHG Shipment and discarding the rest, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 7M€ for Business Contacts, drawing 4 cards and keeping 2, then spends 5M€ for a Technology Demonstration, gaining 2 cards.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leadership, and spends 12 steel and 1M€ for a Strip Mine, losing 2 energy production, but gaining 2 steel production and 1 titanium production, increases the oxygen level to 2%, and its TR to 23.
MSI spends 18M€ for Venus Survey, then uses it to draw Space Mirrors and Refugee Camps, spending 6M€ to buy both.
Point Luna adds 2 floaters to Floating Trade Hub and spends 4M€ for the Luna Governor, gaining 2M€ production and 2 cards.
Celestic spends 2 titanium and 17M€ for Titan Shuttles, then adds 2 floaters to the card.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2M€ for Psychrophiles then adds a resource to it.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.
Point Luna spends 3M€ for a GMO Contract, gaining 2M€.
Celestic uses its corporate action to add a floater to Titan Shuttles.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
MSI passes.
Point Luna sells 2 cards for 2M€ then spends 8M€ to claim the Terran milestone.
Celestic spends 7M€ for Floater Technology, then uses it to add a floater to Titan Shuttles.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic spends 4M€ for Tardigrades, then places a microbe on it.  Enceladus activates.
Celestic passes.

Production Phase

MSI gains 20M€, 1 steel, 3 energy, and 3 heat.

Point Luna gains 22M€ and 1 titanium.

Celestic gains 24M€ and 1 energy.

Kuiper Cooperative gains 26M€ and 1 titanium.

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 29M€, 2 steel, and 1 titanium.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

No global event.

New Government

Kelvinists become the ruling party. MSI gains 3M€. Point Luna gains 0M€. Celestic gains 0M€. Kuiper Cooperative gains 0M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 0M€.  Neutral delegate becomes chair. Mars First becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Heat First Policy/Global Dust Storm becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Greens, assuming party leadership.   Mohole Lake/Snow Cover becomes the coming event. Local Terraforming Support/Successful Organisms becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Mars First.

Generation 2


Point Luna keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Kuiper Cooperative keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

MSI keeps 2 card, spending 6M€.


Point Luna moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership, and adds 2 floaters to Floating Trade Hub.
Celestic adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles, then uses its corporate action to add another.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 1 titanium and 15M€ for a Trading Colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ production, and gaing 4 asteroid resources on itself.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 17M€ for a colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ production.
MSI spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 6 heat, and spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -28C and its TR to 20.
Point Luna uses the Board of Directors to draw a Prelude card, then spends 1 resource and 12M€ to play Metal-Rich Asteroid, gaining 4 steel, 4 titanium, increasing the temperature to -26C and its TR to 20.
Celestic spends 8M€ to claim the Hoverlord milestone and uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 9M€ for an Inventors' Guild, then uses it to draw a card, then spends 3M€ to buy it.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 10 steel and 3M€ for a Protected Valley in D9, gaining 2M€ production, 2M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, increasing the oxygen level to 3% and its TR to 23.
MSI spends 4M€ for Meltworks, then uses Venus Orbital Survey to reveal Productive Outpost and Titan Floating Launch-Pad, discarding both.
Point Luna spends 4 steel for Rover Construction.
Celestic adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Kuiper Cooperative moves a delegate form the Lobby to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
MSI spends 10M€ for Refugee Camps.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic spends 1M€ for an Earth Office.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First then spends 3M€ for Space Mirrors.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.
MSI passes.
Celestic spends 7M€ for Asteroid Rights, gaining 2 asteroids on the card, then spends 1M€ to add another.
Celestic passes.

Production Phase

Point Luna gains 22M€ and 1 titanium.

Celestic moves 1 energy to heat and gains 23M€ and 1 energy.

Kuiper Cooperative gains 27M€ and 1 titanium.

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 33M€, 2 steel, and 1 titanium.

MSI gains 20M€, 1 steel, 3 energy, and 3 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Global Dust Storm:  Point Luna has 1 building tag and 0 influence, losing 2M€.  Celestic loses 1 heat, has 0 building tags, and 1 influence.  Kuiper Cooperative has 0 building tags and 0 influence.  Interplanetary Cinematics has 3 building tags and 0 influence, losing 6M€.  MSI loses 6 heat, has 3 building tags, and 1 influence, losing 4M€.

New Government

Mars First becomes the ruling party. Point Luna gains 1M€. Celestic gains 0M€. Kuiper Cooperative gains 1M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 3M€.  MSI gains 3M€. Celestic delegate becomes chair, Celestic TR increases to 19. Kelvinists become dominant party.

Changing Times

Mohole Lake/Snow Cover becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Kelvinists.   Local Terraforming Support/Successful Organisms becomes the coming event. Separitist Movement/War on Earth becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Mars First, assuming party leadership.

Generation 3


Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Kuiper Cooperative keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

MSI keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Point Luna keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership, and adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative adds 4 asteroids to itself, then spends 8 asteroids and 5M€ for an asteroid standard project, increasing the temperature to -24C and gaining 1 heat production.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 4M€ for Advertising and 6M€ for a Media Group.
MSI spends 4M€ for a Venus Governor, gaining 2M€ production.
Point Luna uses Board of Directors to draw a Prelude card, spending 12M€ and a resource from the card to play Anti-Desertification Techniques, gaining 1 steel production, 1 plant production, and 3M€, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Celestic uses its corporate action and Floater Technology to add 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 9M€ to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 2M€.  Kuiper Cooperative then spends 6M€ for Archaeobacteria, gaining 1 plant production.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 titanium and 14M€ for Towing a Comet, gaining 2 plants, 1M€ production, and 5M€, increasing the oxygen level to 4%, places an ocean on D7, gaining 2M€, 2 plants, and 1 steel, and increasing its TR to 24.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.
Point Luna spends 9M€ for Mining Rights in E1, gaining 1 steel, 2 titanium, and 1 titanium production, then spends 3 titanium and 1M€ for a Space Station.
Celestic spends 11M€ for a Frontier Town in I10, losing 1 energy production but gaining 9 plants and 1 steel.  Point Luna gains 2M€.  Celestic then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in J10, gaining 2 plants and 1 steel, increasing the oxygen level to 5% and its TR to 20.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 10M€ for an Acquired Company, gaining 3M€ production.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
MSI spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Kelvinists then spends 2 steel and 1M€ for a Sponsored Mohole, gaining 2 heat production.
Point Luna adds 2 floaters to Floating Trade Hub.
Celestic spends an asteroid from Asteroid Rights to gain 2 titanium and adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Kuiper Cooperative moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists, then spends 2M€ for Recruitment, exchanging the neutral delegate in the Kelvinists for one of its own from Reserve, assuming party leadership.
Interplanetary Cinematics adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
MSI uses Venus Orbital Survey, drawing Giant Ice Asteroid and Mass Converter, both of which are discarded, and spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 6 heat.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic spends 1 titanium for a GHG Shipment, gaining 1 heat production and 12 heat.
Kuiper Cooperative uses Inventors' Guild to draw a card, discarding it.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 4 steel and 2M€ for Nuclear Power, losing 2M€ production and gaining 3 energy production, then spends 6M€ for Sponsors, gaining 2M€ production.
MSI spends 5 heat with Meltworks to gain 3 steel.
Celestic spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -22C and its TR to 21.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
MSI passes.
Celestic passes.

Production Phase

Celestic moves 1 energy to heat and gains 25M€ and 1 heat.

Kuiper Cooperative gains 29M€, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 heat.

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 35M€, 2 steel, 1 titanium, and 3 energy.

MSI gains 21M€, 1 steel, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

Point Luna gains 21M€, 1 steel, 2 titanium, and 1 plant.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Snow Cover:  Temperature is reduced to -26C.  Celestic has 2 influence, gaining 2 cards.  Kuiper Cooperative has 2 influence, gaining 2 cards.  Interplanetary Cinematics has 0 influence.  MSI has 1 influence, gaining 1 card.  Point Luna has 0 influence. 

New Government

Kelvinists become the ruling party. Celestic gains 1M€. Kuiper Cooperative gains 1M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 0M€.  MSI gains 5M€. Point Luna gains 0M€. Kuiper Cooperative delegate becomes chair, Kuiper Cooperative TR increases to 23. Scientists become dominant party.

Changing Times

Local Terraforming Support/Successful Organisms becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Scientists.   Separitist Movement/War on Earth becomes the coming event. Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to Unity.

Generation 4


Kuiper Cooperative keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

MSI keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Point Luna keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.


Kuiper Cooperative spends 9M€ to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 2M€.  Kuiper Cooperative then uses Inventors' Guild to draw a card, discarding it.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2 steel and 4M€ for a Colonizer Training Camp then spends 25M€ for a city in E9, gaining 1M€ production and 2M€.  Point Luna gains 2M€.
MSI spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 7 energy, then spends 7M€ for Sister Planet Support, gaining 3M€ production.
Point Luna uses Board of Directors to draw a Prelude card, spends 12M€ and a resource from Board of Directors to play Biolab, gaining 1 plant production and 3 cards, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Celestic uses its corporate action to add a floater to Titan Shuttles, then uses Floater Technology to add another.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 1M€ for a Land Claim in E8 then spends 8M€ to claim the Legend milestone.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 4 plants, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in F9. gaining 1 titanium, increasing the oxygen level to 6% and its TR to 24.
MSI spends 5 heat with Meltworks, gaining 3 steel, then spends 5 steel and 1M€ for a Corporate Stronghold in G5, losing 1 energy production, but gaining 3M€ production, 1 steel, and 2 plants.  Point Luna gains 2M€.
Point Luna spends 1M€ for Hired Raiders, stealing 2 steel from Celestic then spends 9M€ for Advanced Alloys.
Celestic spends 2M€ for Floater Prototypes, adding 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles, then converts 16 floaters on Titan Shuttles to titanium.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 2 titanium and 9M€ for Icy Impactors and 10M€ to add 2 asteroids to it.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.  The Reds become the dominant party.
MSI uses the Venus Orbital Survey to reveal St. Joseph of Cupertino Mission and Virus, discarding both, then spends 7M€ with Space Mirrors to gain 1 energy production.
Point Luna converts 6 floaters on Floating Trade Hub into 6 titanium and spends 10 titanium and 1M€ for an Earth Elevator, gaining 3 titanium production and a card.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity then adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Kuiper Cooperative moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists, assuming party leadership, then adds 5 asteroid resources to itself.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3M€ for Red Tourism, gaining 12M€, then spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Reds, assuming party leadership.
MSI spends 6M€ for the Great Escarpment Consortium, gaining 1 steel production.  Interplanetary Cinematics loses 1 steel production.  MSI then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic spends 8 titanium and 1M€ for Phobos Space Haven, gaining 1 titanium production.  Point Luna gains 2M€.  Celestic then spends 5 titanium for Vesta Shipyard, gaining 1 titanium production.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.
Interplanetary Cinematics adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
MSI passes.
Celestic spends 3 titanium for a Venus Waystation and an asteroid from Asteroid Rights to gain 1M€ production.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2M€ for an Invention Contest, gaining 5M€, drawing 3 cards, and keeping 1.
Celestic spends 11M€ for Omnicourt, increasing its TR to 22.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
Celestic passes.

Production Phase

Kuiper Cooperative gains 29M€, 1 titanium, 1 plant, and 1 heat.

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 36M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, and 3 energy.

MSI moves 7 energy to heat and gains 26M€, 2 steel, 3 energy, and 5 heat.

Point Luna gains 20M€, 1 steel, 5 titanium, and 2 plants.

Celestic gains 27M€, 1 plant, 2 titanium, and 1 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Successful Organisms:  Kuiper Cooperative has 1 plant production and 1 influence, gaining 2 plants.  Interplanetary Cinematics has 0 plant production and 2 influence, gaining 2 plants.  MSI has 0 plant production and 1 influence, gaining 1 plant.  Point Luna has 2 plant production and 1 influence, gaining 3 plants. Celestic has 0 plant production and 0 influence. 

New Government

The Reds become the ruling party. MSI and Point Luna each increase their TR to 18. Interplanetary Cinematics delegate becomes chair,Interplanetary Cinematics TR increases to 24. Scientists become dominant party.

Changing Times

Separitist Movement/War on Earth becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to the Kelvinists.    Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade becomes the coming event. Scientific Progress/Productivity becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Scientists.

Generation 5


Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

MSI keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Point Luna keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Celestic keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Kuiper Cooperative keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 9M€.  Kuiper Cooperative gains 2M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics then spends 14M€ for Neptunian Power Consultants.
MSI spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 8 heat, then uses Venus Orbial Survey to draw Venusian Animals and Field-Capped City, keeping Venusian Animals for free and buying Field-Capped City for 3M€.
Point Luna uses Board of Directors to draw a Prelude card, spends a resource from Board of Directors and 12M€ to play Loan, losing 2M€ production but gaining 30M€, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Reds, assuming party leadership.
Celestic spends 20M€ for an Earth Catapult then adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 3M€ for Micro-Mills, gaining 1 heat production, and 4M€ for Biomass Combustors, gaining 2 energy production.  Point Luna loses 1 plant production.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 21M€ for Titan Air Scrapping, gaining 1M€ production, then spends 1 titanium to add 2 floaters to Titan Air Scrapping.
MSI spends 8 heat to increase the temperature to -24C and its TR to 19, paying 3M€, then spends 8M€ to fund the Venophile award.
Point Luna spends 4 titanium and 2M€ for Solar Logistics, gaining 2 titanium and a card, then spends 4 titanium and 9M€ for a Space Elevator, gaining 1 titanium production.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leaderhip, then uses its corporate action to add a floater to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative uses Inventors' Guild to draw a card, then spends 12M€ for a Toll Station, gaining 14M€ production.
Interplanetary Cinematics adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
MSI sells 2 cards for 2M€ then spends 9M€ for Venus Shuttles.
Point Luna spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€ then spends 18M€ for Tectonic Stress Power, gaining 3 energy production.
Celestic spends 0M€ for Dust Seals then uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 3M€ for Energy Tapping, gaining 1 energy production.  MSI loses 1 energy production.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
MSI spends 5 heat with Meltworks to gain 3 steel, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles and spends 1M€ for an asteroid on Asteroid Rights.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 3M€ for Extremophiles then adds a microbe to it.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Scientists, then spends another 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
MSI passes.
Celestic passes.
Kuiper Cooperative adds 6 asteroid resources to itself and moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.

Production Phase

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 37M€, 1 steel, 1 titanium, and 3 energy.

MSI gains 27M€, 2 steel, 2 energy, and 6 heat.

Point Luna gains 18M€, 1 steel, 6 titanium, 1 plant, and 3 energy.

Celestic gains 26M€, 2 titanium, and 1 heat.

Kuiper Cooperative gains 42M€, 1 titanium, 1 plant, 3 energy, and 2 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

War on Earth:  Interplanetary Cinematics has 3 influence, TR is reduced to 22.  MSI has 1 influence, TR is reduced to 15.  Point Luna has 1 influence, TR is reduced to 14. Celestic has 0 influence, TR is reduced to 16. Kuiper Cooperative 1 influence, TR is reduced to 18. 

New Government

The Scientists become the ruling party. Interplanetary Cinematics gains 0M€.  MSI gains 0M€.  Point Luna gains 4M€.  Celestic gains 1M€.  Kuiper Cooperative gains 2M€. Interplanetary Cinematics delegate becomes chair, Interplanetary Cinematics TR increases to 23. Unity becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Unity.  Scientific Progress/Productivity becomes the coming event. Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Reds.

Generation 6


MSI keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Point Luna keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Celestic keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Kuiper Cooperative keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.


MSI spends 6M€ with Titan Shuttles to increase Venus to 2% and its TR to 16 then spends 10 steel and 9M€ for a Field-Capped City in I7, gaining 4 plants, 1 energy production, and 2M€ production.  Point Luna gains 2M€.
Point Luna spends 3 energy to trade with Europa, gaining 1 plant production, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, assuming party leadership.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, then spends 2 titanium and 1M€ for a Lagrange Observatory, gaining a card.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 2M€.  Kuiper Cooperative then spends an asteroid from Icy Impactors, having MSI place an ocean in F3.  Interplanetary Cinematics spends 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to gain a resource on the card, 1 energy production, and 2M€.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 energy to trade with Titan, gaining 4 floaters on Titan Air Scrapping, then spends 2 of them to increase its TR to 24.
MSI uses Venus Orbital Survey to draw Methane from Titan and Cloud Seeding, discarding both.
Point Luna spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€ then spends 2 titanium for Shuttles, losing 1 energy production but gaining 2M€ production.
Celestic spends 8M€ for Jet Stream Microscrappers then spends 1 titanium to add 2 floaters to it.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 24M€ for Magnetic Shield, increasing its TR to 22, then spends 26M€ for Orbital Reflectors, gaining 2 heat production, increasing Venus to 6% and its TR to 24.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2 steel and 14M€ for a Research Outpost in G11, gaining 1 titanium and 1 steel.  Point Luna gains 2M€. 
MSI spends 4M€ for a Mining Area in J8, gaining 1 steel and 1 steel production.
Point Luna spends 14M€ to fund the Miner award then spends 1 titanium and 2M€ for a Corona Extractor, gaining 4 energy production.
Celestic spends an asteroid from Asteroid Rights to gain 1M€ production and uses Celestic to add a floater to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative uses its corporate action to add 8 asteroid resources to itself, then spends 18 of them for a standard Aquifer in G2, gaining 2 titanium and increasing its TR to 25.  Interplanetary Cinematics spends 5M€ to add a resource to Neptunian Power Consultants and gain 1 energy production.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 1 steel and 13M€ for Cyberia Systems, replicating Nuclear Power and Strip Mine, losing 2M€ production but gaining 1 energy production, 3 steel production, and 1 titanium production.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Point Luna spends 3 titanium for a Spin-Inducing Asteroid, increasing Venus to 10% and its TR to 16, and gaining 2 cards, then spends 18M€ for Sub-Crust Measurements, gaining a card.
Celestic uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Titan Shuttles, and adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 2 titanium and 2M€ for Laser Dusk Mining, losing 1 energy production but gaining 1 titanium production and 4 titanium, then adds a microbe to Extremophiles.
Interplanetary Cinematics add a microbe to Psychrophiles.
MSI spends 5 heat with Meltworks for 3 steel.
Point Luna uses Sub-Crust Measurements to draw a card and adds 2 floaters to Floating Trade Hub.
Celestic adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Kuiper Cooperative moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists then spends 4 titanium for Space Hotels, gaining 4M€ production.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First.
MSI passes.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic spends 4M€ for Underground Detonations, then spends 10M€ to use Underground Detonations to gain 2 heat production.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
Celestic passes.

Production Phase

MSI moves 2 energy to heat and gains 26M€, 3 steel, 3 energy, and 6 heat.

Point Luna gains 18M€, 1 steel, 6 titanium, 2 plants, and 6 energy.

Celestic gains 22M€, 2 titanium, and 3 heat.

Kuiper Cooperative gains 50M€, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 2 energy, and 4 heat.

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 34M€, 4 steel, 2 titanium, and 6 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Interplanetary Trade:  MSI has 2 space tags and 0 influence, gaining 2M€.  Point Luna has 8 space tags and 0 influence, gaining 8M€. Celestic has 7 space tags and 2 influence, gaining 9M€. Kuiper Cooperative 10 space tags and 0 influence, gaining 10M€. Interplanetary Cinematics has 0 space tags and 2 influence,  gaining 2M€. 

New Government

Unity becomes the ruling party. MSI gains 8M€.  Point Luna gains 7M€.  Celestic gains 8M€.  Kuiper Cooperative gains 5M€. Interplanetary Cinematics gains 6M€.  Celestic delegate becomes chair, Celestic TR increases to 16. Mars First becomes dominant party.

Changing Times

Scientific Progress/Productivity becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Mars First.   Charismatic WG President/Interplanetary Trade becomes the coming event. Explore First Directive/Scientific Community becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Reds, assuming party leadership.

Generation 7


Point Luna keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Celestic keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Kuiper Cooperative keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 4 cards, spending 12M€.

MSI keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.


Point Luna spends 3 energy to trade with Ganymede, gaining 3 plants, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in G3, gaining 1 plant and 4M€, increasing the oxygen level to 7% and its TR to 16, and gaining a card.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First then spends 13M€ for Atmo Collectors, gaining 2 floaters on the card.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 9M€ to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics gains 2M€.  Kuiper Cooperative then uses Inventors' Guild to draw a card, discarding it.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 energy to trade with Enceladus, gaining 5 microbes on Psychrophiles, then spends 11M€ for Cutting Edge Technology.
MSI spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 8 heat, then uses Venus Orbital Survey to reveal Soletta and Optimal Aerobraking, discarding both.
Point Luna moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, and uses Sub-Crust Measurements to draw a card.
Celestic spends a floater from Atmo Collectors for 3 energy then spends 3 energy to trade with Europa gaining 1M€ production.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 11M€ for a Subterranean Reservoir in F2, gaining 2 plants and 4M€.  Interplanetary Cinematics spends 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to gain a resource on the card and an energy production.  Kuiper Cooperative then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in E8, gaining 1 plant, 4M€, increasing the oxygen level to 8%, and its TR to 25.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 titanium for a Pioneer Settlement on Europa, losing 2M€ production and placing an ocean in A3, gaining 2 steel, increasing its TR to 23, and spending 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to gain a resource on the card and 1 energy production.
MSI spends 7M€ for a Neutralizer Factory, increasing Venus to 12% and its TR to 16, then spends 9M€ for Thermophiles.
Point Luna spends 14M€ for a Warp Drive then spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
Celestic adds a microbe to Tardigrades and spends 2 titanium for a Stratospheric Expedition, gaining 2 floaters on Jet Stream Microscrappers and drawing Nitrite Reducing Bacteria, Research Colony, Caretaker Contract, Security Fleet, Water to Venus, Big Asteroid, Eos Chasma National Park, Industrial Microbes, Herbivores, Wildlife Dome, Airliners, Carbonate Processing, Colonial Representation, Extreme-Cold Fungus, Extractor Balloons, and Venus Soils, keeping the last 2 and discarding the rest.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 10M€ for Kaguya Tech, gaining 2M€ production, a card, and exchanging the greenery tile in E8 for a city, gaining 1 plant and 4M€.  Point Luna gains 2M€.  Kuiper Cooperative then spends 4M€ and 1 card for an Unexpected Application, increasing Venus to 14% and its TR to 26.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2 floaters from Titan Air-Scrapping to increase its TR to 24.
MSI spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -22C, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -20C, gaining 1 heat production and increasing its TR to 18.
Point Luna adds 2 floaters to Floating Trade Hub then spends 3M€ for Solar Wind Power, gaining 1 energy production and 2 titanium.
Celestic spends 2 floaters from Jet Stream Microscrappers to increase Venus to 16%, gaining a colony on Luna, gaining 2M€ and 2M€ production, and increasing its TR to 17, then spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -18C, increasing its TR to 18.
Kuipier Cooperative spends 7M€ for Solarnet, gaining 2 cards, then spends an asteroid from Icy Impactors to place an ocean, which Point Luna decides will be in A2.  Kuiper Cooperative gains 2M€ and increases its TR to 27.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2 steel for Power Infrastructure.
MSI spends 7M€ with Space Mirrors to gain 1 energy production, then spends 5 steel for an Urbanized Area in H6, losing 1 energy production then gaining 2M€ production and 1 plant.  Point Luna gains 2M€.
Point Luna spends 14M€ for Anti-Gravity Technology then spends 4 titanium and 1M€ for Diemos Down, in C7, gaining 4M€, 4 steel, and 2 plants, increasing the temperature to -12C, gaining 1 plant production and increasing its TR to 19.  MSI loses 6 plants.
Celestic uses its corporate action to add a floater to Titan Shuttles, then uses Floater Technology to add another floater to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 14M€ for Carbon Nanosystems, gaining a resource on the card, then adds a microbe to Extrempohiles.
Inteplanetary Cinematics spends 10M€ for Zeppelins, gaining 7M€ production.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists, then spends 3M€ for Supported Research, gaining 2 cards.
Point Luna spends 5M€ for Dawn City, losing 1 energy production but gaining 1 titanium production and 2M€, then spends 4 titanium for Asteroid Mining, gaining 2 titanium production.
Celestic spends an asteroid from Asteroid Rights to gain 1M€ production, then adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 6M€ for Small Animals.  Point Luna loses 2 plant production.  Kuiper Cooperative then adds an animal to Small Animals.
Interplanetary Cinematics adds a microbe to Psycrhophiles, then uses Power Infrastructure to convert 3 energy into 3M€.
MSI spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -10C and its TR to 19, then spends 3M€ for Heavy Taxation, gaining 2M€ production and 4M€.
Point Luna spends 9M€ for Lunar Exports, gaining 2 plant production and a card.
Celestic spends 5M€ to move a delegate from Reserve to Mars First, assuming party leadership, then spends 3M€ for a Mining Quota, gaining 2 steel production.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 4 titanium and 6M€ for an Atmoscoop, increasing Venus to 20% and its TR to 29, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Kelvinists.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity, assuming party leadership.
MSI spends 1M€ for Envoys from Venus, moving 2 delegate from Reserve to the Scientists, assuming party leadership, then spends 4M€ to activate Venus Shuttles, increasing Venus to 22% and its TR to 21.
Point Luna passes.
Celestic sells a card for 1M€ then spends 10M€ with Underground Detonations to gain 2 heat production.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 6M€ for Building Industries, losing 1 energy production but gaining 2 steel production, then gains 11 asteroid on itself.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 titanium and 7M€ for Ganymede Colony, gaining 1M€ production.  Point Luna gains 2M€.
MSI adds a microbe to Thermophiles.
Celestic passes.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 12 asteroids from itself and 6M€ for a standard aquifer in F6, gaining 2 plants and increaing its TR to 30.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
MSI passes.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -8C and its TR to 31.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.

Production Phase

Point Luna moves 3 energy to heat and gains 21M€, 1 steel, 9 titanium, 4 plants, and 6 energy.

Celestic gains 28M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, and 5 heat.

Kuiper Cooperative moves 2 energy to heat and gains 57M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 4 heat.

Interplanetary Cinematics gains 41M€, 4 steel, 2 titanium, and 8 energy.

MSI moves 2 energy to heat and gains 35M€, 3 steel, 3 energy, and 7 heat.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Productivity:  Point Luna has 1 steel production and 0 influence, gaining 1 steel. Celestic has 2 steel production and 3 influence, gaining 5 steel. Kuiper Cooperative 2 steel production and 0 influence, gaining 2 steel. Interplanetary Cinematics has 4 steel production and 1 influence, gaining 5 steel. MSI has 3 steel production and 0 influence, gaining 3 steel. 

New Government

Mars First becomes the ruling party. Point Luna gains 5M€.  Celestic gains 8M€.  Kuiper Cooperative gains 4M€. Interplanetary Cinematics gains 7M€.  MSI gains 8M€.  Celestic delegate becomes chair, Celestic TR increases to 18. Scientists become dominant party.

Changing Times

Minimal Impact Policy/Dry Deserts becomes the current event, neutral delegate added to Unity.    Explore First Directive/Scientific Community becomes the coming event. Experimental Lifeforms/Eco Sabotage becomes the distant event. Neutral delegate added to the Reds, assuming party leadership.

Generation 8


Celestic keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.

Kuiper Cooperative keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

Interplanetary Cinematics keeps 2 cards, spending 6M€.

MSI keeps 3 cards, spending 9M€.

Point Luna keeps 1 card, spending 3M€.


Celestic spends a floater from Atmo Collecotrs to gain 3 energy then spends 3 energy to trade with Luna, gaining 12M€.  Kuiper Cooperative and Interplanetary Cinematics each gain 2M€.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 3 steel and 1M€ for a SF Memorial, drawing a card, and uses Inventors' Guild to draw another card, spending 3M€ to buy it.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 3 energy to trade with Callisto, gaining 7 energy, then spends 23M€ for a greenery tile in F10, gaining 1 steel and increasing the oxygen level to 9% and its TR to 24.
MSI spends 6M€ for Heather, gaining 1 plant production and 1 plant, and 10M€ for Outdoor Sports, gaining 2M€ production.
Point Luna spends 3 energy to trade with Io, gaining 4 heat.  MSI gains 2 heat.  Point Luna then moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Celestic uses its corporate action to add a floater to Atmo Collectors then uses Floater Technology to add a floater to Jet Stream Microscrappers.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 8M€ for a Terraforming Contract, gaining 4M€ production, then spends 1 titanium and 1M€ for Rim Freighters.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends a microbe from Psychrophiles for a Harvest, gaining 17M€, then spends 2 titanium and 14M€ for a Comet, gaining 5M€, increasing the temperature to -6C, placing an ocean in D5, gaining a card, 2M€, and a steel and increasing its TR to 26, then spends 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to gain a resource on the card and 1 energy production.  Point Luna loses 3 plants.
MSI spends 4M€ with Venus Shuttles to increase Venus to 24% and its TR to 21, then uses Venus Orbital Survey to draw Galilean Waystation and Imported Hydrogen, discarding both.
Point Luna uses Sub-Crust Measurements to draw a card and spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€.
Celestic spends 2 floaters from Jet-Stream Microscrappers to increase Venus to 26% and its TR to 18 then adds a microbe to Tardigrades.
Kuiper Cooperative spends 1 titanium and 38M€ for Io Mining Industries, gaining 2 titanium production and 2M€ production, then moves a delegate from the Lobby to the Scientists.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 2 floaters from Titan Air-Scrapping to increase its TR to 27, then spends 11M€ for Adaptation Technology.
MSI adds a microbe to Thremophiles and spends 7M€ with Space Mirrors to gain 1 energy production.
Point Luna spends 5 steel and 5M€ for Magnetic Field Generators in I8, losing 4 energy production but gaining 2 plant production and 1 steel, moving 2 delegates from Reserve to the Reds, assuming party leadership, and increasing its TR to 21, then spends 0M€ for Satellites, gaining 13M€ production.
Celestic moves a delegate from the Lobby to Mars First, then spends 0M€ for Jovian Envoys, moving 2 delegates from Reserve to Mars First, assuming party leadership.
Kuiper Cooperative adds a microbe to Extremophiles and an animal to Small Animals.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 4 steel and 1M€ for a Spin-Off Department, gaining 2M€ production.
MSI spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to -4C and its TR to 22 then spends 7 steel and 1M€ for Steelworks.
Point Luna spends 6 titanium for a Large Convoy, gaining 5 plants and 2 cards, placing an ocean in E6, gaining 2 plants and 4M€, and increasing its TR to 22.  Interplanetary Cineamtics spends 5M€ with Neptunian Power Consultants to gain a resource on the card and 1 energy production.
Celestic spends 10M€ with Underground Detonations to gain 2 heat production and 1M€ to add an asteroid to Asteroid Rights.
Kuiper Cooperative gains 13 asteroid resouces on itself.
Interplantary Cinematics spends 2M€ for Red Ships, then uses them to gain 5M€.
MSI moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity then spends 1M€ production to add a resource to Refugee Camps.
Point Luna spends 25M€ for a city in H2, gaining 1M€ production, 4M€, 2 plants, and 1 steel.
Celestic adds 2 floaters to Titan Shuttles and spends 5 steel for a Martian Zoo.
Kuiper Cooperative passes.
Interplanetary Cinematics adds a microbe to Psychrophiles.
MSI passes.
Point Luna spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in H4, gaining 1 plant and 1 steel and increasing the oxygen level to 10%, then spends 8 plants for a greenery tile in I4, gaining 1 plant, 1 steel, 1 card, increasing the oxygen level to 11%, the temperature to -2C, and its TR to 25.
Celestic spends 8 heat to raise the temperature to 0C, placing an ocean in H4, gaining 1 steel, 2M€, and increasing its TR to 20, then spends 2 steel and 1M€ for Peroxide Power, losing 1M€ production but gaining 2 energy production.
Interplanetary Cinematics moves a delegate from the Lobby to Unity.
Point Luna spends 4 titanium for an Interstellar Colony Ship and adds 2 floaters to Floating Trade Hub.
Celestic spends 1 steel and 22M€ for a Capital in B3, losing 2 energy production but gaining 1 steel, 6M€, and 5M€ production.  Point Luna gains 2M€.  Celestic then spends 3M€ for Media Archives, gaining 20M€.
Interplanetary Cinematics uses Power Infrastructure to convert 4 energy into 4M€.
Point Luna spends 7M€ for Lunar Mining, gaining 5 titanium production and a card.
Celestic uses Martian Zoo to gain 1M€ then spends 16M€ for Venus Soils, gaining 1 plant production, 2 microbes on Tardigrades, and increases Venus to 28% and its TR to 21.
Interplanetary Cinematics spends 13M€ for Predators, then uses it to consume a Small Animal.
Point Luna spends 1 steel with Space Elevator to gain 5M€, then sells a card for 1M€.
Celestic spends 17M€ for Extractor Balloons, gaining 3 floaters on the card, then spends 2 of them to increase Venus to 30% and its TR to 22.
Interplanetary Cinematics passes.
Point Luna spends 3 steel and 7M€ for a Great Dam in D6, gaining 2 energy production, 1 steel, 2 plants, and 4M€.
Celestic passes.
Point Luna passes.

Production Phase

Celestic gains 36M€, 2 steel, 2 titanium, 1 plant, and 7 heat.

Kuiper Cooperative moves 1 energy to heat and gains 62M€, 2 steel, 4 titanium, 1 plant, 1 energy, and 4 heat.

Interplanetary Cinematics moves 8 energy to heat and gains 46M€, 4 steel, 2 titanium, and 10 energy.

MSI moves 3 energy to heat and gains 47M€, 3 steel, 1 plant, 4 energy, and 7 heat.

Point Luna moves 3 energy to heat and gains 41M€, 1 steel, 14 titanium, 6 plants, and 4 energy.

Solar Phase


All active colonies advance their trade markers one space to the right.

Turmoil Phase

TR Revision

All players TR is reduced by 1.

Global Event

Minimal Impact Policy: 

The Players





Terraform Rating

Bill Scharf MSI
Black 8
Keith Marple Point Luna
Andy York
Blue 4
Chris Geggus
Kuiper Cooperative
Yellow 5
Dave Hooton
Interplanetary Cinematics
Passing will go down this list in odd generations, while passing will go up in even generations. Player in bold is current first player.








Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand Production On Hand
Bill Scharf 15
Keith Marple 15
Andy York 14
Chris Geggus 32
Dave Hooton

Colony Name

Colony 1

Colony 2

Colony 3

Resource Marker

(1 energy production) (1 energy production) (1 energy production) 2 (2 energy)
(3 microbes) (3 microbes) (3 microbes) 3 (2 microbes)
(1 ocean) (1 ocean) (1 ocean) 3 (1 energy production)
(1 plant production)
(1 plant production) (1 plant production) 2 (2 plants)
(1 heat production) (1 heat production) 3 (4 heat)
Kuiper Cooperative
Interplanetary Cinematics
(2M€ production) 5 (10M€)
(2 floaters) (2 floaters) (2 floaters) 4 (2 floaters)

The numbers in the Resource Marker column indicate the box, numbered from left to right, while the number in parenthesis is the number of resources to be gained from that space.  N/A indicates that the marker is not in place because a card that can accept those resources is not in play.  Text in the colony spaces indicates either the owner of the colony, or the benefit of establishing a colony there.

Terraforming Committee

Netural MSI Point Luna
Kuiper Cooperative
Interplanetary Cinematics
Mars First
Chair is Celestic. Ruling Party: Mars First.  Faction in bold is party leader.

Global Events

Coming Current
Red Resistance/Homeworld Support Experimental Lifeforms/Eco Sabotage Explore First Directive/Scientific Community



Point Luna


Kuiper Cooperative

Interplanetary Cinematics