Drentsche Patrijshond

Machiavelli - Standard Victory Conditions, Natural Disasters, Special Military Units, Moneylenders, Conquest, White Press

Summer 728

Deadline/Fall 728 3/11 Tuesday

France stays on the defensive while the Byzantines continue to fight against both the Pope and the Lombards.  The Pope instigates further treachery.


Papacy borrows 8 ducats for 2 years (12 ducats due Summer 730) and spends 12 ducats to disband Byzantine F Upper Adriatic.

Outstanding Loans

Fall 728:  15 ducats due from Byzantines (12 borrowed).

Summer 730:  12 ducats due from Papasy (8 borrowed).


Byzantines (Wilson)
A Ferrara to Bologna, A Verona to Trent, A Bari to Aquila, A Padua to Verona, F  Upper Adriatic to Lower Adriatic (nsu), F Salerno to Otranto, F Gulf of Naples to Ionain Sea, F Naples to Capua, F Sardinia supports F Tyrrhenaian Sea, F Western Mediterranean supports F Sardinia, F Tyrrhenian Sea supports F Naples to Capua
France (Robles)
F Corsica supports F Gulf of Lions, F Gulf of Lions supports F Corsica
Lombards (Burgdorf)
A Turin to Como, A Parma to Mantua, A Fornova to Parma, A Aquila to Bari, A Modena supports A Parma to Mantua, A Trent to Verona
Papacy (Narhi)
A Bologna supports Lombard A Parma to Mantua (cut), A Rome holds, A Pisa to Piombino, A Lucca supports A Bologna, A Durazzo holds, A Perugia to Sienna, F Lower Adriatic holds (u)


Drentsche Patrijshond, Issue 300

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